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1946 results

06 Oct 2024

In your opinion, should there be limits to freedom of the press?

Essay - 1 pages - Philosophy

One of the pillars of democracies, freedom of the press is a fundamental right guaranteed by the 1st amendment to the US Constitution. It ensures people are properly informed, as when the Washington Post revealed the Watergate scandal which led to the resignation of President Nixon in 1974. Yet...

02 Oct 2024

The moral status of non-human animals - Ethical Dilemmas in Human-Animal Relations: Speciesism, Benign Carnivorism, and Animal Experimentation

Essay - 5 pages - Philosophy

In today's society, the ethical treatment of animals has become the subject of a powerful debate. Our obligation to manage the complex principle of ethical questions surrounding the role of animals in our environment grows as our knowledge of animal cognition, sentience, and emotions deepens....

02 Oct 2024

Philosophy of Science: Karl Popper and Thomas Kuhns Debate

Essay - 6 pages - Philosophy

This essay aims to discuss the contribution of Karl Popper and Thomas Kuhns theories to the philosophy of science and how their debates in their journals contrasted with each other. Kuhn's thought of paradigm and paradigm shift in his normal science. Popper rather went in a different...

01 Oct 2024

The Great Gatsby, Chapter III, Excerpt - Francis Scott Fitzgerald (1925)

Text commentary - 3 pages - Literature

In this excerpt from Francis Scott Fitzgerald's novel The Great Gatsby, the narrator, Nick Carraway, offers a reflective account of his life as a young bond salesman during a summer in New York. After having described the dazzling and opulent parties held at Jay Gatsby's mansion, Nick now...

01 Oct 2024

Walden or Life in the Woods, Excerpt - H. D. Thoreau (1854)

Text commentary - 4 pages - Literature

In the intricate labyrinth of literature that delves into the realm of human interaction with the natural world, few works have as much reverence and significance as Henry David Thoreau's "Walden or Life in the Woods." Written in the serene setting of Walden Pond, where Thoreau spent two...

03 Sep 2024

A gothic short story

Creative writing - 1 pages - Linguistics & languages

The following gothic short story takes place in the eighteenth century, in a little countryside named Alohaa. Very few people have already been there. Indeed, a lot of mysterious things have happened. (...)

31 Aug 2024

The Bastard - Erskine Caldwell (1929) - What was the writer's purpose with the expression of violence in this novel?

Text commentary - 2 pages - Literature

'Where there is no human connection (...) there is no compassion. The isolated turn cruel in the forms of domestic and civil violence' here is a brief definition from the writer Susan Vreeland which perfectly matches the title character of Erskine Caldwell's crime novel The Bastard....

30 Aug 2024

The Things They Carried, Ambush - Tim O'Brien (1990) - How does the past affect the present in this essay?

Text commentary - 7 pages - Literature

Perhaps more than any other group in society, veterans have a difficult and painful past. Some remember their combat experiences vividly; Some block them entirely. The Things They Carried, by Tim O'Brien (b. 1946), is a collection of short stories that are interdependent. All of these stories...

30 Aug 2024

Great Expectations, Chapter 41 - Charles Dickens (1861) - Pip's Assessment of a Past Event

Text commentary - 2 pages - Literature

Published in 1861 and written by Charles Dickens, Great Expectations is the perfect illustration of the Victorian period. Through this novel, Dickens portrays different social classes in industrial Britain, and mock the aristocracy. Different styles are blended together (notably gothic and...

02 Aug 2024

Brain Drain and Reverse Brain Drain - Interview

Creative writing - 3 pages - Linguistics & languages

This written expression exercise simulates an interview in English for a talk show "Talk About It." The subject is the brain drain phenomenon.

30 Jul 2024

Death of a Salesman - Arthur Miller (1949) - American theater in the 20th century

Book review - 5 pages - Literature

Miller's play is based on a number of assumptions on national, social identity of his audience. He imagined that he would really address a wide-social spectrum and not just Americans impatient with any theatrical enterprise that require education or patience. He addressed a serious audience,...

25 Jul 2024

The Plough and the Stars - Sean O'Casey (1926) - How does the author show his political commitment?

Text commentary - 3 pages - Literature

As Pagans' character John from Thomas MacDonagh's play quotes 'A man who is a mere author is nothing' in 1915, most of the Irish writers, especially playwriters of the period are not only talented dramatists but also national-convinced activists, politically committed and often...

25 Jul 2024

Linguistics - Adjectives and pronouns

Worksheets - 9 pages - Linguistics & languages

Adverbs must modify the verb. For instance: She played the guitar dreadfully. The adverb doesn't always change the verb and describes the speaker's attitude. Prescriptivism leads to binary distinctions. One particular form is considered to be more elegant, easier to understand etc. It...

25 Jul 2024

The sonnet: 20th-21st century - British Poetry

Course material - 3 pages - Literature

Wilfred Owen was 25 when he died. Literary man who was a poet and knew people who published, that is how his poems were published. Monument in British culture. Wilfred knew what the war was about, the dominating powers behind it... When analysing, first impression is the first thing we should...

24 Jul 2024

Runaway, Trespasses, Extract - Alice Munro (2004)

Text commentary - 3 pages - Literature

'Every man must define his identity against his mother. If he does not, he just falls back into her and is swallowed up' wrote the American polemist Camille Paglia. Everything is also a question of identity in Alice Munro's short story collection Runaway, published in 2004. The...

