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1316 results

22 Oct 2022

Dialogue between Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson

Creative writing - 3 pages - Literature

It was a very sunny afternoon in London. I remember how full the streets were. I had some troubles walking through the thick crowd, and sometimes jostled some people. Indeed, this day, I was out because I had a very important appointment with a very important person. I was called a few days ago...

06 Sep 2022

A Room of One's Own - Virginia Woolf (1929) ; Frankenstein or the Modern Prometheus - Mary Shelley (1818) - The Quest for Education

Text commentary - 2 pages - Literature

While analyzing A Room of One's Own and Frankenstein or the Modern Prometheus, the quest for education among the youth in England and the prejudices they had to overcome in their quest to receive an education will be explored. The characters will elaborate on various social and system hurdles...

02 Sep 2022

The English Patient - Michael Ondaatje (1992) - The complexity of identity

Text commentary - 2 pages - Literature

Michael Ondaatje's thriller novel, The English Patient, tells the stories of various characters after the war that disrupted their lives changed their culture and challenged their identity. Most of the characters have endured traumatic experiences that Ondaatje makes apparent by employing...

24 Aug 2022

The picture of Dorian Grey - Oscar Wilde (1890) - Do the seeds of Dorian Gray's destruction ultimately lie in Dorian's self-hatred?

Text commentary - 1 pages - Literature

From the beginning of the novel, Dorian portrays the essence of male beauty and youth. Basil is taken aback by the perfection in Dorian's appearance. Lord Henry is friends with Basil. Basil is hesitant for Lord Henry to be introduced to Dorian. Basil knows the ways of Lord Henry and is well...

23 Aug 2022

The Crucible - Arthur Miller (1953) - Act-by-act summary

Book review - 8 pages - Literature

This document is a synopsis of the play The Crucible by Arthur Miller, in which we can first read of presentation each character, followed by an act-by-act summary. John Proctor is a serious man who keeps all of his thoughts private. He protects his position of power in the community but sees...

22 Aug 2022

The Picture of Dorian Gray - Oscar Wilde (1890) - Psychological mechanisms of dissociation and projection

Text commentary - 2 pages - Literature

Throughout the novel The Picture of Dorian Grey, it becomes clear that Dorian Gray's psychological well-being becomes compromised with every negative thing that happens within his life. To make matters worse, the majority of his issues stem from actions that he has consciously taken, making him...

16 Aug 2022

Jane Eyre and the struggle to reconcile societal expectations

Essay - 2 pages - Literature

In the Victorian era, the essential aspect of a woman's life revolved around her family's domestic sphere and the home she came from. Women from the Middle class were raised to be innocent and pure, sexually undemanding and tender and obedient and submissive. They were presented in this manner to...

25 Jul 2022

Youth marginality in Britain: Contemporary studies of austerity - Shane Blackman and Ruth Rogers (2017) - Offering evidence-based recommendations for policymakers to achieve social justice for young people

Text commentary - 3 pages - Literature

The selected book for review is Youth marginality in Britain: Contemporary studies of austerity by Shane Blackman and Ruth Rogers. This book was published in 2017 and is based on case studies on factors affecting young people in the United Kingdom. The book has 17 chapters written by different...

02 Jun 2022

Heart of Darkness - Joseph Conrad (1899) - Cruelty

Text commentary - 2 pages - Literature

Within the text of Heart of Darkness, cruelty is a prominent concept. The corruption exhibited is essential to the book, shaping not only the story but the characters such as Kurtz. Cruelty is an important factor for the victims because it serves as a crucial motivation to live and as a major...

25 Apr 2022

David Copperfield - Charles Dickens (1849); Cat's Eye - Margaret Atwood (1988); Juno - Jason Reitman (2007) - Difficulties in friendship and love relationships

Text commentary - 2 pages - Literature

This passage is an extract from the novel David Coperfield by Charles Dickens, at the time David Coperfield was married to Dora Spenlow. David felt completely in love with Dora, and they decided to get married. However, their relationship is not reasonable because Dora has no sense of everyday...

