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493 results

10 Jul 2008

Human catharsis in war

Essay - 5 pages - Philosophy

Do you ever look at something for so long it doesn't make sense anymore? Have you ever been stuck in a moment that was your entire life? Cheated death, but regretted it afterwards? Looked at the man standing next to you and thought, “Who will die first, you or me?” This is every single...

09 Jul 2008

Sir Thomas Browne: The cosmography of himself

Essay - 6 pages - Philosophy

There is an adventurer who discovers more that is truly surprising, than the one who penetrates jungles, crosses deserts, and keeps the company of caravans; for all ‘Africa, and her prodigies' cannot have an effect on the placid, unplumbed nature, other than to store up images in his mind;...

09 Jul 2008

Moral philosophy on God, rationality, and the death of both

Essay - 6 pages - Philosophy

Right off the get go one can see these two philosopher's thoughts on morality appose one another, but their differences goes far beyond a petty disagreement over morality. The nature of their conflict goes much deeper, past a simple debate over what is good and what is evil. Together these two...

08 Jul 2008

The ethics of Merton: Non-violence and its connection with the sacred

Essay - 9 pages - Philosophy

Nonviolence is both a form of theory and the commitment to a lifestyle which adheres to this theory. Although there are different perceptions of the importance of direct action, nonviolence is mostly defined by its attitude of understanding and humility. The nonviolent tradition believes strongly...

08 Jul 2008

Analyzing the Amplesso: The philosophy of lovemaking in Calvino's Se una notte d'inverno un viaggiatore

Book review - 4 pages - Philosophy

Italo Calvino's Se una notte d'inverno un viaggiatore is usually acclaimed on grounds of its experimentation with narrativity. More specifically, Calvino weaves the beginnings of ten different pseudo-novels into a larger plotline involving the adventures of a reader (Lettore), who the narrator...

07 Jul 2008

A child's sex and age as predictors of the total time spent engaging in sex-specific toy play

Tutorials/exercises - 14 pages - Philosophy

This naturalistic observational study examined the effect of a child's sex and age with regard to how long comparatively that child is likely to engage in the three established categories of sex-specific toy play: male sex-specific toy play, female sex-specific toy play, and neutral toy play....

07 Jul 2008

History and spirituality of the book of common prayer

Essay - 5 pages - Philosophy

Introduction The Book of Common Prayer is the universal title given to a number of prayer books in the Church of England and used all throughout the Anglican Communion. The very first volume, that came out in 1549, in the reign of Edward VI, was the creation and the result of the English...

07 Jul 2008


Essay - 6 pages - Philosophy

During the late eighteenth century, significant changes in the arts promulgated the development of, what has since become known, as the period of a neoclassicism. The period has become such an important part of art and architectural history that any examination of these areas must include an...

24 Jun 2008

Moral Philosophy: A Smorgasbord of Moral Philosophers

Essay - 6 pages - Philosophy

“Aristotle, the man with a Grecian plan” Aristotle along with many of the other ancient Grecian philosophers are considered to have given birth to rational thought and its integration into philosophy, so it is no surprise that Aristotle's work on moral philosophy would focus on...

19 Jun 2008

Death and Identity in Ladakh and Rondônia

Essay - 3 pages - Philosophy

Every culture defines different entities and ideas in relation to which the individual can experience his or her identity and physical or mental substances on which one's identities are located. Mortuary rites described in Hiroaki Mori and Yukari Hayashi's film The Tibetan Book of the Dead: A Way...

19 Jun 2008

Words about God

Essay - 3 pages - Philosophy

If Martin Luther's assumptions on faith in the Word of God are correct, then humanity has nothing to doubt. But his skepticism of the Catholic Church is not a complete philosophical skepticism: at no point in his work is the notion of God questioned. Descartes does question the existence of...

17 Jun 2008

The Techniques that Cults use to Manipulate Converts

Essay - 5 pages - Philosophy

Over the course of the late twentieth century, the development of mass media has enabled average citizens to explore a wide range of lifestyles and issues through the comfort of their homes. While the mass media has provided notable insights into critical political, social and economic issues, it...

16 Jun 2008

Challenge Day: A Transitory Charismatic Movement in the Milieu of Modern High School

Essay - 9 pages - Philosophy

Starting in the 1970s, activists, counselors, and state school boards across the country have taken measurements to quell violence in middle and high schools. The violence stems from the adolescent tendency for concentrated peer groups, which leads to gangs and inter-gang violence, especially...

15 Jun 2008

Black Panthers

Tutorials/exercises - 5 pages - Philosophy

Introduction Throughout the course of history, a number of different political groups have shaped the process of political discourse. Among the most notable are the Black Panthers. Established in the early years of the Civil Rights Movement, the Black Panthers worked to raise the American...

15 Jun 2008

Syllogistic Decision-Making

Essay - 4 pages - Philosophy

The process of syllogistic decision-making is predicated on the conclusions that can be drawn from presenting two or more pieces of evidence. In its most rudimentary form the process of syllogistic decision-making follows the following pattern: a = b and b = c, therefore a = c. If the context of...

