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1313 results

29 Mar 2016

Cane by Jean Toomer

Book review - 3 pages - Literature

Double consciousness is defined as a concept that describes an individual as having an identity divided into several parts. This makes it difficult for an individual to have a sole unified identity. As such, a person with double consciousness may be considered to have two thoughts, two souls or...

03 Mar 2016

Figures of speech

Essay - 5 pages - Literature

Lapham begins by telling us that the Notebook Magazine had become so much focused with the new print method of letting their readers know about the current ways of the world which was intended to acquaint them with presupposition of its editor. “Notebook was deeply rooted in the soils of...

18 Sep 2015

How role of Jakes, as the narrator, informs his character - Interpreting Natives, Abbort Porter

Book review - 2 pages - Literature

Abbotts defines interpretation as a compound of ideas and judgment. In an attempt to understand the idea of Abbotts of an implied author as well as his narrating ideas, this paper discusses the way the role of Jakes as the narrator informs his character. The paper also brings out what he reveals...

16 Sep 2015

Nineteenth-Century American Literature: Louisa May Alcott, Hospital Notes (1863); Mary Chesnut, A Diary From Dixie (1861-65)

Book review - 8 pages - Literature

The Civil War is just the most important thing in American cultural and social history—as well as political and military history, of course—since the War of Independence from Great Britain. It is, quite simply, fundamental to America's identity and sensibility, and it remains so to this...

10 Sep 2015

Shakespeare: Sonnet 130 & Milton's when I consider how my light is spent

Book review - 2 pages - Literature

The poetic work Shakespeare: Sonnet 130 and John Milton's When I Consider How my light is Spent, are two sonnets from different periods. The Shakespearean represents the Elizabethan period or the period between 1558 and 1603. On the other hand, the John Milton's work represent the early...

10 Sep 2015

Moon on a rainbow shawl - John Errol

Case study - 7 pages - Literature

Moon on a Rainbow Shawl is a play in 3 acts that was written by Trinidadian playwright together with John Errol the actor. It was for the first time published in 1958. It was described as a break through within Britain for writing of the blacks as well as ground-breaking. It has been reproduced...

10 Sep 2015

Oryx and Clarke - Margaret Atwood : A world without love

Book review - 2 pages - Literature

Love is everything. The whole world is based around love; being in love, ending love and making love. Without it, life as known would be completely different. Groups and relationships now are made from love and passion for one another or a specific thing, that's what we live for. Everything...

09 Sep 2015

Reservation Blues Analytic Essay - Asian American Literature

Essay - 3 pages - Literature

Different cultures around the world seem to intertwine in various aspects including ethical practices and unethical practices such as settler colonization. The key differences context, region, and races involved. This assertion is clearly depicted in a book and article analyzed in this paper. The...

09 Sep 2015

The Theme of Truth in "The Lottery" and "Tell all the Truth but tell it slant"

Essay - 2 pages - Literature

This paper compares and contrasts the theme of truth in the story, “The Lottery” and the poem, “Tell all the truth but tell it slant.” Various literally devices, such as irony, symposium, allusion, and imagery, are used to illustrate the points made regarding the theme of...

07 Aug 2015

Mother comparison to Waiting for godot

Essay - 1 pages - Literature

Literature is sunk in devices with the intent to exhibit various meanings. Different readers gain different messages when deciphering the intent meant to be conveyed by the author. However, some intended messages are obvious. Interpreting Simon Armitage's poem, Mother and Samuel Beckett's play...

07 Aug 2015

Comparison of Sisyphus and prometheus

Essay - 4 pages - Literature

Comparisons are made through every medium of expression. Art, literature, and performance each provide the opportunity to determine similarities and differences. The assessment may be made from differing forms of expression, time periods, purposes, authors, artists, political, social, economic,...

24 Jul 2015

The Power in The tragedy of Macbeth, Vol. 2 - Shakespeare

Book review - 1 pages - Literature

Gender roles have been a common theme in several renderings of literature. Shakespeare's play, Macbeth, provides an example. Shakespeare's take on gender is a unique one, revealed through the women in Macbeth. Women share a strong relationship with power in society according to the female...

24 Jul 2015

Life in The Scarlet Letter - Nathaniel Hawthorne

Book review - 1 pages - Literature

Literature is one of the most renowned forms of expression. Only a few works have been deemed timeless. Nathaniel Hawthorne provides one with The Scarlet Letter. Several elements of the book leave the reader pondering the meaning. The symbols and their representation provide an example. Life is...

24 Jul 2015

The symbols in Susan Glaspell's Trifles

Book review - 1 pages - Literature

Authors use an array of literary elements to convey messages. One tool alone can bear numerous meanings. Susan Glaspell's Trifles provides an exemplary example of the use of multiple literary elements to convey various messages. The story's plot progresses seamlessly through the use of such...

24 Jul 2015

Dada versus Futurism, A Comparison of Tone and Purpose

Book review - 2 pages - Literature

Accompanying great movements are differing points of view. The variances allow the rare chance for comparison among two essentially different movements. Tristan Tzara and Filippo Tommaso Marinetti provide the perfect example of the opportunity for comparison with their respective manifestos....

