I Have a Dream, social justice, equality, stereotypes, discrimination, MLK Martin Luther King Jr, education, social class, freedom, community, African American
Inequality is a grave issue that faces today's society. Not only is there an uneven distribution of resources but many individuals are denied the opportunity of accomplishing their dreams because of their race, gender, social class, religion, caste, ethnicity, disability status, and sexual orientation, among others.
[...] In my community, every woman will have the freedom of speech and the voice of standing up to oppression. I dream of a community where men not only see women as their equals but also respect them and their opinions. In my community cases of gender-based violence will be unheard of and respect for human rights is always upheld. Societal prosperity is hindered because many individuals do not tolerate other people's perspectives, beliefs, religions, and cultures. I dream of a community where everyone is respected despite his/her differences. [...]
[...] I have a Dream - Letter Student's Name Instructor's Name Course Due Date MLK Jr. I have a Dream Dear Martin, Inequality is a grave issue that faces today's society. Not only is there uneven distribution of resources but many individuals are denied the opportunity of accomplishing their dreams because of their race, gender, social class, religion, caste, ethnicity, disability status, and sexual orientation among others. Today, there are numerous areas of inequality including access to education, quality housing, healthcare, the extent of property rights, voting rights as well as voting rights. [...]
[...] This type of stereotyping has also led to many forms of inequality in the workforce where groups such as women or African Americans are considered less capable of performing and, therefore, remain unemployed. This is not only heartbreaking but also disappointing. I dream of a community where such stereotyping is unheard of. I also dream of a community where every individual is given equal opportunities to make themselves and their lives better. I also dream of a community where every child has access to education and is given the chance of becoming a great person in the future. [...]
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