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1313 results

15 May 2013

Contrast St. Thomas Aquinas' use of Aristotelianism with Bonaventure's. Which was more Augustinian? (Reason and Faith

Case study - 4 pages - Literature

The comparison of Saint Bonvaventure and Saint Thomas Aquinas lays in their own philosophical differences and personal interpretation and understanding of Aristotle. In order to do this first we must note the important differences between the two. “The translation project of Aristotle's...

30 Apr 2013

Allegory of California by Diego Rivera

Case study - 2 pages - Literature

There are multiple art mediums that may be utilized. The book used for class specifically outlines painting and printmaking in chapters 5 and 6. Of the two mediums, painting seems to be a more effective medium. Diego Rivera is one specific artist that utilizes this method. The book reveals the...

30 Apr 2013

Elgin Marbles, Should They Be Moved?

Case study - 2 pages - Literature

There are many ways to preserve history. It may be conserved through books, documents, or even pictures. The most creative way history to reveal history is through art. The civilization of Ancient Greece did this in a captivating way. Their way of revealing history through art was so unique that...

30 Apr 2013

Harlem renaissance

Case study - 4 pages - Literature

Each culture in America has a period of time that is significant to that group. The period identified may have advanced the culture in multiple ways. The African American community experienced a certain period of time that tremendously advanced their culture in America. This time period may be...

30 Apr 2013

Hansel and Gretel analysis

Case study - 2 pages - Literature

Literature offers a variety of stories. Some stories are modern and innovative. Others tell timeless tales. These tales may be interpreted differently throughout the years. Nevertheless they are still relevant. The story of "Hansel and Gretel" by the Grimm Brothers is the perfect example of this....

03 Apr 2013

Self-generated persuasion

Case study - 6 pages - Literature

When looked back to the second character, a man of medium build dressed in a modest suit. He lifted a small glass of red wine, which disappeared behind a shadow fallen across his face. Adam cast his eyes away, unsure if the man was looking at him. Instead, he observed two women who had entered...

12 Mar 2013

Elite Series Pro Kelley Jaye isn't afraid to get Jerky with Jerkbaits

Case study - 3 pages - Literature

Every bass angler has his niche, no matter if you are a recreational or a pro-angler, it's been seen often that one angler who's an expert in this, or an expert in that. There's the Denny Brauers of fishing, where their favorite lures are jigs, or the Kevin VanDams, where all they throw are...

12 Mar 2013

Where it all begins and ends: How strike king designs, tests, and creates lures

Case study - 2 pages - Literature

“Lures are harder to design. Colors are not as important for triggering strikes,” said Strike King Lure designer Phil Marks. “Today's colors are mostly just variations of existing schemes. Colors have to be eye appealing. There have been many great fish catching colors that...

07 Mar 2013

Catechism essay

Case study - 2 pages - Literature

"It is but natural that in opening this Universal Council we should like to look to the past and to listen to its voices whose echo we like to hear in the memories and the merits of the more recent and ancient Pontiffs, our predecessors," said Andrew Brown of the Guardian in Britain. Throughout...

26 Feb 2013

The glory of shame

Case study - 3 pages - Literature

Sir Gawain and the Green Knight glorifies the affluence of King Arthur's court through elaborate detail and celebrates the virtues of the Pentangle that the knights swear to uphold. Then it challenges every mention of a virtue with an opposition: While everybody holds Sir Gawain to be the most...

26 Feb 2013

The Delicate Hero

Case study - 3 pages - Literature

Judith takes the head of her enemy and delivers a speech to galvanize an army that saves her city from the invading Assyrians. She demonstrates apparent heroism through these accomplishments. However, the text in Sid Bradley's translation of “Judith” reveals that she does not achieve...

26 Feb 2013

Escaping Fatalism, the Christian way

Case study - 3 pages - Literature

Alexander Pope's Essay on Man presents contradicting arguments: First he proposes that prevailing rules of fatalism govern the universe, then he advocates deliberate decision-making as Man's way of paving his own path toward salvation; He suggests the futility of Man's attempts to reason beyond...

21 Feb 2013

Hamlet by William shake sphere

Case study - 3 pages - Literature

For eons, shake sphere has consolidated his place as the greatest poet, writer, and composer of all times. In the history of classical literature cannons, his works remain the most quoted, read, and recommended both in America and European schools .Among his plays, Hamlet also referred to as the...

21 Feb 2013

The Franklin Tale by Chaucer

Case study - 2 pages - Literature

The Franklin account by Chaucer has been tautened by many as to illustrate several themes .In this tale, Chaucer adduces out the true values and culture of the medieval British society. Further, the concept of marriage is vividly illustrated. Critics postulate that, Chaucer's tale has a...

08 Jan 2013

Extra credit

Case study - 2 pages - Literature

The New Self is a poem by Steve Gehrke and appears in the July/August 2012 addition of Poetry 100 Years. The New Self is a deeply introspective poem that begins with the author trying to decipher what exactly it is that causes him to dwell on his inner self. Throughout the opening stanzas, Gehrke...

