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04 Dec 2008

Reasonably wrong: The underground man's inferiority complex

Book review - 7 pages - Literature

In Fyodor Dostoevsky's Notes From Underground, desire is shown to be a more important force of human nature than reason by observing how the Underground Man makes decisions. Understanding that he suffers from an extreme case of inferiority complex is instrumental in being able to decipher the...

04 Dec 2008

The effects of knowledge on happiness and freedom

Book review - 5 pages - Literature

Upon reading The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, Oedipus the King, The Crying of Lot 49, and Dostoevski's “The Grand Inquisitor on the Nature of Man”, I find that a common theme links their ideas together. As the four stories progress, the main characters all receive...

04 Dec 2008

Common reading proposal 'Tell them who I am: The lives of homeless women' by Elliot Liebow

Book review - 8 pages - Literature

Many colleges and universities have implemented common reading programs for college freshmen. Many times, it is up to the libraries discretion as to what book is chosen for this program. Sometimes libraries themselves initiated the common reading program, other times it was a joint effort to...

01 Dec 2008

Jihad vs. McWorld: The new world disorder

Book review - 5 pages - Literature

Jihad vs. McWorld was written by Rutgers University Political Science professor Benjamin R. Barber. The author is widely regarded one of the nation's foremost scholars on democracy. He has written Strong Democracy, in which he explains that economic liberalism is the basis for and cause of...

01 Dec 2008

Out of the garden: Examining the true origins of Genesis

Book review - 6 pages - Literature

“And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.” Genesis 2:7 (Holy Bible, King James Version). Ever since that first breathe, man has been questioning the ways of the Lord. Laws, teachings, and...

01 Dec 2008

Racial stereotypes and their role in the concept of Manifest Destiny by Justin Herndon

Book review - 6 pages - Literature

The modern connotations of the concept of “Manifest Destiny” are generally of two diverging camps; One is a romanticized image of devout pilgrims, such as the Mormons, who left the crowded and sinful cities of the East for the freedom of the West, hoping to find a new promised land, or...

25 Nov 2008

How Kate Chopin's 'The Awakening' contributed to the evolution of feminism

Book review - 4 pages - Literature

Kate Chopin was an integral part of the evolution of feminism, providing early 20th century readers with feminist literature that is still highly respected and studied today. Although it is easy to approach her work, and all such work, work with textual evidence supporting a claim of the author's...

25 Nov 2008

Heaven and hell: Aldous Huxley opens the doors of perception

Book review - 9 pages - Literature

Unlike any other mammal on earth, man possesses the unique ability to traverse various levels of the mind in order to alter and create his own perceptions of reality. Unlike any author in modern literature, Aldous Huxley charts man's explorations into the realms of the mind in his books The...

25 Nov 2008

The logic of justifying utilitarianism actions in Koestler's "Darkness at Last"

Book review - 7 pages - Literature

Arthur Koestler in Darkness At Noon, explores the utility of totalitarianism through the fictional life of Nicholas Rubashov, a lifelong, loyal member of The Party who has recently been hauled into jail under dubious charges. Rubashov has spent his entire life promoting the Utilitarian and...

17 Nov 2008

The Bell Jar

Book review - 4 pages - Literature

In the Bell Jar, Plath explores the marginalization of women. Her fiction, grounded in her own experience, permeates with that experience, revealing not only her commentary, but positions devolved into their most rudimentary parts, as to give the reader a backdrop to view them in greater relief....

07 Nov 2008

Self reliance as a means to discovering identity

Book review - 5 pages - Literature

According to Ralph Ellison, identity is the American theme. This sentiment explains why his highly acclaimed novel, Invisible Man, features a nameless protagonist trying to discover who he is. Ellison also insists that “the nature of our society is such that we are prevented from knowing who...

16 Oct 2008

The parallel tragedies of Lily Bart and Tess Durbeyfield: An examination of Edith Wharton's The House of Mirth

Book review - 5 pages - Literature

Edith Wharton's The House of Mirth and Thomas Hardy's Tess of the d'Urbervilles are powerful examples of the American and British realist novel. Both depict the harsh Victorian society in which women were held to unattainable standards of perfection, and both are social commentaries about the...

26 Sep 2008

Early existentialism in Julius Caesar

Book review - 4 pages - Literature

There is a saying among political scientists that the citizens of a nation deserve their leader. In other words a dictator or tyrant will never appear out of a vacuum, but as the result of countless historical events, and as an expression of the society's current values and priorities. As such,...

12 Sep 2008

Inhabiting the Myth of Dune

Book review - 6 pages - Literature

The structures of everyday life are embodied in patterns that align with an internal concept of the mythic. The extent to which all societies are guided by some sense of the mythic is proportional to a culture's dependence on language, religion, or historical foundation; for these structures that...

09 Sep 2008

The feminine power in Spenser's "The Faerie Queene"

Book review - 4 pages - Literature

Throughout The Faerie Queene, there are female representations, the most prominent female characters are Una and Duessa, but there are also Errour, Lucifera, Night, Caelia and her three daughters. These female characters exude a certain form of power: Errour has physical power; Lucifera has power...

