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1313 results

23 Jun 2008

The Rhetoric of the Personal and Pictorial: Portrayal of the Self and the Abstract in Young, Gray, and Collins

Essay - 6 pages - Literature

Following the ethical and didactic works popular in the early eighteenth century, which offered a view of Man as an imperfect but scientific being in search of meaning in a universe created by a perfect God, a crop of poets emerged who wrote instead about “a preponderance of sentiment,...

23 Jun 2008

The Poetic Practice of Alexander Pope: The Authoritative Voice of Reason and the Expulsion of Pride of Man

Essay - 6 pages - Literature

Alexander Pope was a poet greatly concerned with perception: his perception of God and his fellow man, and how he was perceived by others, both personally and as an artist. Despite his physical maladies, he saw himself as a great poet, destined for the craft and blessed with true talent. Many of...

23 Jun 2008

Political Aesthetes: Emily Mann's Execution of Justice and the Identity Crisis of Documentary Theatre

Essay - 10 pages - Literature

The documentary theatre, unlike conventional theatre, defines itself in terms of actuality, authenticity, and verifiability. Reality plays draw their power and identity from their use of “actuals,” authentic materials such as transcripts, interviews, testimonies, published documents,...

20 Jun 2008

Not Worth Laughing About: Anti-Semitism in The Merchant of Venice

Essay - 6 pages - Literature

As time changes, so do the interpretations of Shakespeare's dramas. Newer productions are supposed to appeal to modern audiences by reflecting current attitudes and cultural beliefs. Anti-Semitic viewpoints existed long before Shakespeare and his play, The Merchant of Venice, which is considered...

20 Jun 2008

"A Hideously Difficult Task": An Exploration of American Racial Identity through the Works of James Baldwin

Essay - 6 pages - Literature

In a style similar to other minority works of literature, James Baldwin's writing encompasses the recurring theme of identity—what it means and from where it originates. This theme stems from incomplete identity of the black American community. Baldwin's writings try to explain the...

19 Jun 2008

Critical Analysis of "Goblin Market"

Essay - 7 pages - Literature

Sylvia Plath once said, “The blood jet is poetry, and there is no stopping it.” This was true for many poets, and especially true for Christina Rossetti. Rossetti had poetry in her blood, art in her veins. When she first wrote “Goblin Market” in 1859, some critics...

19 Jun 2008

Trans formative Exile: Coriolanus' Lack of Evolution During his Banishment from Rome

Essay - 4 pages - Literature

When the people of Rome exile Coriolanus, he seeks refuge in Antium, throwing himself before his longtime enemy, Tullus Aufidius, and offering himself as a weapon against Rome. Although he has fought countless times for Rome, bringing himself to the brink of death time and time again, the Roman...

17 Jun 2008

Essay on Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead

Essay - 4 pages - Literature

William Shakespeare is among the most notable playwrights of all time. Some of his works have been so popular that they have been turned into modern movies, aimed at attracting a new generation to this author's works. While Shakespeare has been able to provide audiences with theatrical...

17 Jun 2008

Sir Thomas Wyatt : Lord of Sonnets

Tutorials/exercises - 5 pages - Literature

Sir Thomas Wyatt was a cornerstone of the development of British Literature, and his works influenced the art of literature and made it what it is today. He introduced the sonnet into English civilization, and thus set up the building blocks for many great writers to write in the English...

15 Jun 2008

How does Shakespeare use or abuse the conventions of romance in as you like it?

Essay - 4 pages - Literature

The world of Shakespearean comedies is undoubtedly romantic, poetic and idealized. As You Like It is no exception in this respect. Romantic in all aspects, especially form and spirit, the play presents before you a world of love, of deceit, of vulgarity, of humor, of music and what not! But it is...

15 Jun 2008

Allegory of the Chronicles

Essay - 4 pages - Literature

Many have felt that the Chronicles of Narnia were not allegorical. One was the famous author of the Chronicles, C.S. Lewis. Similarly to many, he felt that the stories in which he created were “not allegory but rather fairy tale, a branch of fantasy” (Duriez 97). However, Lewis's theory...

06 Jun 2008

The Sage: Don Quixote

Essay - 3 pages - Literature

Don Quixote, titular character of Cervantes' famous novel is certain that a scribe who is recording all of his actions will make him famous in history. Such a scribe, in the Quixotic sense, does not really exist, but Cervantes fulfills the role. If Cervantes had inserted himself into his novel...

06 Jun 2008

Writing Ethically: Essays of John Edgar Wideman and Jane Tompkins

Essay - 3 pages - Literature

The essays “Our Time” by John Edgar Wideman and “Indians': Textualism, Morality and the Problem of History” by Jane Tompkins are both written by people who are telling stories about experiences that are not their own. Wideman is writing about his brother Robby and all of the...

05 Jun 2008

Judgment and Portrayal of Character in the "Love Suicides" and "What the Seasons Brought the Almanac Maker"

Essay - 4 pages - Literature

The two narratives of “What the Seasons Brought the Almanac Maker” by Saikaku and the “Love Suicides” by Chikamatsu present variegated looks at the complications of love and society and the need for harmony between the two. Both are prime examples of Japanese literature, full...

04 Jun 2008

Power and Sexuality in "Leda and the Swan" and "Goblin Market"

Essay - 4 pages - Literature

Duality and opposition are forces that play beneath the surface of both William Butler Yeats' “Leda and the Swan” and Christina Rossetti's “Goblin Market”, two poems that focus on sexuality while incorporating animal figures as holders of power, both sexual and otherwise....