08 Jan 2013

Psychoanalytical reading of Charlotte Gilman's "The Yellow Wallpaper"

Case study - 3 pages - Literature

Charlotte Perkins Gilman created the short story “The Yellow Wallpaper” in order to present a world capable of transforming itself to satisfy the reality of the narrator. The story follows a woman's transgression into an alternate state of mind, relying on elements of writing such as...

08 Jan 2013

Diane de Prima and Jack Kerouac's effect on the beat generation

Case study - 3 pages - Literature

The time in America following the confusion of World War II resulted in a great identity crisis for the thinkers of the country. Creators suddenly found them in a world resisting change for it felt it had experience enough in regards to the devastation of war. The country implemented strict...

08 Jan 2013

Symbols in the Gospel of John

Case study - 3 pages - Literature

The New Testament begins with the first four gospel books, each proclaiming ideas unique to the time of their composition, as well as the audiences they wished to reach. The synoptic gospels consist of the first three gospels, making the Gospel of John very unique due to its exclusion from this...

08 Jan 2013

Dialogue comparing the analytical lenses of new criticism and deconstructionism through Frankenstein

Case study - 5 pages - Literature

Torrents of rain fell from the black clouds above as if the sky gained sentience for the eerie day at hand. The children ran around in peculiar guises, feigning safety from the evils of the world by hiding behind their plastic masks. The roads grew too thick with water and began to steal the...

07 Jan 2013

Discerning symbolic meanings in two pericopes from the Gospel of John

Case study - 4 pages - Literature

The Gospel of John was written after the synoptic gospels, and was intended to explain teachings of Jesus as well as ideals in a way unexpressed previously throughout the New Testament. John does this through inserting comparative meanings within the gospel, most of which serve to further prove...

07 Jan 2013

Biblical criticism and the search for Jesus

Case study - 2 pages - Literature

The Bible is one of the most studied written works in the world today, due to its immense capability for interpretation. People often argue on whether certain works within it should be taken as literal or figurative, without considering the Bible's diverse origins. Once taken into account the...

27 Dec 2012

English learning issues in Canada: Suggestions for an easier command

Case study - 2 pages - Literature

In many countries, residents who do not have a perfect command of its official language(s) are a cause for concern for many people including themselves, parents, educators, and policymakers. A 2011 study found that a significant number of Canadian residents, representing fourteen percent of the...

21 Dec 2012

Shakespeare and the Deus Ex Machina

Case study - 4 pages - Literature

Throughout the entirety of Shakespeare's work, people of all walks of life encounter conflict on nearly every available front. Be it the clash of cultures, as in Othello: The Moor of Venice; a conflict of beliefs and morals as in Measure for Measure or the family and existential conflicts found...

21 Dec 2012

Adorno and Horkheimer, Arendt, and Marcuse

Case study - 4 pages - Literature

Throughout history, even the most abstract philosophers wrote the majority of their work about their daily life, surroundings, and society. As time, society and technology progressed, a similar progression became evident in the writing of modern philosophers. In the twentieth century, many of...

20 Dec 2012

Feminism in Three Perspectives

Case study - 3 pages - Literature

Women have always been labeled the weaker sex. Evolutionists will say that men have adapted to be physically stronger, as it is their role to provide for his family and protect them. Religious scholars will tell you that wives must defer to their husbands, and were created as mere compliments...

20 Dec 2012

The Silent Holocaust

Case study - 2 pages - Literature

Four generations previous to my own, Adolf Hitler was responsible for the death of 64 of the world's Jewish population, (The Number of Jews…”). The National Jewish Population Survey indicates that in another four generations, the Jewish population will decrease by another 85-98 (Will...

20 Dec 2012

The use of figurative language in "Turtle" and "My son my executioner"

Case study - 2 pages - Literature

Although not unique to the medium, figurative language and poetry are nearly inseparable. In even the most simplistic poems, authors make heavy use of metaphors, symbols, personification, assonance, alliteration and much more to underscore the themes of their works. Two poems, written by the...

20 Dec 2012

The Hindu philosophical thought

Case study - 10 pages - Literature

It has been told by Sri Madhvacharya (13th Century), one of the prominent philosophical leaders of India, that “Wondrous multitude is this world, extensively vivid is this world and by virtue of these, the creator is par-excellent, infinite and powerful”. This praise denotes the...

17 Dec 2012

Analysis of Roman Polanski's Rosemary's Baby

Case study - 2 pages - Literature

The film Rosemary's Baby plays on a common fear most people in society think about at some point: the existence of evil in the world. In fact, it would be safe to say that it is a story that if one were deeply spiritual could possibly think could come true; in the Bible there is detailed...

17 Dec 2012

Benjamin Franklin's autobiography

Case study - 2 pages - Literature

One of the major themes of The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin is that of self improvement. Although there may be certain points during the story where the reader may get the impression Franklin was more into bragging about his lifetime accomplishments than encouraging readers to improve...