05 Aug 2008

The magic of blood: A review of Glib's book

Book review - 5 pages - Literature

The Magic of Blood is a peculiar juju. Early on through the book, it wasn't grabbing me, so I went to a Taco Bell and tried reading it there. I'm a veggie, so the menu didn't offer “greater cultural understanding”, but something in Dagoberto's stories did kick in. I don't think it...

22 Jul 2008

How does Steinbeck portray gender, in his novel : 'The grapes of wrath'

Book review - 5 pages - Literature

In the novel, Steinbeck skilfully creates a complex communal structure, through which the genders are portrayed. This community has a harsh and realistic nature. Many tragedies and disappointments threaten the family as they move through life, Tom kills a man and goes to prison, Rose of Sharon...

20 Jul 2008

Homosexuality and deceit within "The Children's Hour"

Book review - 5 pages - Literature

The Children's Hour by Lillian Hellman is a cautionary play of how small lies can lead people into ruin and self-destruction. The central issue of homosexuality driven by deceit is the cause of turmoil on the lives of the people of Lancet. A whispered lie of a homosexual relationship between two...

13 Jul 2008

But the sun also rises

Book review - 4 pages - Literature

In Ernest Hemingway's book, The Sun Also Rises, both the title and epigraph create commentary on the attitude of the characters. By using both a Gertrude Stein quote and a passage from the book of Ecclesiastes, Hemingway shows how his generation was viewing life and, in contrast, how his...

08 Jul 2008

The path to freedom

Book review - 5 pages - Literature

This book as a whole does not tell a story; that is, the trace of events and the overall course of Irish independence don't go from beginning to end and tell. Rather, each chapter depicts a significant time period in the history of Ireland that Collins, the author, witnessed. Everything is more...

27 Jun 2008

Empire of the Sun by James Graham Ballard

Book review - 20 pages - Literature

Jim, an eleven year old boy, and his parents are living in a wealthy European area in Shanghai during World War II. The novel begins the evening before the Japanese attack Pearl Harbor. Most of the European families had already been evacuated from China, and there were many scrambling to get...

03 Jun 2008

The Crucible Character Analysis : Abigail Williams "A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing"

Book review - 3 pages - Literature

In any unfavorable situation, we seek a solution and if there is none, then a way out. When one of main characters of Arthur Miller's The Crucible finds herself in a vulnerable position, she not only manages to escape her problems, but also succeeds in placing the repercussions of her actions on...

03 Jun 2008

A critical review of 'A New Birth of Freedom: Lincoln and the Coming of the Civil War by Harry V. Jaffa

Book review - 5 pages - Literature

A New Birth of Freedom: Lincoln and the Coming of the Civil War by Harry V. Jaffa is the long awaited sequel to the author's 1959 book, Crisis of the House Divided. Although the specific objective of the A New Birth of Freedom is to examine Lincoln's development of the Gettysburg Address, what...

23 May 2008

Charles Dickens Essay : Philosophical, Psychological, Sociological Issue

Book review - 5 pages - Literature

A great burden for human beings is to carry ourselves the way we want others to see us. Though each governed by a private set of beliefs, no man is an island for a reason, as we are subject to natural instinct, which compels us to strive for acceptance by others in society. However, though one...

23 May 2008

Othello and Ethics of Care

Book review - 3 pages - Literature

While considering the time period and by closely evaluating how events and people play against each other, Shakespeare's Othello can be considered a full bodied and consummate feminist work. In fact, Shakespeare's close and dramatic critique of a system of absolutes in a patriarchal military...

23 May 2008

The Violence of Childhood

Book review - 3 pages - Literature

Being an adult usually implies that you have a power of perspective, that is, to see things in a larger system and then to understand these things as being symptomatic of this system. Naturally, children lack this ability and their sense of reality is tenuous and fragmented, and many times their...

22 May 2008

The Price of the American Dream

Book review - 4 pages - Literature

The Great Gatsby relates Nick Carraway's experiences with a disillusioned assortment of wealthy individuals following his move to West Egg, the "less fashionable" counterpart to East egg, the home of antiquated affluence (5). In this harsh region of unlikely opposites, the 1915 Yale graduate...

21 May 2008

The Necessary Female Perspective in To Kill A Mockingbird

Book review - 3 pages - Literature

If a producer was to make an adaptation of Harper Lee's, To Kill a Mockingbird and wanted to extricate Miss Maudie's role from the film, not only would the dynamic of the characters be irreparably damaged, but the film would also be excluding one of the most powerful humanizing forces in the...

21 May 2008

Sal Paradise and the False Dream of America

Book review - 4 pages - Literature

American literature reveals a counter-culture of identity which undermines and even contradicts the popular optimism of national identity. Part of this undermining takes place in the ideologies of American literary characters, or in their “imaginary relationships…to the real conditions...

05 May 2008

Melts in your Mouth: A Look at Humbert Humbert's Lolita

Book review - 4 pages - Literature

Humbert, throughout Lolita, creates an inescapable defeat through his interactions with Lolita and his antagonist, Clare Quilty. These interactions contradict his early confidence in possessing Lolita. These characters consciously threat Humbert's exclusive relationship with Lolita. Their...