The sonnet: 20th-21st century - British Poetry
Course material - 3 pages - Literature
Wilfred Owen was 25 when he died. Literary man who was a poet and knew people who published, that is how his poems were published. Monument in British culture. Wilfred knew what the war was about, the dominating powers behind it... When analysing, first impression is the first thing we should...
West African Anglophone Literary Productions
Course material - 21 pages - Literature
By and large, the objective of this course is to get students in the humanities to cast a meaningful glance at the landscape of the aesthetico-social and political realities which have affected the continent, ever since slavery days through colonization up to the contemporary stage, in the prism...
Defining the intimacy between the work of English poets Elizabeth Barrett Browning and William Shakespeare
Course material - 7 pages - Literature
William Shakespeare is a world-renowned poet and playwright who has brought the narrative stories into a different level of genius he so cleverly crafted through the sublime musings he got from his views on the society, love, and the likes. On the other hand, Elizabeth Barrett Browning is a poet...
GRE Practice Essay: Evaluating Arguments
Course material - 1 pages - Literature
We need to increase the funding for the movie Working Title by 10% in order to ensure a quality product. As you know, we are working with a first-time director, whose only previous experience has been shooting commercials for a shampoo company. Since the advertising business is notoriously...