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493 results

24 Feb 2014

JFK Assassination

Case study - 2 pages - Philosophy

President JF Kennedy was assassinated in 1963 while driving in an open limo through the Dallas. The autopsy report conducted showed that he was hit by two bullets-one on his head and another on the neck. Harvey Oswald, the culprit who is believed to have assassinated Kennedy was later interdicted...

21 Feb 2014

All is fair in Love and War

Essay - 3 pages - Philosophy

House of Cards is not a show about several different characters that simply live and work in a semi-connected world; it is about Frank Underwood, the House Majority Whip, and how everything and everyone exists to serve his ambitions. Everyone in the series is defined by their relationship to...

18 Dec 2013

Ancient Mayan Agriculture and Sustenance (The Classical Period: 200 A.D. - 900 A.D.)

Case study - 2 pages - Philosophy

Mayan civilization began around 1800 B.C. in the southern parts of Mexico; particularly in what we would refer to in the present day as the Yucatan Peninsula, Guatemala, Belize, El Salvador and certain parts of Honduras. According to many archeologists the Mayan civilization began to flourish...

26 Nov 2013

Frankenstein: Immortality

Case study - 2 pages - Philosophy

The one thing everyone would embrace if they could is to live forever. Death is still inevitable, but in situations where one gets his life back, no one would reject. This is what immortality is all about; the inability to hide, live indefinitely or not perish during old age (Mickaharic 16)....

12 Oct 2013

Galileo's conflict

Case study - 2 pages - Philosophy

Galileo's conflict with the Catholic Church began in 1610 when he published a series of newsletters titled Starry Messenger, which chronicled his astonishing observations. The most notable of his discoveries was the idea that the planets of our solar system revolve around the sun and not the...

18 Sep 2013


Case study - 2 pages - Philosophy

Socrates, a Greek philosopher is perhaps one of the most sought after philosophers during his time as well as one of the most famous today in history. He is also credited for laying down the foundation for Western philosophy. However, even with all of this glory, Socrates was still just a man....

12 Sep 2013

Images of Nineteenth Century London in the Poetry of William Blake

Case study - 3 pages - Philosophy

Every era produces a number of inventive minds and creative talent. A question that often arises is: what defines a great artist? Is it the popularity of his work? An artist's success or failure largely depends on the reception of his creations. There are many defining characteristics of a true...

12 Sep 2013

Individualism and Alienation during the Romantic Era

Case study - 1 pages - Philosophy

The Romantic Era was a time when artists and writers placed a high estimate on human potential. Striving for individualism became an initiative as writers of the Romantic Era continued to break out of the mold and challenge the parameters of creativity. Among writers there arose a “defiant...

15 Aug 2013

"Tent of Miracles": A Commentary on Materialism

Case study - 1 pages - Philosophy

We've heard it a thousand times: money does not buy happiness. But what does this timeless phrase mean? It suggests that one can have all the riches in the world and still be unhappy. We all know someone or other who is notoriously wealthy, yet miserable. Those who have been raised in a lower- to...

15 Aug 2013

All quiet on the western front - published: 15/08/2013

Case study - 1 pages - Philosophy

Anyone who has taken even a basic course on world history will recall learning of the horrors of trench warfare during World War I. Life in the trenches was characterized by lack of sleep, food, and the necessary supplies that one usually takes for granted: clean socks, underwear, and protective...

14 Aug 2013

Gender in the Musical "West Side Story"

Case study - 1 pages - Philosophy

There are very distinct opposites presented in this musical, between which there is clearly an atmosphere of competition. Of course, the main dichotomy of the film is the American Jets versus the Puerto Rican Sharks. However, there is also an “us versus them” mentality as concerns the...

12 Aug 2013

Almost a Woman: Gender Expectations in Puerto Rican Culture

Case study - 2 pages - Philosophy

There is evidence that suggests that women of Puerto Rico may be more sexually assertive than women in other Latin American countries*. That is, they are more likely to insist that their partners use contraception, and less likely to tolerate infidelity on the part of the husband. Researchers...

10 Jul 2013

Essay for foundations of legal philosophy

Case study - 8 pages - Philosophy

George Eliot, in her book Silas Marner, wrote that the truth is somewhere in between, and it is my opinion that this applies to the Hart-Fuller debate (the Hart-Fuller debate being representative of the greater ongoing debate between the legal positivists and the natural lawyers). It is telling...

10 Jun 2013

The creation of loneliness

Case study - 5 pages - Philosophy

Frankenstein, otherwise known as the The Modern Prometheus, was written by Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley. The title refers to the character, Doctor Victor Frankenstein, who constantly studied science to create a monster that would finally end his happy life. It is also called The Modern...

10 Jun 2013

The infinite circle of god

Case study - 4 pages - Philosophy

The universe as we know and understand it can be described as a complete circle of which human existence has little or no comprehension. The only part one may be able to describe is the part of the circle within which we inhabit as well as the broad structure of its entirety. This entire essay...

