Dialogue comparing the analytical lenses of new criticism and deconstructionism through Frankenstein
Case study - 5 pages - Literature
Torrents of rain fell from the black clouds above as if the sky gained sentience for the eerie day at hand. The children ran around in peculiar guises, feigning safety from the evils of the world by hiding behind their plastic masks. The roads grew too thick with water and began to steal the...
Ancient Indian wisdom: An inquire into the Hindu scriptures
Case study - 5 pages - Philosophy
Of late, all over the world and more particularly in India, several discussions, seminars and conferences are being conducted on bio-diversity which is closely linked with the other ecological issues like pollution, global warming, deforestation etc. Contemporary scientists, agencies and...
Discerning symbolic meanings in two pericopes from the Gospel of John
Case study - 4 pages - Literature
The Gospel of John was written after the synoptic gospels, and was intended to explain teachings of Jesus as well as ideals in a way unexpressed previously throughout the New Testament. John does this through inserting comparative meanings within the gospel, most of which serve to further prove...
Biblical criticism and the search for Jesus
Case study - 2 pages - Literature
The Bible is one of the most studied written works in the world today, due to its immense capability for interpretation. People often argue on whether certain works within it should be taken as literal or figurative, without considering the Bible's diverse origins. Once taken into account the...
English learning issues in Canada: Suggestions for an easier command
Case study - 2 pages - Literature
In many countries, residents who do not have a perfect command of its official language(s) are a cause for concern for many people including themselves, parents, educators, and policymakers. A 2011 study found that a significant number of Canadian residents, representing fourteen percent of the...
Shakespeare and the Deus Ex Machina
Case study - 4 pages - Literature
Throughout the entirety of Shakespeare's work, people of all walks of life encounter conflict on nearly every available front. Be it the clash of cultures, as in Othello: The Moor of Venice; a conflict of beliefs and morals as in Measure for Measure or the family and existential conflicts found...
Adorno and Horkheimer, Arendt, and Marcuse
Case study - 4 pages - Literature
Throughout history, even the most abstract philosophers wrote the majority of their work about their daily life, surroundings, and society. As time, society and technology progressed, a similar progression became evident in the writing of modern philosophers. In the twentieth century, many of...
Feminism in Three Perspectives
Case study - 3 pages - Literature
Women have always been labeled the weaker sex. Evolutionists will say that men have adapted to be physically stronger, as it is their role to provide for his family and protect them. Religious scholars will tell you that wives must defer to their husbands, and were created as mere compliments...
The Silent Holocaust
Case study - 2 pages - Literature
Four generations previous to my own, Adolf Hitler was responsible for the death of 64 of the world's Jewish population, (The Number of Jews ). The National Jewish Population Survey indicates that in another four generations, the Jewish population will decrease by another 85-98 (Will...
The use of figurative language in "Turtle" and "My son my executioner"
Case study - 2 pages - Literature
Although not unique to the medium, figurative language and poetry are nearly inseparable. In even the most simplistic poems, authors make heavy use of metaphors, symbols, personification, assonance, alliteration and much more to underscore the themes of their works. Two poems, written by the...
The Hindu philosophical thought
Case study - 10 pages - Literature
It has been told by Sri Madhvacharya (13th Century), one of the prominent philosophical leaders of India, that Wondrous multitude is this world, extensively vivid is this world and by virtue of these, the creator is par-excellent, infinite and powerful. This praise denotes the...
Analysis of Roman Polanski's Rosemary's Baby
Case study - 2 pages - Literature
The film Rosemary's Baby plays on a common fear most people in society think about at some point: the existence of evil in the world. In fact, it would be safe to say that it is a story that if one were deeply spiritual could possibly think could come true; in the Bible there is detailed...
Life as an indentured servant in Colonial Maryland
Case study - 2 pages - Linguistics & languages
My name is Sarah Malie and I am what you would refer to as an indentured servant. I am twenty-four years old and was born in London, England. My mother was originally from there and my father, Sidney Malie, came to London from Glasgow, Scotland. We were a poor family that had too many mouths...
Benjamin Franklin's autobiography
Case study - 2 pages - Literature
One of the major themes of The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin is that of self improvement. Although there may be certain points during the story where the reader may get the impression Franklin was more into bragging about his lifetime accomplishments than encouraging readers to improve...
Analysis of Huckleberry Finn and The Scarlet Letter
Case study - 2 pages - Literature
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter not only both tell us about how people are constricted and controlled by the societies in which they live, but tell you that there is no escape from it. Through characters such as Hester, Dimmesdale, Huck, and Jim the authors of...
