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1943 results

11 Aug 2010

The enigma of 5.1.19 in Richard III

Thesis - 2 pages - Literature

Richard III as a historical play is interesting because of its large focus on questions of the supernatural. The play considers, or forces the reader to consider, such ideas as the power of prophecy and dreams, ghostly interactions, pre-destination, divine intervention, and so on. The...

11 Aug 2010

The ambiguity of motive in Chaucer's Canterbury tales

Thesis - 2 pages - Literature

The reality presented in Geoffrey Chaucer's Canterbury Tales is one that is skewed by both Chaucer, the writer, and his fictional persona of humble narrator, who is the only source of information in the poem. The resulting overlay of these different perspectives and the reader's dependence on...

11 Aug 2010

The effect of the pilgrim's purpose in Chaucer's Canterbury fabliaux

Thesis - 3 pages - Literature

According to Robert E. Lewis in his “The English Fabliau Tradition and Chaucer's ‘Miller's Tale',” the heyday of the French fabliaux lasted from “the late twelfth century to the 1340s.” In addition, as Lewis goes on to point out, the French genre appeared in several...

11 Aug 2010

Roman, provincial and Islamic law by Patricia Crone

Book review - 3 pages - Literature

The basic thesis of Patricia Crone's Roman, Provincial and Islamic Law is that the sharia is, at least in part, derived from what the author calls “Roman provincial law”, and not from pre-Islamic Arabian cultures, other Near-East cultures (Egyptians, Akkadians and Jews among others) or...

11 Aug 2010

Victorian morals in Dracula

Thesis - 3 pages - Literature

Two of the most compelling and interesting themes and elements of Dracula are the themes of “life as a positive and perpetual entity”, and the fleeting, sinful and worthless nature of a life centered around earthly pleasures and indulgences. The theme of the perpetuity of some kind of...

11 Aug 2010

The Handmaid's tale

Thesis - 3 pages - Literature

Margaret Atwood's “The Handmaid's Tale” is described as a classic dystopian novel, presenting the subjugation of women under a theocratic totalitarian social framework in a fictitious future. Atwood's dystopia takes place in the Republic of Gilead and the narrator is the central...

11 Aug 2010

Midwestern poets

Thesis - 2 pages - Literature

There were five famous Midwestern poets in the 20th century. The five were Carl Sandburg, Edgar Lee Masters, Vachel Lindsey, Edna St. Vencent Millay, and Sara Teasdale. Sandburg, Masters, and Lindsey were from Illinois; Sandburg, Millay and Lindsey were first recognized in Harriet Monroe's...

11 Aug 2010

Modern poetry and imagism

Thesis - 3 pages - Literature

Perhaps modern poetry can be traced back to one man, T.E. Hulme. He defined classical and romantic poetry, which helped distinguish what modern poetry really was. Before modern poetry was considered “modern poetry”, there was classical poetry, and there was romantic poetry. In order to...

11 Aug 2010

Harriet Monroe

Thesis - 2 pages - Literature

Harriet Monroe was born on December 23rd, 1860 to Samuel and Amelia Monroe. She was born in Chicago, where she spent most of her life. Her father was a lawyer, and she spent most of her time in his library reading his poetry books. She studied at Dearborn Seminary in Chicago. She wrote a sonnet...

11 Aug 2010

Reincarnation: The repression of past-life teachings political, not spiritual

Thesis - 2 pages - Philosophy

Noting the resurrection of all in nature, reincarnation may remain at center stage: very prominent and well respected in the first 500 years of Christianity. In his "Confessions" even St. Augustine wonders about the viability of reincarnation. Emperor Constantine omitted the earliest references...

10 Aug 2010

Spectrum of consciousness: Time, eternity, space and infinity

Thesis - 2 pages - Philosophy

It has been established that Reality is a level of consciousness, and it is ultimately and inherently ungraspable and unthinkable by the human mind. In this chapter, Wilber discusses how consciousness is not contained by the human body or mind, but is Absolute Subjectivity, so termed because the...

10 Aug 2010

Do androids dream of electric sheep: A review

Book review - 2 pages - Literature

Edward James states in his piece, Science Fiction in the Twentieth Century, that, “Because science fiction deals with imaginative alternatives to the real world, [it] also offers criticism of that world.” In Philip K. Dick's novel, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep, that criticism is...

10 Aug 2010

Monster and man: The contrasting enemies of epic heroes

Thesis - 3 pages - Literature

Epic heroes can be defined by the kinds of enemies against which they battle. Odysseus used his intellect while contending with Cyclops, witches, harpies, and other various horrific beasts. As Greece was renowned for its philosophers and mathematicians, it is not a difficult link to make...

10 Aug 2010

The Tale of Genji and the four major plays of Chikamatsu

Thesis - 3 pages - Literature

The Tale of Genji can be used to show how samurai culture varies from the culture of the Heian courts. The samurai culture is honorable, loyal, and respectful, while the Heian courts were polygamous and corrupt in some aspects. Many of the aristocrats of the Heian courts strive only to gain power...