21 Jul 2024

Romeo and Juliet - Shakespeare (1597) ; Snow falling on Cedars - David Guterson (1995) ; Photo by Annie Leibovitz - Forbidden Love

Text commentary - 1 pages - Literature

The topic of forbidden love is approached in each document. The first one is an excerpt from Romeo and Juliet written by the famous Shakespeare, a British poet of the 16th century. Corneille, Racine, Aristotle, and Horace are emblematic figures of this theatrical movement. The second one is a...

19 Jul 2024

The Importance of Being Earnest, Act II - Oscar Wilde (1895)

Text commentary - 3 pages - Literature

'As a man sow, so shall he reap': a biblical saying that Miss Prism, as a good Christian, must have been taught at church. But to feel righteous, it is not enough to utter it as she does when reacting to the tidings of Jack's brother's death, it also takes to apply it personally....

19 Jul 2024

Break It Down, Once A Very Stupid Man - Lydia Davis (1986) - How does the author convey a peculiar writing style and sense to her story?

Text commentary - 1 pages - Literature

As the American writer, Matthew Weiner wrote « Identity is part of drama to me. Who am I? Why am I behaving this way? And am I aware of it? », this quote could genuinely sum up the quintessential quest drawn from Lydia Davis's Break It Down short story, entitled Once A Very Stupid Man and...

15 Jul 2024

The Figure in the Carpet - Henry James (1896) - The meaning of art and literature

Text commentary - 2 pages - Literature

The narrator, a young book reviewer, is asked by Corvik, one of his colleagues, to write a review of a well-known author's (named Vereker) latest book. Having read the review, Vereker seizes the opportunity, when he meets the narrator, to tease him by revealing that he has missed the most...

01 Jul 2024

Oral Defense Sheet on the Concept of Spaces and Exchanges

Presentation - 1 pages - Linguistics & languages

I am going to reflect on spaces and changes ongoing in our society. In these modern times, the internet has become, by all means, as real as a physical place. It is a significant change in the history of humanity: a virtual space has become part of everyday life.

30 Jun 2024

Rule, Britannia! - James Thomson (1740); UKIP Party Song - Jonny and the Baptists (2013); The New York Times, How Britain Voted in the E.U. Referendum - Gregor Aisch, Adam Pearce and Karl Russell (2016); History of British Empire for Dummies - The United Kingdom, Between Unity and Division

Tutorials/exercises - 2 pages - Linguistics & languages

The document comments on the two notions of "Space and Exchanges" and "Places and Forms of Power" in the context of the history of Great Britain and the Commonwealth. The commentary answer the questions "How was the UK built and what cultural model did it set up?" and "What consequences did the...

26 May 2024

Pride and prejudice - Joe Wright (2005) - To what extent do the male characters' actions serve to characterise their personalities?

Essay - 1 pages - Linguistics & languages

This document analyzes the difference in the male characters' personalities in the movie Pride and Prejudice. It aims at providing a presentation of the characters that is out of the box.

26 May 2024

PESTEL Analysis - Japan

Presentation - 2 pages - Linguistics & languages

First things first: Japan enjoys a stable political situation and has been for a long time. It is a monarchy, nevertheless, just like the UK or Spain, the current emperor, Akihito, has very restricted power when it comes to the country's political or economic developments. He is a much more...

26 May 2024

The Guardian, We are family - Maureen Rice (2002) - Gay Adoption

Presentation - 2 pages - Linguistics & languages

The document is an editorial analysis in the form of an oral presentation on the theme of gay adoption. The 1976 Adoption Act prohibited unmarried couples from jointly adopting a child. Twenty-five years later, on May 16, 2002, the British government presented an amendment in order to lift the...

24 May 2024

Merger and acquisitions

Tutorials/exercises - 9 pages - Linguistics & languages

This document offers exercises intended for students studying accounting, finance or business management. They include exercises calling on a variety of skills such as written and oral comprehension, vocabulary...

15 May 2024

Cover Letter to Apply to an English University in Applied Arts

Sample letter - 1 pages - Linguistics & languages

This document is a cover letter that can be used to apply to an English university in applied arts.

14 May 2024

Write a fantastic text - "The beast of the Highlands"

Creative writing - 3 pages - Linguistics & languages

"It was late in the evening, but Duncan O'Neil was still. He was reading every newspaper from England. All newspapers were talking about the same thing : the mysterious beast of the Highlands. Duncan was a journalist for a magazine and he was now very tired."

12 May 2024

Grammar exercises

Tutorials/exercises - 1 pages - Linguistics & languages

This document includes 4 corrected English exercises in the form of MCQs, rewriting and translation.

11 May 2024

Dialogue: everyday hero

Creative writing - 2 pages - Linguistics & languages

"Create a dialogue between you and a hero. This hero must be an everyday hero (Example: policeman, firefighter, member of an association, family member, person dear to us). The text must be well structured, expressive and emotional."

03 May 2024

How do artists use their work as political statements?

Essay - 2 pages - Politic philosophy

Art has, for a very long time, been a way for artists to express their opinions or political beliefs. Offering artists a means to voice their opinions and often criticise social norms, Art is therefore an advocate for change. Through various forms such as literature, film, music, and visual arts,...