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493 results

24 Jun 2010

Gospel of Judas

Essay - 1 pages - Philosophy

I believe the Gospel of Judas should be added to other books in the bible because it contains very important religious information. Even though the plot leading up to Jesus' crucifixion is contradictory to way it was written in the previous books already in the bible, the story behind Jesus'...

24 Jun 2010

The story of Abraham and Isaac

Essay - 1 pages - Philosophy

God decided to test Abraham's faith in him by telling Abraham to sacrifice his most important possession, his very own son, Isaac. Abraham was basically told to give up his future because he made a promise earlier in the book of Genesis that he would be the father of a great nation, referring to...

24 Jun 2010

Jonah and the Whale

Thesis - 1 pages - Philosophy

The story of Jonah and the “Whale” is one of the most famous and retold stories in the Bible. It tells of the prophet Jonah, a fisherman who gets swallowed whole by a great fish. The story goes that Jonah was fleeing God when God called upon Jonah to proclaim judgment to Ninevah, the...

24 Jun 2010

Interpreting the Bible

Thesis - 3 pages - Philosophy

I believe that calling the Bible an “artifact of social memory” implies that is a creation of collected thoughts and stories over time. As religion became more and more popular, people began hearing stories about God, Jesus, etc. and began to collaborate with others about the works...

24 Jun 2010

Abraham: Genesis 16: 1-12

Thesis - 2 pages - Philosophy

In Genesis 16: 1-12, Abram is worried about carrying on his bloodline. He has no son to speak of and is already around 90 years old. God has promised Abram that he would be the “father of many”. His wife Sarai knows this and also knows that he is not happy and would like a son, but she...

02 Jun 2010

Important people in Taoism: Zhang San Feng

Thesis - 2 pages - Philosophy

Taoism, also known as Daoism, is a philosophical religion that is widespread among eastern parts of Asia as well as parts of the western world. Taoism has involved several important people, namely Zhang San Feng. San Feng has also been known as Zhang Sanfeng, Chan San Feng, and Chan Sanfeng....

25 May 2010

The rhetorical application of pity in 'We Shall Overcome'

Thesis - 3 pages - Philosophy

Painting an image of the role emotion plays in human cognition, American thinker William James once said, “emotions aren't always immediately subject to reason, but they are always immediately subject to action.” The correlation of emotion and action is applicable to rhetorical...

12 May 2010

The significance of Isaiah 45:1-13 for Yahweh and the exiled

Thesis - 7 pages - Philosophy

Isaiah 45:1-13 is, in many ways, a microcosm of Second Isaiah as a whole. Anchored firmly in historical context, this passage portrays people still confined to exile, yet also looking forward to the possibility of future release and redemption. In tone, it is strikingly different from the...

07 May 2010

Capitalism and Christianity: Weber's capitalist spirit and potential Christian influences

Essay - 9 pages - Philosophy

The questions of what is capitalism and how did it arise have been of central concern to Western economists and sociologists since the 1840s. At that time, commentators began to recognize that a fundamentally new economic and social order - with the expansion of machines in manufacturing and...

14 Apr 2010

Fallacies in Descartes' Dream Argument

Thesis - 2 pages - Philosophy

Descartes begins his Meditations with a discussion of doubt, believing it to be the tool by which knowledge can be verified. Betrayed by “the large number of falsehoods that I had accepted as true in my childhood (Descartes, 12),” the philosopher seeks a decisive mode of...

06 Apr 2010

Descartes' dream argument and its followed knowledge

Essay - 2 pages - Philosophy

Meditations on first philosophy, a text written by René Descartes, is one of Descartes most recognized works. The book is divided in to 6 meditations in which Descartes helps the meditator cast a series of progressively radical doubts on preconceived notions, and metaphysical beliefs. The...

06 Apr 2010

Defining virtues in Plato's Euthyphro

Essay - 3 pages - Philosophy

In this essay I examine the motivations behind Socrates' pursuit of a precise definition of a virtue. The particular virtue that interests me is piety, examined by Socrates and his interlocutor, Euthyphro, in Plato's Euthyphro. Like many of Plato's early dialogues, Euthyphro features the standard...

06 Apr 2010

The parodic treatment of religion in contemporary culture is just another manifestation of the consumerism of late capitalism

Thesis - 5 pages - Philosophy

During the twentieth century, in the unstable years following the world wars, capitalism proved itself to be a successful and enduring system. This success seems to have come mainly from its, ' ...extraordinary versatility and flexability...' [1]. Despite many threats, such as the rising...

01 Apr 2010

Brave New World: Aldous Huxley

Thesis - 4 pages - Philosophy

Brave New World is a classic novel written by Aldous Huxley. Set in the future, this book portrays a society where each person's life is visibly controlled by the views that they have been taught since they were decanted out of their bottles. This book is set in England, and explains the process...

31 Mar 2010

Revolutions in thought

Thesis - 4 pages - Philosophy

In the 18th and 19th centuries, natural philosophers were making great claims on the nature of the world around them. Although they did not have some of the technology that is available today, they were able to make assumptions about the composition of certain substances through the inference of...