03 Jun 2008

All in the Family: The Economics of Interpersonal Relationships in the Gulag

Essay - 3 pages - Literature

The synopsis on the back cover of Alexander Solzhenistyn's One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich claims that it is “the harrowing account of one day in the life of a man who has conceded to all things evil with patience, dignity, and enduring strength.” Like so many others, the author...

03 Jun 2008

The Epileptic Loophole: Self-control and the Judiciary in Dostoevsky's The Brothers Karamazov

Essay - 3 pages - Literature

Epilepsy and the punitive system—two seemingly unrelated items that Fyodor Dostoevsky juxtaposes in order to make a point about Russia and the futility of the judiciary. In his giant oeuvre The Brothers Karamazov, Dostoevsky exemplifies the tension between rational and irrational behavior by...

03 Jun 2008

The Crucible Character Analysis : Abigail Williams "A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing"

Book review - 3 pages - Literature

In any unfavorable situation, we seek a solution and if there is none, then a way out. When one of main characters of Arthur Miller's The Crucible finds herself in a vulnerable position, she not only manages to escape her problems, but also succeeds in placing the repercussions of her actions on...

03 Jun 2008

A critical review of 'A New Birth of Freedom: Lincoln and the Coming of the Civil War by Harry V. Jaffa

Book review - 5 pages - Literature

A New Birth of Freedom: Lincoln and the Coming of the Civil War by Harry V. Jaffa is the long awaited sequel to the author's 1959 book, Crisis of the House Divided. Although the specific objective of the A New Birth of Freedom is to examine Lincoln's development of the Gettysburg Address, what...

02 Jun 2008

Hospitable Hosts, Educated Elites: Relativism vs. Absolutism in the writings of Alberuni and Ibn Battuta

Essay - 4 pages - Literature

In exploring nations and cultures outside of their own, Alberuni and Ibn Battuta encountered ideologies, customs, and practices that stood in opposition to the beliefs and ways of life they personally upheld. Faced with foreign behavior and thought, the authors found themselves in a position to...

30 May 2008

Harold Pinter and the absent 'Center'

Essay - 9 pages - Literature

At the very beginning there is the structure. The structure is a skeleton, the premise, the base on which the flesh is arranged, systematically, so that a body maybe created. It may not always make itself palpable but if there is a structure then there must also be a center. A structure without a...

30 May 2008

Nietzsche and the Mother: A Contrast to Kantian Enlightenment

Essay - 3 pages - Literature

To what extent does Nietzsche impose his ideals on the reader or create an open and flexible world-view? Upon closing his arguments in On the Genealogy of Morals Nietzsche imagines a reader asking him “'What are you really doing, erecting an ideal or knocking one down?'” (95). He...

30 May 2008

Heteroglossia and Shelly's Frankenstein

Essay - 3 pages - Literature

According to M. M. Bahktin, heteroglossia is the use of different novelistic modes of expression (authorial speech, narrators, inserted genres, speech of characters, dialogue, etc.) to express and represent the diversity of social speech types and a diversity of individual voices. Mary Shelly's...

30 May 2008

Langston Hughes's "Trumpet Player"

Thesis - 2 pages - Literature

Langston Hughes's poem, "Trumpet Player", is both a celebration of and reach for a Black identity. The poem's vivid imagery and careful metaphors connote to a theme consistent among Hughes's work. The poem quietly speaks of oppression, of a violent past, of desperation and ongoing...

30 May 2008

Fidelity and Infidelity (to Tolstoy's Novel) in Duvivier's and Zarkhi's Anna Kareninas

Tutorials/exercises - 15 pages - Literature

A viewer watching the 1948 and then the 1967 film versions of Anna Karenina (directed by Julien Duvivier and Aleksandr Zharkhi, respectively) for the first time might think that there is much in common between the two films. They look very similar, and this is due in large part to attempts, by...

29 May 2008

Society Woman: Days of a Russian Noblewoman

Essay - 5 pages - Literature

The memoirs of Anna Evdokimovna Labzina, a noblewoman during the reign of Catherine the Great, might be expected to contain numerous references to the salon of St. Petersburg and the fashions of the time. Titled Days of a Russian Noblewoman, her account is remarkable for its religious tone and...

29 May 2008

Subplot and Plot: The Commentary of the Madhouse on the Castle in Middleton and Rowley's The Changeling

Essay - 5 pages - Literature

In the seventeenth-century Jacobean revenge tragedy The Changeling, Thomas Middleton and William Rowley present two seemingly separate worlds in both location and action. The main plot is characterized by the locale of the castle in Alicante, ruled by Vermandero. This setting is centered on the...

28 May 2008

The Absent Wife and Mother as the Source for the Downfall of a Family and Kingdom in Shakespeare's King Lear

Essay - 6 pages - Literature

In King Lear, Shakespeare incorporates a theme that is prevalent in many of his other works, that of family structure, specifically, absent wives and mothers. The nonexistence of King Lear's wife and his daughters' mother also implies the absence of a Queen and a female political figure to...

28 May 2008

The Workshop

Essay - 6 pages - Literature

Writing is not for the faint-hearted. Writers do the hard work of expelling ignorance, trying to change the way people think while taking in every chance to learn about the lives of others. The business of fiction is people, but in order to write about people, one has to understand them well....

27 May 2008

Symbolism in "The Chrysanthemums" and "A Rose for Emily."

Essay - 3 pages - Literature

Writers employ a wide variety of devices to further enhance the nature of their works. Whether through eloquent description or profound repetition, certain aspects of an author's technique lend a stronger reflection of the theme or idea behind the simple story. The effect can be likened to an...