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277 results

25 Apr 2008

The Earle Perry Charlton Story

Book review - 5 pages - Literature

The Earle Perry Charlton biography, the Charlton Story, is about one of America's greatest entrepreneurs, in the early 1900's. The book chronicles Charlton's life from birth to death, and explains in detail his business relationships and tactics. Overall the main topic of the book was how...

24 Apr 2008

Fate versus Free Will: Dave Boyle

Book review - 3 pages - Literature

The explicit mention of fate occurs only once in regard to Dave Boyle in Dennis Lehane's Mystic River, but the battle between fate and free will in his life is evident throughout the novel. Dave Boyle, a tragic character, has little free will to change the pre-determined forces that have shaped...

24 Apr 2008

Breaking Through the Trappings of Stereotyped Femininity

Book review - 3 pages - Literature

Edna Pontellier is a victim of the mother/whore duality, unable to escape the conditions of her culture that prevent her from being capable of self-actualization, and so walks into the ocean and never comes out again. This is the conclusion to Kate Chopin's novel The Awakening, in which she...

23 Apr 2008

The Liminal Period in the Cinderella Fairy Tale

Book review - 4 pages - Literature

In “The Little Glass Slipper”, Cinderella is undergoing what anthropologist Victor Turner, in his theory regarding rites de passage, would regard as a transitional period between being a girl under the protection of her mother and a woman under the protection of a husband. During this...

22 Apr 2008

Alienation in the Butcher Boy

Book review - 5 pages - Literature

In the Butcher Boy, Patrick McCabe paints a picture of the perfectly dysfunctional family in The Bradys, who are shown in stark contrast to the perfectly normal family, the Nugents. From the start, Francie Brady's family was the epitome of unstable. Francie's father was an alcoholic who abused...

21 Apr 2008

Style vs. Substance in The Sea

Book review - 4 pages - Literature

The Sea is no doubt, a difficult novel to read. John Banville's language can be quite strenuous, and at some times, enigmatic. No major events or plot points seem to occur in The Sea, that is, externally. There is not much of a linear plot, if any. Almost everything that happens in the main...

21 Apr 2008

The Time Machine and the Plight of the Chinese Immigrant in 19th Century American West

Book review - 6 pages - Literature

The Time Machine, written in 1895, describes the adventures the Time Traveler as he explores the 800 thousandth century and the unknown eons unto the dying of our sun. The bulk of the story occurs in the year 802,701, where the Time Traveler stops and encounters a strange species called the...

21 Apr 2008

Freedom That is Never More Authentic Than When it is Within the Walls of a Prison Cell

Book review - 3 pages - Literature

Whether it is read from an historical, psychological, literary, or any other sort of applicable perspective, the reader must admit that Toni Morrison's novel Sula allows itself be read in many different ways. Perhaps that is one of the beauties of the book: people from many different backgrounds...

18 Apr 2008

Darkness and Light in "Heart of Darkness"

Book review - 3 pages - Literature

The battle between light and darkness is being waged right now, in every corner of the earth. This war has been fought since time began. In every realm of society, opposites counterbalance each other. The balance of powers in the government allows the American people to have a say in the...

18 Apr 2008

The Open Boat

Book review - 3 pages - Literature

In the story of “The Open Boat”, Stephen Crane has taken the time to masterfully portray a story that is so very dear to his life. Back in 1897, Crane went through the horrific experience of crashing his boat and being stranded for nearly 30 hours. This experience became so near and...

17 Apr 2008

Reflections on 'A Clockwork Orange'

Book review - 6 pages - Literature

It's a 1st person narrative through Alex's eyes. The first 3-4 pages are used in describing the ‘Korova Milk Bar' and its inhabitants. It sells milk laced with drugs. It appears that he is the leader in a gang. There is a brief description of the members in his gang. He seems to be the...

16 Apr 2008

The Parent-Child Dynamic: Ernest Hemingway Vs Winesburg

Book review - 6 pages - Literature

Ernest Hemingway's first collection of stories, In Our Time, published in 1925, was heavily influenced by his then friend Sherwood Anderson's 1919 collection Winesburg, Ohio. The most notable difference in the times in which the stories are set is Winesburg, Ohio is set before World War I, and...

15 Apr 2008

History, Memory, and Relationships with the Past in James Joyce's Ulysses

Book review - 6 pages - Literature

The past can be a daunting thing. From personal memory to history at large, the past has the power to bury those unable to establish a healthy relationship with it. One can easily become trapped - paralyzed - in the past through guilt, regret, or nostalgia, emotions generated based upon...

15 Apr 2008

Patriarchal Sexuality of the Internalized Document in Corregidora

Book review - 4 pages - Literature

The adage “history repeats itself,” like many adages, sometimes seem disingenuous; they are neatly packaged concepts that lack any definitive details that would give one a context to consider them properly. In Corregidora, there is an expansion of this idea of history and repetition....

14 Apr 2008

'Otherness' and the Fact and Fancy Dichotomy in Charles Dickens' Hard Times

Book review - 4 pages - Literature

“Otherness” describes a person engaging in the reflexive act of defining their identity in reference to another person. In this way, Otherness is a definitive means of exploring the relationships between social castes and gender relationships. In Hard Times, these two types of Otherness...