30 Mar 2010

Gender and Christian life in first Corinthians and first Timothy

Thesis - 3 pages - Philosophy

Analysis of Biblical texts inherently involves examinations into issues of morality and behavior according to Christian doctrine. The Apostle Paul, whose writings are a major focal point of much of the New Testament, addresses these matters with a series of letters to Christian congregations as...

30 Mar 2010

Historical perspectives on social Darwinism and the impetus behind European imperialism in the 19th century

Thesis - 3 pages - Philosophy

Contemporary society is rooted in the idea of the nation state, both as a geographical institution and as a symbol. This idea, however, is not unique to the modern world. Rather, it is one that dates back to the very beginning of human existence and spans the historical timeline, from the...

30 Mar 2010

Odradek: A structuralist interpretation

Thesis - 4 pages - Philosophy

The need to assign meaning is a distinct human quality. Individuals seek, and to a certain extent are defined by, the methods by which the objects and observations that occupy space in a perceived reality are explained and rationalized. Failure to do so implies not only a lack of understanding,...

30 Mar 2010

Modeled in God's image

Thesis - 2 pages - Philosophy

Humans have believed in a God or gods since the beginning of time but the concept of what a god is like varies. Historic tales have given us a clear picture of the polytheistic gods who were believed to have ruled the land in the time of Gilgamesh and Homer but most modern religions draw from...

30 Mar 2010

Sin and punishment from East To West

Thesis - 2 pages - Philosophy

Texts from Feudal Japan to Western Europe differ in the way they view sin and punishment. The Analects of Confucius and The Divine Comedy by Dante have opposing positions on how past beliefs and actions should be viewed by people of the present. Confucius' Analects are also irrelevant in the...

26 Mar 2010

Plato and his predecessors: Socrates and the Sophists

Thesis - 4 pages - Philosophy

In his Apology, Plato goes to great lengths to vindicate his mentor and distinguish him from other disreputable orators of the time. In contrast to the Sophist, Socrates denies ever taking money from those that he has conversed with, cites examples of loyalty and bravery to his city, and claims...

25 Mar 2010

Becoming lost and found: Peace, Christianity and anti-oppression

Thesis - 3 pages - Philosophy

With reference to oppression, the author contests that lessons of religion, namely peace and forgiveness, can and should be implemented to teach the values of inclusively. This article sets out to discover why people, most of whom are inherently religious at least practicing faith to some degree,...

15 Mar 2010

Artie, Fritz and Will

Thesis - 5 pages - Philosophy

With the German philosophers Arthur Schopenhauer (1788 - 1860) and Friedrich Nietzsche (1844 - 1900) (Oliver 6), the counter-Enlightenment came into its own after hiding for centuries under the drab rationalism of Descartes, Locke, Kant, and Hegel. Although this attack on the supremacy of reason...

15 Mar 2010

Motivations for characters in the Iliad

Thesis - 2 pages - Philosophy

This is analysis of four characters in the Iliad and their relationships with the thing which motivates them, a will to power. Each of these four characters, Zeus, Agamemnon, Hektor and Achilles strives for domination, but in their own way, but despite these differences, we see how each of them...

04 Mar 2010

Jihad and Western perspectives of Muslim identity

Thesis - 5 pages - Philosophy

Jihad is one of the most misunderstood topics in the world today. Much of the West believes that the word means Holy war and that it is fundamental to Islam and its ultimate goal of world domination. The Muslim world, of course, knows better what Jihad means, but even among Muslims there exists a...

04 Mar 2010

Liberation theology and the life of Archishop Oscar Romero

Thesis - 8 pages - Philosophy

As Archbishop of El Salvador, Oscar Romero was chosen in order to avoid interference from the church in the coming political unrest. Because Romero saw the plight of the poor and down-trodden and the brutality and disregard for human dignity and life by the government; he realized that the church...

04 Mar 2010

Mormon persecution in Missouri

Thesis - 5 pages - Philosophy

In modern America there exists a delicate balance between church and state. We have a constitution that protects us from interference from churches in government affairs, and vice versa. However the constitution is very brief and somewhat vague on the subject. This creates many problems, with...

04 Mar 2010

Abraham: Father of monotheism

Thesis - 3 pages - Philosophy

The story of Abraham is one of the most important and prominent stories in Islam, Christianity and Judaism. This can be clearly seen by the fact that these three religions are often referred to as the Abrahamic religions. Abraham is often considered the father of the great monotheistic traditions...

01 Mar 2010

David Hume and the compatibility of necessity and liberty

Thesis - 3 pages - Philosophy

The mind, according to David Hume, is not a truth-tracking device, and according to him, we misuse it if we think it can bring us to metaphysical conclusions. To Hume, the science of the mind can describe how the mind works and why it reaches the conclusions it does, but it cannot take us beyond...

01 Mar 2010

A double paradox story

Thesis - 3 pages - Philosophy

Philosophy has three major realms: the study of the physical world, the study of morals, the study of logic and reasoning. Immanuel Kant's Grounding for the Metaphysics of Morals focuses on the study of morality and tries to give a clearer understanding of moral principles so that people can...