30 Mar 2022

Jane Eyre - Charlotte Brontë (1847) - How important is time in the work of Charlotte Brontë?

Essay - 3 pages - Literature

The novel was published in 1847 under the male pseudonym of Currer Bell. The historical context is the Victorian era, during which the British Empire was at its height with possessions all over the world. The literary context of the work coincides with the beginning of the Romantic movement, so...

21 Mar 2022

Northanger Abbey - Jane Austen (1817)

Book review - 2 pages - Literature

Northanger Abbey is one Jane Austen's books, which was first published in 1817, three years after Pride and Prejudice, her best-known novel, and also the year she died. Jane Austen might be one of the most popular writers of her time and is still world-renowned to this day. Northanger Abbey...

19 Feb 2022

Maggie, A Girl of the Streets - Stephen Crane - Maggie is impossible to weep over

Text commentary - 3 pages - Literature

Individuals are determined by heredity and their social category (which covers the place they live in and their standard of living). Maggie, the protagonist of Stephen Crane's novel Maggie, A Girl of the Streets published in 1896, is modelled, shaped, and ultimately determined by her...

31 Jan 2022

Cake, Sarah Rose Etter (2008) - The isotopies

Book review - 6 pages - Literature

"Cake", written in 2008 by Sarah Rose Etter, tells the story of a husband and his wife who share a peculiar routine every two weeks on Friday nights: the husband watches his wife eat a whole cake on her own, and it gives him a lot of pleasure. This short story can be divided into three distinct...

25 Jan 2022

The Impact of Wars and Violence in Scotland - Analysis of an excerpt of Fleshmarket by Nicola Morgan (2016) and of the oil canvas "The Battle of Culloden" by David Morier (1746)

Artwork commentary - 6 pages - Literature

Scotland has often been portrayed as an unstable nation in the midst of violent conflicts both before and after the Acts of Union in 1707. This set of documents consists of two literary works and a pictorial work, spanning the period following the said Acts of Union, from 1746 to 1895, which is...

25 Jan 2022

A Book of Dreaming (A bok of swevenyng)

Text commentary - 7 pages - Literature

A Book of Dreaming traces its roots to the Latin Somniale Danielis and has been reproduced in numerous manuscripts across Europe from the 9th to the 15th centuries. In other words, some stylistic effects could have been lost in the translation from Latin to Middle English. Indeed, the editor,...

12 Dec 2021

Night Mail - Wystan Hugh Auden (1936)

Book review - 3 pages - Literature

Night Mail was written in 1936 by Auden. He was asked to write it for a 22-minute-long documentary also called "Night Mail," and also released in 1936 by the general post office in the UK. This documentary was created to show how the night mail worked, to illustrate what it was like to work on...

03 Sep 2021

Junky - William Seward Burroughs (1953) - Is Junky merely the story of the narrator's drug addiction?

Essay - 4 pages - Literature

Junky, the first novel of W. BURROUGHS, was published for the first time in 1953. It deals with the story of drug addiction, through one example: William LEE, the narrator. It is a major work relating the lifestyle of drug addicts during the 1950s. He employs a laconic tone, but he always seems...

03 Sep 2021

The Subterraneans - Jack Kerouac (1959) - The role of jazz in the novel

Essay - 2 pages - Literature

"The Subterraneans" is a Jack Kerouac's novel written in the 50's (written in 1953 and published in 1958). This novella is not fictional, it deals with a very short romance that Jack Kerouac had with an African American woman, Alena Lee (New York, 1953). But it was bad form to have this...

30 Aug 2021

Is a road trip running away from things or running towards something?

Text commentary - 1 pages - Literature

A road trip is a travel, an escape by campervan or motorcycle (like a Harley Davidson), through vast spaces and during long hours on the road, to discover new landscape, cities or countries. I will take three texts as examples.