10 Jun 2015

A Battle amongst our Own

Case study - 8 pages - Literature

Every day, in the United States, new members of the military are introduced to vigorous training that's designed to prepare them physically and mentally for their awaiting battles. One thing that these military training academies have failed to prepare service members for in the past, continues...

10 Jun 2015

Urban development of the Hellenistic city, period of the Athenian domination and the imperial city

Case study - 5 pages - Literature

In 167 BC, the Roman Senate decided the new status of Delos, which becomes free port, and the pound to the Athenians that cover their domination as they reconvoitaient. At that time, the Athenians settlers soon settled on the island. The population growth is such that the urban area expands in...

10 Jun 2015

Protogeometric Epoque era and Geometric era(tenth century - eighth century BC)

Case study - 3 pages - Literature

In the Geometric period, the city developed considerably, new neighborhoods are created, such as the future of the theater district, for example, probably to meet the needs of a growing population again, also in the north, a new neighborhood is built beyond the sacred lake and bordering the...

13 May 2015

Hemingway Explained

Case study - 2 pages - Literature

A Clean, Well-lighted Place is part of the short stories written by Hemingway. The story is about three men who are in their stages of their lives; one young waiter, one old waiter and a customer who is old. The old man, customer, is living in a state of despair and has attempted to commit...

13 May 2015

The last supper

Case study - 3 pages - Literature

In the renaissance, there was a big influence of region on arts as with all aspects of life at the time. The best artists in the renaissance, such as Da Vinci and Michelangelo, worked on pieces that had a bearing on religion. The last supper, a meal divided up by Jesus and his disciples, was a...

24 Apr 2015

Women on the Edge of Time: A Literary Analysis

Book review - 2 pages - Literature

Women on the Edge of Time can be referred as a feminist utopia though it presents the reader with the literary choice to question the society capabilities of embracing utopia. After a thorough analysis, the individual reader realizes the role of the human race in changing the future of the...

14 Apr 2015

Racism book review - Brym & Lie, 2013

Book review - 2 pages - Literature

The society dictates social interactions among its members. For example, some cultures eat snakes while this is totally unacceptable in other cultures. Other aspects of cultural interaction include nature of interactions between two people from different races (Brym & Lie, 2013). For example,...

13 Apr 2015

Book Review - Onward: Starbucks fought for life devoid of losing its soul

Book review - 4 pages - Literature

Brand management is a very effective tool of creating sustenance in business (Scarborough et al., 2009). Dominant brands are one of the main reasons why there are monopolies in so many sectors. The popularity of brands is also an explanation to the rise of corporations that control the biggest...

10 Apr 2015

Just How Are We Stupid? - Book review

Book review - 3 pages - Literature

Democracy is a structure of government in which all citizens of a nation determine public policies, laws and actions of the state in unity. All citizens are expected to be involved in all issues pertaining to the wellbeing of the country. This essay is a preview of the book just How Are we...

08 Apr 2015

Maria Concepcion Related to Christian Values

Case study - 2 pages - Literature

Maria Conception as a narrative may make the person who reads to question her/his own intellect of morality. The narrative goes that Maria gets wedded to Juan Villegas; it is a Christian marriage and therefore happens at a church, in their native Mexico. This is a very rare happening,...

08 Apr 2015

The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Society: psychoanalytical, character of Juliet Ashton

Case study - 3 pages - Literature

The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Society is a letter based novel written jointly by Mary Ann Shaffer and Annie Barrow. It tells the narrative of Juliet Ashton, a youthful English author and a collection of readers on Guernsey, a Channel Islands inhabited by German forces during war. Various...

07 Apr 2015

An Analysis of George Stigler criticism of Adam Smith

Case study - 2 pages - Literature

In a fluent way of manifesting the criticisms economists have on Adam Smith, George Stigler classifies Adam's notion on wealth based on self interest. In a nutshell, self interest creates a provision for a substantial foundation on the notion that was developed on nations' wealth. To add to that,...

26 Mar 2015

Critique of Romantic Love

Case study - 2 pages - Literature

To love someone includes idealizing the person and perceiving uniqueness of the person. In fact, the desire associated with romantic love is often a function of the perceived uniqueness of the loved person. For example, romantic love includes exclusive dating and copulation; these activities...

24 Mar 2015

Charles Peirce's "The Doctrine of Necessity Examined"

Case study - 3 pages - Literature

Against absolute chance is inconceivable' is the third argument examined by Charles S. Peirce in “The Doctrine of Necessity Examined”. Necessitarianism or Determinism is a principle that refuses all simple possibility, and affirms that there is exactly a single way in which the world...

23 Mar 2015

The centurion of Capernaum- Synopsis of the Four Gospels

Case study - 2 pages - Literature

The centurion of Capernaum is a story of a man who was highly regarded in Capernaum who went to Christ Jesus to request him to heal his servant who was sick and also of a leprous man who received healing. (Mathew 8:5-13, Mark 1: 40-45, Luke 5:12-16, 7:1-18). On the other hand, the story of...