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1313 results

13 Jan 2009

Black and white imagery in Blood Wedding by Federico Garcia Lorca

Book review - 3 pages - Literature

When analysing Lorca's use of black and white imagery in Blood Wedding, a first observation would tend to show that the colour white is much more present throughout the play than black, the white being used, not essentially in the characters' clothing as black is used, but also in totally...

13 Jan 2009

"The Tempest", William Shakespearean - Prospero's relationship with the natives

Book review - 3 pages - Literature

In Shakespeare's play The Tempest, Prospero is presented as the colonizer, and Ariel and Caliban are seen as his «colonized subjects ». These two Natives had to accept this newcomer twelve years ago, and we rapidly learn that both didn't react the same way. Ariel feels grateful towards Prospero...

12 Jan 2009

Function of the Requiem in "Death of a Salesman"

Thesis - 9 pages - Literature

Arthur Miller (1915 - 2005) once revealed as regards his writing of Death of a Salesman that he “wished to create a form which, in itself as a form, would literally be the process of Willy Loman's way of mind”, and in this respect, the setting of the whole play actually stands for a...

12 Jan 2009

The Wood-Pile

Book review - 4 pages - Literature

Frost presents to us here a rather enigmatic poem. Upon a first contemplation the reader may experience the feeling that he has read a poem about nothing, and may read and re-read it, endeavoring to discover some hidden meaning. And indeed “The Wood-Pile” is virtually about nothing, a...

12 Jan 2009

Terror and Horror in the Fantastic Novels: Walpole's The Castle Of Otranto, Shelley's Frankenstein and Stoker's Dracula

Essay - 6 pages - Literature

The concepts of terror and horror are key factors in the Fantastic and Gothic novel. This literary genre appeared with Walpole's The Castle of Otranto in 1765 and then flourished until 1830; it mainly developed during the historical period of the Enlightenment and can be seen as an alternative to...

12 Jan 2009

Cleopatra: Shakespeare's analysis of women's alienation

Essay - 3 pages - Literature

According to Yves Bonnefoy Shakespeare wanted to do with Antony and Cleopatra more than a political analysis of Rome. Indeed, Shakespeare analysed in this play the place of women in the Roman society, in order to make a comparison with their role in his own society. At the beginning of the XVIIth...

09 Jan 2009

Wilfred Owen: Anthem for Doomed Youth, 1917

Essay - 3 pages - Literature

The text to be commented upon is a poem written by Wilfred Owen in 1917 entitled Anthem for doomed youth. It is a petrarchan sonnet, a sort of diptych with two different parts which hinges upon lines 9 and 10. The title is a key for the interpretation of the sonnet which is an ideological poem, a...

09 Jan 2009

Artaud's theatrical principles

Thesis - 4 pages - Literature

Artaud stated that ‘theatre is first ritualistic and magical, in other words bound to powers, […] and whose effectiveness is conveyed through gesture, directly linked to the rites of theatre which is the very practice and the expression of a hunger for magical and spiritual...

09 Jan 2009

Structure and texture in the "Good Soldier" by Ford Madox Ford

Essay - 10 pages - Literature

The Good Soldier is a novel written in 1914 by Ford Madox Ford and published in March 1915. This novel is considered as the best book of pre-war period. It is also considered as a modernist work, and in fact, many modernist innovations, as well as impressionist ones, are present throughout the...

09 Jan 2009

Analysis of Samson Occom through 'A Grammar of the Hebrew Tongue'

Book review - 5 pages - Literature

The book A Grammar of the Hebrew Tongue is an aid to learning the Hebrew language, bettering one's ability to speak, read, and write. As the first book he owned, A Grammar of the Hebrew Tongue was especially significant to the Mohegan Samson Occom. Occom purchased the book on a trip to Boston in...

09 Jan 2009

Vision in the prologue and battle royal scene of Ralph Ellison's Invisible Man

Book review - 8 pages - Literature

The most predominant theme in a noel full of them—Ralph Ellison's Invisible Man—is that of vision. More specifically, in Ellison's novel, how characters in the novel see the world reflect the prejudices and inaccurate perceptions of the society in which the protagonist lives. The...

18 Dec 2008

Transformations of literature: Augustine's 'Confessions' and Virgil's 'Aeneid'

Essay - 4 pages - Literature

Both St. Augustine's Confessions and Virgil's epic The Aeneid marked a new direction in literature for the West. Each one was inspired by the works of previous authors, but was willing to forge a new literature for their times. In the Aeneid, Virgil established Rome as indebted to the...

18 Dec 2008

The theme of isolation in Kafka's 'The Metamorphosis'

Book review - 5 pages - Literature

Franz Kafka's novella The Metamorphosis concerns a traveling salesmen named Gregor Samsa who “[awakens] from unsettling dreams one morning” and “[finds] himself transformed into a monstrous vermin” (Kafka 7). Gregor is late for work, and he gripes about his joyless job; he...

04 Dec 2008

Unity and divergence: The literary philosophy of Samuel Taylor Coleridge in opposition to the English romantics

Book review - 5 pages - Literature

Many of the words used by S.T. Coleridge to express his critical philosophy of literature are familiar. He writes of metaphysics as well as aesthetics, beauty and pleasure, and above all, unity. His definitions of these terms, however popular the terms were, are in many ways remarkably different...