30 Apr 2021

The Tell-Tale Heart - Edgar Allan Poe (1843)

Book review - 2 pages - Literature

Edgar Allan Poe is a 19th century American romantic writer best known for his dark and mysterious short stories. 'The Tell-Tale Heart', published in 1843, is one of the most famous ones. It is about a murderous narrator trying to convince the reader of his own sanity by explaining and...

29 Apr 2021

The Great Depression and World War II (1929-45) in U.S. Literature

Essay - 6 pages - Literature

The confidence of the Jazz Age died in 1929 with the Crash. As the nation threatened to disintegrate, the American writer recognized the fragility of its coherence ; capitalism and industry could no longer be trusted to sustain an egalitarian society that could guarantee the welfare of all....

19 Apr 2021

Catcher in the Rye - J. D. Salinger's (1951)

Book review - 5 pages - Literature

This novel is often considered to have been the bible of the postwar young, the story of Holden Caulfield, an upper-middle-class adolescent schoolboy just on the edge of losing his presocial and presexual innocence - which he is able to express, like Huckleberry Finn, in his own vivid vernacular...

07 Mar 2021

The Blood Runs Like a River Through My Dream - Nasdijj, Timothy Patrick Barru (2020)

Book review - 6 pages - Literature

The Blood Runs like a River Through My Dreams (2000) is the memoir of a man, Nasdiij (the author) who writes about his life and feelings. Being of mixed Caucasian and Navajo decent, Nasdijj feels like he does not belong to any of those groups. Nasdijj has a hard life, his dad beat him, his mom...

04 Mar 2021

The Blindfold - Siri Hustvedt - Post-modernism

Essay - 2 pages - Literature

'There are no hard distinctions between what is real and what is unreal, nor between what is true and what is false. A thing is not necessarily either true or false; it can be both true and false.' Is a quotation from Harold Pinter that illustrates the ideas of the post-modernist movement,...

04 Mar 2021

Beat Generation - Jack Kerouac and Allen Ginsberg

Essay - 2 pages - Literature

'Follow your inner moonlight, don't hide the madness' is a quote by Allen Ginsberg that embodies the ideas that members of the literary and social 'beat generation' movement advocate. The later was created in the 1950s at the end of the Second World War, mainly by two young...

16 Feb 2021

Oedipus The King - Sophocles (425 B.C.) - The Dramatic Power of Fate

Text commentary - 3 pages - Literature

Over the centuries, people have believed in the influence of divine or diabolical power in their lives. One of the most often discussed themes of ancient Greek tragedy is fatalism, the idea and belief that human actions are guided by the hand of fate, destiny, the gods or some other supernatural...

03 Feb 2021

The Appointment in Samarra - W. Somerset Maugham (1933) - Encounter with Death

Essay - 2 pages - Literature

Terrorising and scary, death has always been a threatening subject. Although nobody wants to think about dying, we all wonder when Death is going to take us. In the fable "The Appointment in Samarra" by W. Somerset Maugham (1933), the author demonstrates that humans cannot avoid their fate. When...

03 Feb 2021

The House of Mirth (Edith Wharto, 1905) and Passing (Nella Larsen, 1929) - Women identity issues in the early twentieth century

Essay - 3 pages - Literature

The House of Mirth (Edith Wharton) and Passing (Nella Larsen) are novels presenting female characters struggling to fit into the 20th century society. At the time, women were not very independent and had almost no means to earn a living. In The House of Mirth, Lily Bart's parents died and in...

22 Jan 2021

How to write an essay? A short guide to increase your skills

Practical guide - 3 pages - Literature

An essay is the English equivalent of a dissertation in French. You will be asked a question about a subject, or a fact, and you will have to develop about it. An essay has some particularities, that differentiate it from the French dissertation. Indeed, even if the same type of questions is...