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1313 results

21 Aug 2007

On Contemporary American Literature and Subversions of the Canon

Essay - 3 pages - Literature

Toni Morrison's claim that “Canon debate . . . is the clash of cultures” rings true to me. This statement can be looked at in a few ways. One can look at it and say that Morrison is referring to a hypothetical debate between cultures on what works should be included in a canon....

21 Aug 2007

A Fever and Fervor in John Donne's Elegy

Essay - 2 pages - Literature

Donne's poem “A Fever” is an elaborate blend of narrative designs. Donne uses the venerable poetic device of elegiac stanza to express mourning for the (anticipated) death of a lover from a fever. There is an explicit surface meaning to this poem as well as implicit sub-textual...

21 Aug 2007

Ambivalence and Photography: Resistance or Exchange in Edward Said's After the Last Sky

Essay - 2 pages - Literature

In his essay Picture Theory on the relationship between photograph and text, W.J.T. Mitchell refers to concepts he coins as the “rhetoric of resistance” and the “rhetoric of exchange and cooperation” (Mitchell, 41). The terms “rhetoric of resistance” and...

18 Aug 2007

Innocence Lost: The Soldier Poets of World War I

Essay - 3 pages - Literature

Before the Great War, "it had been almost fifty years since any major European power had attacked any similar country" (Childs 40). England did not remember what war was really like; the people knew nothing except for the romantic notion of war. They believed that to fight for one's country...

18 Aug 2007

A Comparison of Shakespeare's Villains Aaron and Iago

Essay - 3 pages - Literature

Shakespeare is known for creating memorable characters, and his villains are often especially intriguing. Aaron and Iago are both villains in revenge tragedies by Shakespeare. In Titus Andronicus, which is believed to be Shakespeare's first tragedy, even though most of the characters are far...

18 Aug 2007

A Comparison of Coleridge's "The Eolian Harp" and Shelley's "Ode to the West Wind"

Essay - 4 pages - Literature

"The Eolian Harp" and "Ode to the West Wind," both poems by two of the most celebrated poets of their time, each fall under the category of the "greater romantic lyric," as termed by M. H. Abrams (77). Both are written in the first person and are about the same length; Shelley's is six lines...

18 Aug 2007

"Richard Cory"

Essay - 3 pages - Literature

In Edwin Arlington Robinson's short poem "Richard Cory," the speaker tells of a rich gentleman who, to the collective shock of the community, commits suicide for unknown reasons. The poem begins by describing this gentleman, Richard Cory, as slim, graceful, and friendly. Even though he is...

18 Aug 2007

"Do I Dream?": The Role of the Nightmare in Horace Walpole's The Castle of Otranto

Essay - 4 pages - Literature

According to Elizabeth MacAndrew, author of The Gothic Tradition in Fiction, the gothic novel is “[. . .] a literature of nightmare. Among its conventions are found dream landscapes and figures of the subconscious imagination” (3). Maggie Kilgour, author of The Rise of the Gothic...

18 Aug 2007

Animal Analysis: The Role of Pigs in O'Connor's "Revelation"

Essay - 2 pages - Literature

"Despite her brief life and relatively modest output, [Flannery O'Connor's] work is regarded as among the most distinguished American fiction of the mid-twentieth century," writes Michael Meyer, author of The Compact Bedford Introduction to Literature (317). One of the many reasons her...

18 Aug 2007

Two Common Purposes of American Literature

Essay - 2 pages - Literature

Two common purposes of early American literature are didacticism and introspection, and a minor purpose is entertainment. Most works written in this time period fulfill one of these purposes, and many fulfill more than one. Works from Franklin, Rowson, and Emerson can be labeled as mostly...

18 Aug 2007

GRE Practice Essay: Evaluating Arguments

Course material - 1 pages - Literature

“We need to increase the funding for the movie Working Title by 10% in order to ensure a quality product. As you know, we are working with a first-time director, whose only previous experience has been shooting commercials for a shampoo company. Since the advertising business is notoriously...

18 Aug 2007

Feminism in Ibsen's A Doll's House

Thesis - 7 pages - Literature

According to Joan Templeton, author of Ibsen's Women, Ibsen's inspiration for Nora in A Doll's House came from a family friend, Laura Peterson Kieler, also a writer (135). Kieler, the "real-life Nora," likewise borrowed money for her husband, who was sick with tuberculosis, to...

08 Aug 2007

Homoerotic Desire in Oscar Wilde's The Picture of Dorian Gray

Book review - 4 pages - Literature

“What if someone wrote a novel about homosexuality and no body [sic] came?” Ed Cohen writes of Oscar Wilde's The Picture of Dorian Gray (75). Actually, at the time the book was written, the term “homosexuality” was nonexistent. Wilde, himself, became one of the leaders of...

08 Aug 2007

The Futurist Movement and its Impact on Book Design

Tutorials/exercises - 8 pages - Literature

Futurism (1909-1944), which actually owes its inception to poetry, was the first major art movement of the 20th century. It encompassed not only nearly every form of creative expression, including practical arts like architecture, advertising, and product design. Interestingly, there were two...

