Protogeometric Epoque era and Geometric era(tenth century - eighth century BC)
Case study - 3 pages - Literature
In the Geometric period, the city developed considerably, new neighborhoods are created, such as the future of the theater district, for example, probably to meet the needs of a growing population again, also in the north, a new neighborhood is built beyond the sacred lake and bordering the...
Hemingway Explained
Case study - 2 pages - Literature
A Clean, Well-lighted Place is part of the short stories written by Hemingway. The story is about three men who are in their stages of their lives; one young waiter, one old waiter and a customer who is old. The old man, customer, is living in a state of despair and has attempted to commit...
The last supper
Case study - 3 pages - Literature
In the renaissance, there was a big influence of region on arts as with all aspects of life at the time. The best artists in the renaissance, such as Da Vinci and Michelangelo, worked on pieces that had a bearing on religion. The last supper, a meal divided up by Jesus and his disciples, was a...
Women on the Edge of Time: A Literary Analysis
Book review - 2 pages - Literature
Women on the Edge of Time can be referred as a feminist utopia though it presents the reader with the literary choice to question the society capabilities of embracing utopia. After a thorough analysis, the individual reader realizes the role of the human race in changing the future of the...
Political influence of different racial politicians in the United States of America
Essay - 3 pages - Philosophy
Politics is a very intriguing part of the society. It is hard for one to satisfy all political needs while satisfying what the society wants. This has brought about the increase in racial people in the politics of the United States. The influence of these racial politicians cannot be ignored in...
Report on wheels magazine
Case study - 5 pages - Philosophy
Bauer media Group Company in Australia publishes Wheels automotive magazine monthly. The magazine is widely read by Australia car enthusiast's (Bulmer 2008) .The main competitors for the magazine are Motor magazine and 4x4 magazine companies. Though both magazines are published by the same...
Racism book review - Brym & Lie, 2013
Book review - 2 pages - Literature
The society dictates social interactions among its members. For example, some cultures eat snakes while this is totally unacceptable in other cultures. Other aspects of cultural interaction include nature of interactions between two people from different races (Brym & Lie, 2013). For example,...
Book Review - Onward: Starbucks fought for life devoid of losing its soul
Book review - 4 pages - Literature
Brand management is a very effective tool of creating sustenance in business (Scarborough et al., 2009). Dominant brands are one of the main reasons why there are monopolies in so many sectors. The popularity of brands is also an explanation to the rise of corporations that control the biggest...
Just How Are We Stupid? - Book review
Book review - 3 pages - Literature
Democracy is a structure of government in which all citizens of a nation determine public policies, laws and actions of the state in unity. All citizens are expected to be involved in all issues pertaining to the wellbeing of the country. This essay is a preview of the book just How Are we...
Maria Concepcion Related to Christian Values
Case study - 2 pages - Literature
Maria Conception as a narrative may make the person who reads to question her/his own intellect of morality. The narrative goes that Maria gets wedded to Juan Villegas; it is a Christian marriage and therefore happens at a church, in their native Mexico. This is a very rare happening,...
The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Society: psychoanalytical, character of Juliet Ashton
Case study - 3 pages - Literature
The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Society is a letter based novel written jointly by Mary Ann Shaffer and Annie Barrow. It tells the narrative of Juliet Ashton, a youthful English author and a collection of readers on Guernsey, a Channel Islands inhabited by German forces during war. Various...
An Analysis of George Stigler criticism of Adam Smith
Case study - 2 pages - Literature
In a fluent way of manifesting the criticisms economists have on Adam Smith, George Stigler classifies Adam's notion on wealth based on self interest. In a nutshell, self interest creates a provision for a substantial foundation on the notion that was developed on nations' wealth. To add to that,...
Case Study: The Guton Lock
Case study - 3 pages - Philosophy
There are three locks for lifting the ship and three other ones for lowering. Each of the six locks has two chambers. This is designed so to facilitate two way transits, thus, reducing traffic (McCartney 16). This therefore required the design of the wall to be done and constructed in a way the...
Critique of Romantic Love
Case study - 2 pages - Literature
To love someone includes idealizing the person and perceiving uniqueness of the person. In fact, the desire associated with romantic love is often a function of the perceived uniqueness of the loved person. For example, romantic love includes exclusive dating and copulation; these activities...
Charles Peirce's "The Doctrine of Necessity Examined"
Case study - 3 pages - Literature
Against absolute chance is inconceivable' is the third argument examined by Charles S. Peirce in The Doctrine of Necessity Examined. Necessitarianism or Determinism is a principle that refuses all simple possibility, and affirms that there is exactly a single way in which the world...
The centurion of Capernaum- Synopsis of the Four Gospels
Case study - 2 pages - Literature
The centurion of Capernaum is a story of a man who was highly regarded in Capernaum who went to Christ Jesus to request him to heal his servant who was sick and also of a leprous man who received healing. (Mathew 8:5-13, Mark 1: 40-45, Luke 5:12-16, 7:1-18). On the other hand, the story of...