15 Jun 2008

Mimicking an Image in Hopes of Gaining Popularity

Essay - 7 pages - Philosophy

The average American high school is a mecca of noticeable things. Among them is the most obvious and interesting. Take a walk into the cafeteria, try and find an empty table and sit down. Now look around. What do you think you will observe? It is not the disappointing cafeteria food, or the bland...

15 Jun 2008

The Effects of Racial Discourse

Essay - 3 pages - Philosophy

Introduction Racial discourse is a process that has notable ramifications for society. However, for individuals that are part of the majority race in a community, the reality of issues such as racial prejudice, discrimination and stereotyping are almost nonexistent. This is because the majority...

12 Jun 2008

The Importance of the Resurrection in Preaching in the Early Church

Essay - 3 pages - Philosophy

The modern church is a model of both divinity and spirituality. Although many laymen assume that the church existed in this state from the beginning, the reality is that the early church consisted of only a few individuals interested in spreading the Word of God to their neighbors. There were no...

12 Jun 2008

Machiavelli's and Lao Tsu's views on Government

Essay - 3 pages - Philosophy

Throughout the course of history numerous scholars have stepped forward to offer their opinions on critical issues such as human rights and government. While there are notable differences offered by various authors, each of the viewpoints given provide critical insight into the various dimensions...

12 Jun 2008

An examination of the Philosophy of Pragmatism as applied by Jane Addams

Essay - 6 pages - Philosophy

Researchers examining the life of Jane Addams argue that she was “the leader and prophet of the settlement movement in America.” While Addams is best known for her creation of Hull House in Chicago's urban center, her work, ideologies and philosophy continue to transcend social...

10 Jun 2008

Gandhi's ideas of western culture

Essay - 3 pages - Philosophy

In 1929, Gandhi wrote, “The Western civilization which passes for civilization is disgusting to me. I have given a rough picture of it in Hind Swaraj [India Home Rule]. Time has brought no change to it.” Despite the fact that Gandhi openly demonstrates considerable disdain for Western...

06 Jun 2008

Moral Habits: Aristotle & Immanuel Kant

Essay - 5 pages - Philosophy

People often feel a calling to certain fields because they have an innate sense for it. Sometimes the required characteristics need to be learned, other times they are a result of contemplation in regards to each individual situation. But, what makes them moral? Carl has been a firefighter in...

06 Jun 2008

Eugenic Expectations: The Reality of Getting What You Want

Essay - 5 pages - Philosophy

The advancement of medical technology has encroached upon every aspect of our healthcare system and delivery, yet probably the most sensitive area it has impacted has been our methods of reproduction. Due to the illicit (or at least discrete) nature of conception means, along with the sanctity...

05 Jun 2008

T'ao Ch'ien's Use of Poetic Effects of Distance to Affirm His Daoist Principles

Essay - 4 pages - Philosophy

At first glance, the poetry of the reclusive scholar T'ao Ch'ien seems like a layman's simple affirmation of Daoist life in the country. But even though T'ao Ch'ien feels he has chosen the right principles for himself, his poetry contains a definite tension: the weather threatens the crops,...

04 Jun 2008

Knowledge and certainty: limits and value

Essay - 7 pages - Philosophy

Epistemology is a philosophical discourse that is predicated upon understanding the scope, limits and value of knowledge. While one may argue that the scope and limits are quite straightforward in terms of individual understanding and knowledge, the philosophical component of epistemology clearly...

04 Jun 2008

Nehru's ideas in relation to Gandhianism

Essay - 4 pages - Philosophy

A critical reading of Sunil Khilnani's arguments in The Idea of India appears to reflect well on the actions taken by Jawaharlal Nehru in his development of the state of India. As described by Khilnani, Nehru had a number of ideas which appear at the outset to be in violation of the principles of...

03 Jun 2008

Reinforcements for the Free Will Defense

Essay - 3 pages - Philosophy

Here I shall argue against objections raised by J.L. Mackie and Nelson Pike to the Free Will Defense. These philosophers want to know why an omnipotent and wholly good God could not create a world in which everybody acts freely and rightly. I shall show that this condition is logically...

03 Jun 2008

The child sex trade in Asia

Essay - 3 pages - Philosophy

References to Asia often bring to mind the stunning beauty of the Orient. Rich cultural tradition coupled with unique design and architecture make Asia appear to be an almost mythical culture to Western citizens. While it is indeed true that Asia is associated with an exotic culture deeply...

03 Jun 2008

Does race play a mitigating role in the application of the death penalty?

Essay - 2 pages - Philosophy

Over the course of the twentieth century there have been a number of issues that have promulgated debate. Prayer in public schools, gun control and abortion are among the most notable issues to garner attention. While each of these issues has significant ramifications for the development of...

03 Jun 2008

"You are Defined by Those that Oppose You."

Thesis - 5 pages - Philosophy

It is arguable that today it is commonly, if subconsciously, accepted that nationality is the most important aspect of one's identity. Whether it is a national sports team, a national representative at Eurosong, a national author…etc. one's nationality has become the most basic marker of...