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1316 results

24 Jun 2010

Summary of Galapagos by Kurt Vonnegut

Essay - 1 pages - Literature

Galapagos by Kurt Vonnegut is the fictional story told by Leon Trout, the ghost of a man who died during the construction of the ship “Bahia de Darwin.” Trout observes the passengers of this ship as they make their way on the “Nature Cruise of the Century.” Excited to travel...

21 Jun 2010

Comparison and contrast between Rober Lawell's "Man and Wife" and Gretel Ehrlich's "A match to the heart"

Essay - 1 pages - Literature

It was 1959 when Robert Lowell completed an amazing set of poems included in a collection named “Life Studies”. The most conspicuous among them - “Man and Wife”, tackles the problems of personal tragedy. The main accent is put on the troubled marriage, as the author reviews...

02 Jun 2010

The nature and the role of women in Shakespeare's Macbeth

Thesis - 6 pages - Literature

William Shakespeare's Macbeth is among the few of Shakespeare's plays where a female character plays a catalytic role. The female characters in this play are Lady Macbeth, Lady Macduff, the Three Witches, and Hecate. Lady Macbeth and her husband, Macbeth are the chief protagonists of the play....

02 Jun 2010

On Chrétien de Troyes' The knight of the cart

Thesis - 2 pages - Literature

In The Knight of the Cart, after Lancelot disposes of an opposing knight and saves a fair damsel, she offers a place of refuge so long as Lancelot sleeps with her. However reluctant, Lancelot agrees and to kill the time between dinner and sleep, he roams around outside the house. When he returns,...

02 Jun 2010

Rationale behind silence and Queen Eufeme's Chaste Kissing

Thesis - 3 pages - Literature

What a scandalous scene in Silence when Queen Eufeme and the protagonist, whom the story is named after, come close, very close to sleeping together. It is such an emotionally charged scene: a predator chasing its unwilling prey. Will Silence succumb to the Queen's advances to keep up...

02 Jun 2010

Doing gender: Reasserting masculinity

Thesis - 2 pages - Literature

Gender is a socially constructed status. Based on how others perceive us we are labeled as men or women, the only two genders recognized in Western society. Walking to class I notice everyone is ‘doing gender,' or they display evidences of masculinity or femininity. I see a heterosexual...

25 May 2010

Tess of d'Urbervilles: The dark shadow of death

Thesis - 3 pages - Literature

Thomas Hardy's novel Tess of d'Urbervilles tells the story of a young girl named Tess Durbeyfield who is seduced by, Alec d'Ubervilles, her distant relative. The loss of her virginity, and the birth of a child, haunts her and makes it impossible for her to succeed in marriage with the man she...

23 Apr 2010

Postmodern American literature: Transformation and commodification within The Crying of Lot 49

Thesis - 3 pages - Literature

A prominent theme among the writings of many postmodern analysts in characterizing postmodernism is the notion that the age of post-modernity is essentially the age of commercialism and commoditization. In his book The Postmodern Condition: A Report on Knowledge, Jean- François Lyotard contends...

13 Apr 2010

Freedom and the self

Thesis - 3 pages - Literature

In Michel Foucault's book Discipline and Punish, “The Body of the Condemned” is a section dedicated to the concept of power and its relationship to modern punishment, which focuses primarily on the soul of the criminal, a sharp contrast to the punishments aimed to inflict pain on the...

12 Apr 2010

Heroism in Beowulf and Macbeth

Essay - 3 pages - Literature

Grendel first appeared in Herot, the mead hall of the king of the Danes, Hrothgar. Disturbed by the feasting and celebration taking place in the evenings by Danish warriors and heroes, who often met in the hall to tell exaggerated tales of glory and drink mead, Grendel stole in during the night...

12 Apr 2010

Literary analysis of "The Dead"

Essay - 3 pages - Literature

James Joyce was born on February 2nd, 1882, in Dublin. His lifelong obsession with his own Irish culture, and the local city of Dublin, inspired many of his works. In particular, Dubliners, a collection of short stories taking place in Dublin, published in 1914, testifies to this obsession....

12 Apr 2010

Domination and submission in Jane Eyre: An essay on power play

Essay - 3 pages - Literature

In a manner of speaking, Charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre reinvents the concept of romance. One hardly expects a sordid tale of domination and submission from a sickly country girl, yet Bronte dabbled experimentally with the idea of feminism and power play in her hugely successful first novel. Jane...

12 Apr 2010

In the hands of Yankees: Fitzgerald's "The Ice Palace" as a Northern American captivity narrative

Essay - 2 pages - Literature

The effective removal of the American Indian from North America failed to kill off the American tradition of captivity narratives established by the primarily female Anglo-American authors of Indian captivity narratives. In these memoirs of life among the “other,” Anglo-American women...

12 Apr 2010

The Church's Grasp: Captivity in Joyce's Dubliners - published: 12/04/2010

Essay - 2 pages - Literature

It is easy to recognize when one is held captive by the unfamiliar, but the crippling effect of familiar forces is not so easily realized. Throughout American captivity narratives, typically female Anglo-Americans are ensnared by Native Americans, the “other” of early Anglo-American...