10 Aug 2010

Young Goodman Brown's despair

Essay - 1 pages - Literature

Evil is mankind's nature: How the use of religious symbolism of faith and the devil caused Goodman Brown's despair from within, in the story of Young Goodman Brown, by Nathaniel Hawthorne. It's only natural that our curiosity has caused some, to fall victim to form evil and temptation. Goodman...

10 Aug 2010

The myth and legend of King Arthur

Thesis - 2 pages - Literature

There is a mysterious allure and fantasy that is generated when one hears Excalibur, Knights of the Round Table, and the magic of Merlin which are all a part of the Myth and Legend of King Arthur that has created a blueprint for the heroism and honor: How the Legend of King Arthur defined a culture.

09 Aug 2010

Fahrenheit 451, Dandelion Wine and From the Dust Returned

Thesis - 2 pages - Literature

Having been told I had to choose an author and read three of their novels, I chose the strange and unusual author Ray Bradbury. Bradbury writes about science fiction which interests me. For this reason, I have decided to read Bradbury's novels as a basis for my paper. The novels I chose to read...

09 Aug 2010

The make-up of a successful kingdom

Thesis - 3 pages - Philosophy

After reading St. Augustine's The City of God and Aristotle's The Nicomachean Ethics, it is clear that the formula for a successful kingdom is the same now as it was in the days of St. Augustine and Socrates. The City of God focuses on teamwork in order to bring success to a kingdom while The...

09 Aug 2010

The grass dancer

Thesis - 2 pages - Literature

During a lifetime, one will always encounter lies. These lies are road blocks along the journey called life, some being very harmful to one's life while others are hardly harmful at all. Susan Power's The Grass Dancer is filled with the type of lies which are life-altering. The three major lies...

09 Aug 2010

One last blessing

Essay - 1 pages - Philosophy

You are a Roman merchant, walking down the dusty road from Jerusalem to Bethany. It's a warm morning in early spring; the summer sun hasn't yet begun to bake the land, and you would swear you could feel a breeze from the Mediterranean, even though it's nearly forty miles away. You breathe...

09 Aug 2010

Through the ages

Thesis - 3 pages - Literature

The passage of time influences everyone in one way or another. In her novel, Mama Day, Gloria Naylor illustrates the strength and importance of the connection between ancestry and the present. The title character Mama Day (Miranda) finds personal strength and wisdom through her great...

09 Aug 2010

The innocent man by John Grisham: A review

Book review - 2 pages - Literature

John Grisham has been a favorite author of mine since fourth grade when I picked up A Time to Kill for the first of many times. That fictional novel was the start of my love for his exciting, fast paced storytelling and The Firm, The Client, The Pelican Brief, The Chamber and The Testament...

09 Aug 2010

The daydreamer essay

Thesis - 2 pages - Literature

This story focuses on the repetition in Peter's life that could be applicable on several levels to many people. His days a just a series of motions and this may encourage Peter to create a fantasy world in order to escape. A type of fantasy is an escape for Peter but, as shown by McEwan's other...

09 Aug 2010

Book review of Undress me in the temple of heaven

Book review - 1 pages - Literature

The author Susan and her Ivy League friend Claire declare to each other that they want to travel and experience the world as it is after graduation. Their idealism, youth, and naiveté meet head on with a Chinese culture not used to tourists or any Westerners at all. Claire and Susan are...

09 Aug 2010

Essay on Christ in Majesty

Thesis - 2 pages - Philosophy

As one walks through the medieval gallery in the Museum of Fine Arts, the prevalence and emotion of the religious artwork is profound. But, it is not until one walks into an indiscreet open doorway that one sees the grandiose work that is the apse fresco from Santa Maria de Mur. Christ in Majesty...

06 Aug 2010

Shakespeare's King Lear

Thesis - 3 pages - Literature

William Shakespeare's King Lear tragically ends with the death of many characters in the play's final scene. Act V, scene 3 brings about the confrontation of the opposing characters, resulting in disorder and many untimely deaths. Amidst this chaos is the character Kent. Kent is King Lear's...

06 Aug 2010

A write up on Romeo and Juliet

Thesis - 2 pages - Literature

William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet is the story of two young teenagers infatuated with each other, but their love is forbidden by their respected families. Romeo, a Montague, and Juliet, a Capulet, must hide their relationship from everyone, for word of their being together would cause havoc...

06 Aug 2010

Lord of the Flies: Leadership and its consequences

Thesis - 3 pages - Literature

While there is vast disagreement over what exactly defines leadership, most agree that it is a response to societal needs. Ultimately, leaders provide consistent assurance and protection from external as well as internal threats. In view of that, the concept purely results from the...

06 Aug 2010

Filicide in Euripides' Bacchae and Toni Morrison's Beloved

Thesis - 2 pages - Literature

The murder of a child, under any circumstance, is an overwhelming and catastrophic incident for any parent. However, when the parent becomes the murderer, it is only normal to question the underlying motives. Simply labeling a parent “crazy” creates no defense against future iniquity...

06 Aug 2010

Pascal's dethroned king

Thesis - 3 pages - Philosophy

The problem with treating a book like Pascal's Pensees as an apologetic is that images and analogies like the dethroned king thereby lose much of their force. As a description of the human condition, considered without reference to the question of why it is true, its power grows the more we...