14 Apr 2008

A Byzantine Novel Drosilla And Charikles

Book review - 4 pages - Literature

The theme I select to examine in A Byzantine Novel Drosilla And Charikles, is the power of love. Love in the time of Drosilla and Charikles was an entirely different concept. Especially from what we are accustomed to today. Loving someone fifty years ago, isn't even close to how we love a...

14 Apr 2008

Technology in "A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court"

Book review - 3 pages - Literature

The technology in our world has been both a beneficial force and a destructive one. On one hand, technology has made our world a much simpler place to live in, and it is hard to imagine the world we live in today without it. Just about everything we do, from shopping for groceries to paying your...

08 Apr 2008

Book Review: The Women of Renaissance Florence by Richard Trexler

Book review - 4 pages - Literature

The Women of Renaissance Florence, Power and Dependence in Renaissance Florence is a collection of three essays by Richard Trexler that give the reader insight into the experience of women in Florentine society by examining three major groups of women; nuns, prostitutes, and widows. Trexler is a...

18 Feb 2008

Paralytic People: Paralysis in James Joyce's "A Little Cloud"

Book review - 3 pages - Literature

Tourists visiting New York City have one major complaint: the rudeness of everyone in the city. The tourists are not entirely to blame, though. The skyscrapers, steam rising from the streets, and the immense amount of concrete would make any non-New Yorker uncomfortable. Observers of New Yorkers...

18 Feb 2008

Book review: All Quiet on the Western Front by Erich Maria Remarque

Book review - 3 pages - Literature

All throughout time, since man was first given the ability to write, countless novels have been written on almost every subject conceivable. When it comes to literature on history, an infinite number of subtopics become available. Some examples include, war, peace, types of governments,...

11 Feb 2008

Book review: He She It, by Marge Piercy

Book review - 3 pages - Literature

In her novel, He She It, Marge Piercy questions ideas of gender and gender roles in a futuristic society. Piercy sets the stage of her story in a temporarily safe haven called Tikva, a Jewish slum where matriarchy holds a subtle but evident power. The story's central character is Shira...

04 Jan 2008

Short Story Review

Book review - 2 pages - Literature

Readers love the story of the predator and the prey, regardless of where or with whom the sympathy falls. A tale of survival or near-survival keeps us craving more, and if the creator or messenger of that story can secretly divulge wisdom along the way, then both reader and author benefit....

21 Dec 2007

Book Review: Women in the Viking Age

Book review - 3 pages - Literature

Women in the Viking Age by Judith Jesch is a detailed and informative publication that discusses women during the Viking Age through the close examination of a vast amount of resources. Judith Jesch is currently teaching at the University of Nottingham, and has extensive experience in a variety...

19 Oct 2007

Know Your Neurosis: An Analysis of Frank Bruno's It's OK to Be Neurotic

Book review - 3 pages - Literature

I picked It's OK to Be Neurotic: Using Your Neuroses to Your Advantage by Frank Bruno from the bottom row on the third book case in the self-help section at Barnes & Noble because the title on the spine was so obnoxiously bold and it was shelved at the wrong end of the alphabet. They say not to...

19 Oct 2007

Father, Forgive Them: A Review of Simon Wiesenthal's The Sunflower: On the Possibilities and Limits of Forgiveness

Book review - 2 pages - Literature

There is a basic purpose to the literature of Holocaust survivors: to bare witness. Many believe they survived to perform such a duty, to fulfill such a debt to those who did not. As witnesses, they record living history, for they record the history of their own lives. But what happens when a...

05 Sep 2007

Alumni Magazines: Content Contention

Book review - 2 pages - Literature

Alumni magazines have long been a source of debate among both their producers and receivers. What information should they include, and what is their real purpose? For the institutions that produce them, they are usually considered a way to interest potential donors, and raise awareness of events...

05 Sep 2007

SELF: A Magazine at its Best

Book review - 4 pages - Literature

SELF is a monthly women's fitness and lifestyle magazine published by Condé Nast Publications. Founded in 1979, its mission statement declares that it is “the first-ever magazine of total-well-being, incorporating beauty and health, fitness and nutrition, and happiness and personal style...

05 Sep 2007

Book Affair

Book review - 3 pages - Literature

So Many Books, So Little Time: A Year of Passionate Reading is a humorous memoir about reading. Sara Nelson, editor, mother, wife, and friend decides to spend a year reading a different novel every week. She admits, in a favorite quote of mine, that she was not always a reader: I wasn't, in...

05 Sep 2007

Review of Sarah B. Pomeroy's Book: Families in Classical and Hellenistic Greece: Representations and Realities

Book review - 3 pages - Literature

The study of social history is not a new phenomenon, but some of today's leading historians are shedding some new light on the history of the family. Such is the case with the social history of classical and Hellenistic Greece. Many historians have devoted their time to the issues surrounding the...

23 Aug 2007

Book Report: Wise Blood

Book review - 2 pages - Literature

The Flannery O'Connor novel, Wise Blood, is a tragic story set in the declining south. The characters of the novel, the main character, Hazel Motes, in particular, struggle with their religious identity and suffering throughout the course of the plot. What follows here is a report on the book's...