06 Apr 2010

Renaissance Literature is indebted more to emblematic and allegorical modes, than to modern forms of realism

Thesis - 6 pages - Literature

The aftermath of reformation, mid 16th.Century, left the art and literary world in upheaval. The former art of Catholicism which had been figurative and vivid, depicting the saints in all their glory, was redundant and even despised. Many reformers believed that to idolize the saints and to...

06 Apr 2010

The prose style of an author

Essay - 4 pages - Literature

What is so compelling about Faulkner's work is his gloriously bold approach toward form and content. He embraces the dark side of humanity, through the characters of Jason, Caddy and Quentin, refusing to deny or disguise its existence and in doing so redefines despair, it is no longer, '...

06 Apr 2010

Representations of history and regeneration by Pat Barker

Essay - 2 pages - Literature

Barker has chosen to tell the tale from the viewpoint of the patients and staff of a war hospital, which treats mainly psychiatric injuries caused by battle. Straight away we are dealing with issues of masculinity. These patients have been discharged, not for receiving injuries in the line of...

06 Apr 2010

What role did women play within Anglo Saxon culture?

Essay - 3 pages - Literature

Throughout history, the position of women in society has fluxed dramatically. It seems quite clear from looking at historical evidence that most of this movement has been a decline, rather than an improvement in the social attitudes towards women. In Anglo- Saxons times, women were valued members...

06 Apr 2010

How is the notion of woman represented by 18th century writing?

Thesis - 3 pages - Literature

Throughout the 18th century, we see gender as a site of much anxiety. At this time, women were emerging as key contributors to both political and popular writing, through works such as Oroonoko, by Aphra Behn, and A Vindication of the Rights of Man, by Mary Wollenstonecraft Godwin. This feminine...

06 Apr 2010

Willy Loman and the death of an American dreamer

Thesis - 2 pages - Literature

Arthur Miller's Death of a Salesman is a portrait of a man who wrestles with his own delusions of success and happiness within the business world. One of the main themes of the story is how the main character has attached his success and failures in other areas of life to his self-image as a...

01 Apr 2010

The things they carried: Time O'Brien

Book review - 1 pages - Literature

This book is, debatably, a memoir of the Vietnam War. By debatably, I mean to say that it is written in the form of a memoir, although the author denies that many of these events actually took place. This book includes the stories of Tim O'Brien and the soldiers that he knew in Vietnam during the...

01 Apr 2010

The House on Mango Street

Book review - 2 pages - Literature

I chose this book because my aunt recommended me reading it. Although I don't usually read books like this, because it was a book about coming of age, I thought it would be interesting to read. This book was somewhat like The Catcher in the Rye, but instead of taking place in New York, it...

01 Apr 2010

Daisy Miller: Henry James

Book review - 2 pages - Literature

This book takes place in 1878 and centers around the idea of an extended trip throughout Europe, which was very popular among wealthy Americans at this time. This novel addresses the behavior of the young American girls who visit Europe and due to their new distance from home, become very...

01 Apr 2010

The Picture of Dorian Gray: Oscar Wilde

Book review - 2 pages - Literature

I chose to read the Picture of Dorian Gray because I was already semi familiar with the story and numerous friends recommended it to me. This famous novel takes place in nineteenth century England and revolves around the high society of that time and place. There is a supernatural aspect to this...

01 Apr 2010

The Secret Life of Bees: Sue Kidd

Thesis - 2 pages - Literature

I selected this book because I know a lot of people who have read it before. I was expecting this book to be about animals, well more like bees. It turns out to be more about the story of a young white girl living in a time without black rights. This book is fiction; it takes place in a time...

01 Apr 2010

Hard Times by Charles Dickens

Thesis - 4 pages - Literature

Charles Dickens highlights that facts aren't everything. You can't always rely on them, because they can burn out being untrue and serving you wrong. When Louisa was talking to her father, Mr. Gradgrind about how facts ruined her life and how she didn't know how to rebate and handle her feelings,...

01 Apr 2010

Fyodor Dostoevsky: Coping with flaws and surviving in society

Thesis - 5 pages - Literature

In Fyodor Dostoevsky's Notes from Underground, the narrator writes from an underground location reflecting on the flaws in man and the society he once lived in. Through examining his days prior to retreating underground the narrator comes to hate the bonds of society and human nature more and...

01 Apr 2010

Siddhartha by Herman Hesse

Book review - 2 pages - Literature

This book was originally recommended to me by freshman humanities teacher. When I read the book previously, it helped me to make sense of my own beliefs and I recently came to a point in my life where I felt that it was time to read it again. This is really a story of philosophy and religion. It...

01 Apr 2010

Psychological analysis in the Heart of Darkness

Book review - 1 pages - Literature

Orphaned at the age of twelve, Conrad's writing reflects solidarity. In his most popular novel Heart of Darkness he states, “We live, as we dream- alone.” Common themes in his works are alienation, confusion, and doubt. He wrote not only about physical threats but also about inner...

01 Apr 2010

Integrated essay on the empire in the West, France and England as powerful states, the medieval period and Black Death in Europe

Thesis - 5 pages - Literature

Charlemagne's coronation as emperor at St. Peter's Basilica heralded a new era for the West and for the Byzantine Empire. Charlemagne became the strong leader at the helm and his missi dominici kept a watchful eye on territories that were far away. The governments of France and England could not...