Agape in 1 John 2:19-20 NRSV
Case study - 2 pages - Literature
The word agape' is best used to describe sacrificial, selfless, unconditional love, which has all these four types of love best described in the Bible. The word has various forms of love found in the Greek community, some are found in the Bible. However, this word is used to describe the...
An illustration of the divine comedy revealing the romantic vision and clean eccentricity Blake - The Divine Comedy of Dante - William Blake (1824-1827
Case study - 2 pages - Literature
The Divine Comedy is a poem of Dante Alighieri written in triplets chained to hendecasyllables in vernacular Florentine . It is divided into three parts : Hell, Purgatory and Paradise, each with 33 chants. Dante began his writing in 1307 in Florence. Dante has the impression of having lost in...
Methodology Philosophy Essay
Case study - 4 pages - Literature
A philosophy essay is a properly philosophical exercise from the time when the thought is able, through a critical work on itself, by distancing, to examine his habits of thought. Public opinion, this is not what you give is what one asks. It only gives the for questioning. It is to move from a...
The Divine Comedy of Dante -William Blake (1824-1827)
Case study - 4 pages - Literature
William Blake is a multifaceted artist. As a poet, painter and engraver, he was born in 1757 and died in 1827, having been able to complete these illustrations of the Divine Comedy of Dante. During his lifetime, he was appreciated and supported by those brothers and a few patrons such Linell or...
Language and Literacy - Malcolm X, GloriaAnzaldĂșa, and Barbara Mellix
Case study - 2 pages - Literature
Malcolm X, GloriaAnzaldĂșa, and Barbara Mellix in their writings express their understanding of the significance and power of language. They explain how language facilitates and strengthens an individual's identity and helps one view himself or herself in a new way. In her essay, Gloria describes...
Gothic Elements in Beloved
Case study - 5 pages - Literature
The book of Beloved depicts many aspects of African-American slavery such as violence; the tragedy of black people; the brutality of slavery, etc, and these are represented through many elements like scriptures from the bible, fantastic and gothic elements. Morrison's use of gothic elements...
Decolonizing the Language Garden: Narratives of Exploration and Acquisition in Jamaica Kincaid's Garden Writing
Case study - 12 pages - Literature
While acknowledging their problematic nature, postcolonial writer Jamaica Kincaid maintains a predilection for explorer narratives. Between her two most exploratory and garden-related works, My Garden (Book): and Among Flowers: A Walk in the Himalayas, she refers to at least ten such narratives,...
Are You Randy? Double Entendres as Fictional Names
Case study - 2 pages - Literature
From the Bond girls called Pussy Galore and Xenia Onatopp, to Master Bates of Dickens' Oliver Twist, there is no lack of double entendres in modern or classic fiction, and analysis shows that they fall into two distinct categories: overtly erotic and didactic. How and why each author, playwright,...
Classification of social practices semiotics
Case study - 3 pages - Literature
To Mukarovsky, which basically sets the literary text of any other text is what he called the aesthetic function. He said something like this: Every object or action, including the language, you can assign a practical function - utilitarian for instruments, communicative for language, and so on....
International Relation - Winston Churchill Speech, Roosevelt, and the Global History
Case study - 4 pages - Literature
The Sinews of Peace, was the heading of a speech given by Winston Churchill. In the audience there was the noticeable presence of President McClure. It was one of his supreme speeches, Iron Curtain, given by him as a British prime minister (Reynolds, 2006, pp. 250-252). The setting...
Response Essay to Middlemarch by George Eliot
Case study - 2 pages - Literature
The novel Middlemarch by George Eliot is primarily a Victorian novel but incorporates features of modern novels. Eliot, in his works, portrays the hatred for women novelists. In those eras, women were confined to writing the stereotypical fantasies of the conventional romance fiction. The main...
"The spiritual in art" of Wassily Kandinsky
Case study - 4 pages - Literature
Wassily Kandinsky is, for many, the inventor of abstract art, that is, the man who abolished the object. The elimination of the figurative was for him a combat several years and does not unfold in the area of the formal or aesthetic, but concretely. The larger exterior differences do not exclude...
Intelligent decision support system for E-learning- with novel algorithm
Case study - 7 pages - Literature
More and more digital learning resources are available online through various learning management systems; this has made it a challenging task for learning institutions to choose the appropriate learning management system that will enable its achieve its goals as well the learning goals of its...
Eva Maria Duarte
Case study - 5 pages - Literature
Eva Duarte was born on May 7, 1919, and was the daughter of Juan Duarte and Juana Ibarguren, she was the fifth daughter of an adulterous affair, when he was born, the wife of his father was still alive, was the youngest daughter after four brothers: Elisa, Blanca, Juan and Ermelinda. His mother...