04 Dec 2008

Reasonably wrong: The underground man's inferiority complex

Book review - 7 pages - Literature

In Fyodor Dostoevsky's Notes From Underground, desire is shown to be a more important force of human nature than reason by observing how the Underground Man makes decisions. Understanding that he suffers from an extreme case of inferiority complex is instrumental in being able to decipher the...

04 Dec 2008

The effects of knowledge on happiness and freedom

Book review - 5 pages - Literature

Upon reading The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, Oedipus the King, The Crying of Lot 49, and Dostoevski's “The Grand Inquisitor on the Nature of Man”, I find that a common theme links their ideas together. As the four stories progress, the main characters all receive...

04 Dec 2008

Frankenstein and King Lear: A look into religion, politics and literature

Essay - 5 pages - Literature

Religion has foundation in our lives whether we choose to identify it or not. By recognizing the literary works of Mary Shelley and Shakespeare, we can intellectually inherit the limitations of our power as human beings and the important role the Judeo-Christian God plays in our political, social...

04 Dec 2008

Common reading proposal 'Tell them who I am: The lives of homeless women' by Elliot Liebow

Book review - 8 pages - Literature

Many colleges and universities have implemented common reading programs for college freshmen. Many times, it is up to the libraries discretion as to what book is chosen for this program. Sometimes libraries themselves initiated the common reading program, other times it was a joint effort to...

01 Dec 2008

Jihad vs. McWorld: The new world disorder

Book review - 5 pages - Literature

Jihad vs. McWorld was written by Rutgers University Political Science professor Benjamin R. Barber. The author is widely regarded one of the nation's foremost scholars on democracy. He has written Strong Democracy, in which he explains that economic liberalism is the basis for and cause of...

01 Dec 2008

Out of the garden: Examining the true origins of Genesis

Book review - 6 pages - Literature

“And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.” Genesis 2:7 (Holy Bible, King James Version). Ever since that first breathe, man has been questioning the ways of the Lord. Laws, teachings, and...

01 Dec 2008

Racial stereotypes and their role in the concept of Manifest Destiny by Justin Herndon

Book review - 6 pages - Literature

The modern connotations of the concept of “Manifest Destiny” are generally of two diverging camps; One is a romanticized image of devout pilgrims, such as the Mormons, who left the crowded and sinful cities of the East for the freedom of the West, hoping to find a new promised land, or...

28 Nov 2008

Just vengeance or righteous follies; which Hamlet did you see?

Essay - 8 pages - Literature

William Richardson describes Hamlet's character as one “moved by finer principles, by an exquisite sense of virtue, of moral beauty and turpitude.” (Hoy 147) Richardson goes on to say that a man like Hamlet “will find [his sense of moral excellence] a source of pleasure and of pain...

28 Nov 2008

William Blake's "Wall of words" on circular reasoning

Essay - 10 pages - Literature

“And the salt ocean rolled englob'd.” (Blake Pl. 28.23) The previous line comes from one of Blake's prophetic works, “The First Book of Urizen,” and is very typical of a Blake ending. More than a century before Stanley Kunitz was born, Blake had mastered the technique...

25 Nov 2008

How Kate Chopin's 'The Awakening' contributed to the evolution of feminism

Book review - 4 pages - Literature

Kate Chopin was an integral part of the evolution of feminism, providing early 20th century readers with feminist literature that is still highly respected and studied today. Although it is easy to approach her work, and all such work, work with textual evidence supporting a claim of the author's...

25 Nov 2008

Heaven and hell: Aldous Huxley opens the doors of perception

Book review - 9 pages - Literature

Unlike any other mammal on earth, man possesses the unique ability to traverse various levels of the mind in order to alter and create his own perceptions of reality. Unlike any author in modern literature, Aldous Huxley charts man's explorations into the realms of the mind in his books The...

25 Nov 2008

The logic of justifying utilitarianism actions in Koestler's "Darkness at Last"

Book review - 7 pages - Literature

Arthur Koestler in Darkness At Noon, explores the utility of totalitarianism through the fictional life of Nicholas Rubashov, a lifelong, loyal member of The Party who has recently been hauled into jail under dubious charges. Rubashov has spent his entire life promoting the Utilitarian and...

21 Nov 2008

American Jews and politics in the selected works of Philip Roth and Joseph Heller

Essay - 6 pages - Literature

The works of Joseph Heller and Philip Roth are frequently inhabited by American-born Jews. In The Counterlife Roth discusses the association between the American born “Diaspora Jew” to the State of Israel. In Plot Against America it is the reaction of a Jewish family to governmental...

19 Nov 2008

Books that shaped our history of the Vietnam War

Essay - 4 pages - Literature

As long as there is war, and as long as the printing press continues to exist, there will be books about war. Yet as media proliferates, the content of these books changes dramatically. With the dearth of eyewitness accounts of earlier wars, save the journals and varying forms of correspondence...

17 Nov 2008

Perfecting the Human race: Creator, thy name is Man

Essay - 4 pages - Literature

Since many believe the notion that a higher power than man, “God,” created mankind, it is assumed that this undertaking can only be performed by God, and therefore anyone else attempting such a task would be blaspheming his efforts. The Promethean myth challenges that the creation of...

17 Nov 2008

The Bell Jar

Book review - 4 pages - Literature

In the Bell Jar, Plath explores the marginalization of women. Her fiction, grounded in her own experience, permeates with that experience, revealing not only her commentary, but positions devolved into their most rudimentary parts, as to give the reader a backdrop to view them in greater relief....