15 May 2013

Philosophy of the mind

Case study - 4 pages - Philosophy

To adequately expound on the question what is philosophy of the mind? One must be cautious not to rush to identifying it as the study of philosophical questions of the mind. Ideally, the above answer is deemed inconclusive because it implicitly assumes that minds are something or objects....

15 May 2013

Aquinas Distinction; Divine and Human Laws

Case study - 2 pages - Philosophy

Thomas Aquinas was a Catholic priest of the Dominic Order who lived during the medieval era. He was one of the most influential early Church Fathers and Doctors of the Catholic Church, and became very important figure as one of the greatest theologians and philosophers to live in that period....

25 Feb 2013

Is retributive justice form of human nature?

Case study - 5 pages - Philosophy

What is the concept of human nature? This is a hard concept to define, but if I had to define this concept, human nature would be something all humans have in common with whether it is emotions, or an act, and it is natural for humans to feel or act certain way. Emotions such as anger and fear...

08 Jan 2013

Ancient Indian wisdom: An inquire into the Hindu scriptures

Case study - 5 pages - Philosophy

Of late, all over the world and more particularly in India, several discussions, seminars and conferences are being conducted on bio-diversity which is closely linked with the other ecological issues like pollution, global warming, deforestation etc. Contemporary scientists, agencies and...

04 Dec 2012

Absalom, Absalom by William Faulkner

Case study - 2 pages - Philosophy

Epistemology is the science of how we know. It strives to draw connections in order to clarify abstract concepts such as “meaning” and “reality”. These are broad subjects and each has many of its own sub-divisions. “Meaning” and “reality”, however, are...

03 Dec 2012

Claireece Precious Jones

Case study - 2 pages - Philosophy

In Sapphire's Push, the reader is immediately pulled into the harsh life of Claireece “Precious” Jones, a sixteen year old girl who lives in an abusive household with her two children, suffering rape and incest by her father as well as sexual and physical abuse from her mother....

07 Sep 2012

Eternal recurrence as the ultimate test of life-affirmation

Case study - 13 pages - Philosophy

What is life-affirmation? To be sure it is the heart of all of Nietzsche's books (dare I say even of every word?). It is a holy Yes-saying to life, to one's world as it has been, is now, and as one will make it. The one who affirms life is not passive, but rather is alive and passionate; she...

03 Sep 2012

Nietzsche and Freud on the "Oceanic Feeling"

Essay - 8 pages - Philosophy

It is indisputable that Nietzsche was a major influence on Freud's theories on psychoanalysis. Specifically within Freud's Civilization and its Discontents, and Nietzsche's essay “Schopenhauer as Educator,” there are clearly shared opinions on, for example, the necessity of examination...

03 Sep 2012

Waxing historical

Essay - 10 pages - Philosophy

To say the very least, the period of German history dominated by the Nazis is a difficult one to study. For the historian, this period, located comfortably between the years 1933 and 1945, provides also one of the best tests of the his job, bringing up questions as large and elemental as that of...

27 Aug 2012

Two Truths in Nietzsche's On Truth and Lying in a Non-Moral Sense

Case study - 6 pages - Philosophy

A common criticism brought against Nietzsche, especially regarding his essay On Truth and Lying in a Non-Moral Sense, is that Nietzsche seems to wholly refute the idea of an objective truth and to simultaneously express his own ideas and opinions with a confidence and assertion as if to suggest a...

27 Aug 2012

A sociological account of a 'day in the life' of a drug

Case study - 5 pages - Philosophy

He saw her across the room. Even through the dim lighting and stuffy haze of his own muddled thoughts recognized her. Even though she was clearly one of those group, social druggies, surrounded by other exceedingly loud or exceedingly companionable, rosy-faced drunks, and completely on the...

22 Aug 2012

Film as permission to realize again the fantastic

Case study - 6 pages - Philosophy

The concepts of “fantasy” and “reality” when placed together are often recognized as two parts to a single dichotomy. The separation is easily continued to include such corresponding pairings as childhood-adulthood, idealism-realism, and also genius-science. The total result...

28 Jun 2012

Go tell it on the mountain

Essay - 10 pages - Philosophy

“Go tell it on the Mountain” is an exceptional novel that portrays the life of John, the main character. John's life as articulated through the novel is an accurate representation of James Baldwin's life. The quote above demonstrates John being saved as one of the “saints” of...

28 Jun 2012

Ethnic Nationalism and Conflict: Yugoslavia and Germany

Essay - 7 pages - Philosophy

“Nationalism, as Michnik points out, is a device for avoiding responsibility. By identifying “the other,” which may be an ethnic minority, neighbors, or even just political opponents, as an enemy bent on subverting the nation, nationalist can shift blame for every social ill from...

28 Jun 2012

Blacks, Jews, and Gendered Representations

Essay - 5 pages - Philosophy

The gendered representations of Blacks and Jews have caused them to struggle with their identities as people in American society. The stereotypes that have arisen from these representations have given two options to these marginalized groups of people:(1) either follow the predisposed vision the...