Wood Fences and Petals on a Wet Black Bough: A Rhetorical Comparison of Noel Perrin and Joan Didion
Case study - 8 pages - Literature
Noel Perrin and Joan Didion initially seem to have nothing in common. Perrin lives a rustic country life, while Didion embraces the social revolution of the late 1960s and early 1970s. Perrin's First Person Rural is a graphic portrayal of a different section of the country that...
An Analysis of Be, Know, Do: Leadership the Army Way
Case study - 3 pages - Literature
The Army's approach to leadership development is powerful - and is thereby widely applicable to civilians and other organizations such as NGOs. Three words can summarize the philosophy that lies behind the Army's leader development. Be, Know, Do are the key characteristics of an Army leader...
The decline of tragedy: modern tragedy and the failure to commit to action
Case study - 7 pages - Literature
In The World as Will and Representation, Arthur Schopenhauer introduces tragedy as the most important form of literary art. Tragic heroes fight against forces of great opposition but eventually have to surrender to their fates. Tragedy is a reflection on reality as the audience reaches a moment...
There will be time: Eliot's temporal theory from "Prufrock" to the Four Quartets
Case study - 3 pages - Literature
The poetry of T.S. Eliot contains a temporal theory that evolves and transforms from Prufrock and Other Observations (1917) to the Four Quartets (1943). His theory shows that all time is unredeemable (BN I, 5), however, the cause of its inability to be redeemed changes from the...
T.S. Eliot's four quartets and music
Case study - 26 pages - Literature
Eliot's line, In my end is my beginning, has pleasantly echoed through our ears this semester. It is a line that indicates the perpetual connection of the start and the finish of a journey. The journey that we embarked on in the beginning of January has been full of unfamiliar...
Absalom, Absalom by William Faulkner
Case study - 2 pages - Philosophy
Epistemology is the science of how we know. It strives to draw connections in order to clarify abstract concepts such as meaning and reality. These are broad subjects and each has many of its own sub-divisions. Meaning and reality, however, are...
An abolition of thought
Case study - 2 pages - Literature
In Lewis' The Abolition of Man, Lewis argues that in the future, if natural law and objective value are to continue to be taught to children as things that are worthless, that the human populace will be controlled by a select few who know how to pull all of the right psychological...
The joke by Milan Kundera
Case study - 2 pages - Literature
Children are not as good at thinking for themselves as adults are. Their entire lives have been spent taking commands from teachers, parents, and anyone older than them. Adults, however, already have learned how to think for themselves exactly because they went through all of this and learned...
Claireece Precious Jones
Case study - 2 pages - Philosophy
In Sapphire's Push, the reader is immediately pulled into the harsh life of Claireece Precious Jones, a sixteen year old girl who lives in an abusive household with her two children, suffering rape and incest by her father as well as sexual and physical abuse from her mother....
A critique of three works: Shakespeare's "The Tempest", Toni Morrison's "Song of Solomon" and Sophocles "The Oedipus Rex
Case study - 5 pages - Literature
Three great works that have stood the test of time include the book Shakespeare, the Tempest, the second book, Toni Morrison and the Song of Solomon, and Sophocles and his great work, the Oedipus Rex. These works are wonderful works which are great for reading, and have been studied and analyzed...
Obsessions from "The Underground"
Case study - 4 pages - Literature
I am as insecure and touchy as a hunchback or a dwarf, and yet there have been moments when if I had been slapped, I might even have been glad of it. I say it seriously: surely I'd have managed to deliver some sort of pleasure in it as well - the pleasure of despair, of course, but it is in...
Re-presenting Galileo: Creative responses to Sidereus Nuncius in the seventeenth century
Case study - 8 pages - Literature
The last gasps of the sixteenth century and the first breaths of the seventeenth brought an explosion in the scientific observation and subsequent discoveries of the heavens. In 1609, the Englishman Thomas Harriot became the first man to map the Moon based on observations from a telescope;...
Is the codex obsolete?
Case study - 4 pages - Literature
Is the codex obsolete? It seems as if we're moving in that direction. As I sit down at the desk in my living room to write, I glance out the window of my apartment. In the distance I can see the strip mall that holds the empty shell of a recently-shuttered Borders bookstore. I can also see a...
Covering "L'Affaire Richard" in Eastern Canada
Case study - 23 pages - Literature
Like the bear-pits in Shakespeare's time, we attend hockey games as our popular theater. It is a place where the monumental themes of Canadian life are played out - English and French, East and West, Canada and the United States, Canada and the world, the timeless tensions of commerce and...
Walking in the City Old West: The Performing Gamer and Red Dead Redemption
Case study - 18 pages - Literature
In this ethnographic moment, blogger Michael Abbott recalls the first of his many violent encounters with an anti-Semitic shopkeeper in Rockstar Games Western title Red Dead Redemption (2010). He notes the Groundhog-Day-like quality of his experience: every five days, he returns to the...