08 Aug 2007

How to Start and Run a Small Book Publishing Company by Peter I. Hupalo

Essay - 4 pages - Literature

The author of this book, Peter Hupalo, self-published his first book, Thinking Like An Entrepreneur in 1999, thus beginning his company, HCM Publishing. This book appears to be the second book he has self-published, though he does not mention how many books by other authors he has published. I...

08 Aug 2007

Mother Jones Magazine

Book review - 6 pages - Literature

Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting founder Jeff Cohen once said, “If it's in the New York Times today, it was probably in Mother Jones six months ago” (4). Contrary to what one might believe, the staff at Mother Jones thoroughly enjoy their status as the magazine the media giants get...

08 Aug 2007

Travel Magazines: What Readers Want

Essay - 2 pages - Literature

The retail industry is flooded with products and services, all vying for market share and revenue. In order to succeed, the different firms must carefully understand and analyze the market they are in. They must ask questions about their rivals and the structure of the industry, as well as make...

08 Aug 2007

Power and Difference: A Derrida and Foucault Encounter

Thesis - 10 pages - Literature

The works of Jacques Derrida and Michel Foucault discussed here explore relationships of power in Western language and social structures. These relationships can be difficult to detect and are thus often overlooked, even when one searches rigorously. We will find that such relationships are...

07 Aug 2007

Towards New Grand Narratives in Postmodern Fiction

Essay - 10 pages - Literature

In Niel Brügger's essay “What about the Postmodern?” Brügger relates Lyotard's idea of the narrative of emancipation, writing that “[in such narratives] it is not only important to legitimate denotative statements, which fall into the sphere of truth, but also to legitimate...

07 Aug 2007

Some Narratological Moves and Their Effect in End of Alice

Thesis - 8 pages - Literature

Let it be known that in End of Alice there is no ANP, only an ENP, and the ENP is the time during which Chappy is imprisoned. The “prison” time moves forward steadily and occasionally will jump backward in an analepsis to, roughly, two points in the narrator's past. The first analeptic...

07 Aug 2007

Love: Better Lost or Unfulfilled?

Essay - 2 pages - Literature

While unrequited love is typically viewed as among the most torturous emotions one can imagine, when compared to experiencing the decay of a once fulfilled, true love, the ever-longing heart may have its merits. Thomas Hardy's “Neutral Tones” attests to the misery of love gone sour,...

07 Aug 2007

The Call of the Orient for Joyce's Dubliners

Essay - 2 pages - Literature

When the body is unable to physically escape from the familiar, the mind will journey to the land of the “other,” the unknown that promises relief from everyday, prosaic existence. For the captives of Dublin in Joyce's Dubliners, the paralyzing effects of the city cause their thoughts...

07 Aug 2007

It's Funny because it's True: The Role of Comedy in the Alternative Media

Essay - 8 pages - Literature

Humor is a powerful tool that can be harnessed by the alternative media in an effort to give a voice to the disenfranchised and to attract an audience for alternative thought. For the purposes of this project, “alternative media” is an amorphous term that can be applied to any media...

07 Aug 2007

Selling Books in a Niche Market: Boys' Love Manga

Essay - 6 pages - Literature

Marketing is a crucial element of any successful publishing enterprise, especially for a book that is intended for a niche market. When the target audience is small, it is infinitely more important to market the books strategically. Otherwise, a publishing house risks losing its core audience,...

03 Aug 2007

Consequences of the Encounter

Essay - 2 pages - Literature

When the Europeans first made contact with the natives of the Americas, religion played a large part in the encounter. The two groups underwent many stages such as native destruction, native conversion, and the suppression of native voices. In this way Europeans and Native Americans conflicted...

03 Aug 2007

Pithas: The Seats of the Goddess And Their Hindu and Buddhist Connections

Essay - 5 pages - Literature

In India, there are many cities and other sites that are considered especially sacred to the Goddess and her devotees. These places are called p?th?s. P?th?s provide unique insight into Goddess worship and what the Goddess; the Dev?; the Mother means to her followers. What follows here is a brief...

03 Aug 2007

A Study On Literature on Vampires

Essay - 5 pages - Literature

This paper will deal with immortality and the fear of death as embodied in the vampire: its construction, its body, and its pop culture eminence. The impetus for this line of thought began with our reading of White Noise, where Jack and his wife are consumed by their fear of death, a death that...

03 Aug 2007

The House Behind the Cedars: A Summary

Essay - 2 pages - Literature

The Charles Chesnutt novel, The House Behind the Cedars, is the tale of a young woman of mixed race trying to make it in the antebellum South. She ultimately fails, dying mere months after an unsuccessful romance with a white man. Chesnutt's views on miscegenation can be discerned through the...

03 Aug 2007

The Dharmaraja Ratha

Essay - 2 pages - Literature

The temple site of Mamallapuram contains many impressive examples of mostly unfinished south Indian architecture. The Dharmaraja ratha is one of the better, if not just bigger, examples. It's unfinished as well, but the telltale signs of South India influence can be seen in its components. This...

03 Aug 2007

Comparative Study: The Awakening and The Beloved

Essay - 3 pages - Literature

This is a study of two books, The Awakening by Kate Chopin and Beloved by Toni Morrison. Both authors are women, and the main characters in their novels are also women. However, Chopin is writing from the nineteenth century about the nineteenth century, while Morrison is a modern author looking...