Looking back at the time after the end of communism (Cuba and today's China being particular and Chavez not a communist), we basically find only three different ways of communism; the original one, the Lenino-Stalinism in the USSR, the latter one, China's Maoism, and finally the Yugoslavian one. In a sense, we could talk about Tito's third way as the only way communism worked. But what is probably meant by third way is the alternative between communism, offered by the USSR, and capitalism. Tito's way, Titoism, would be a mediator between those two. Titoism was first considered as being a very pejorative term, used by the soviets to describe Tito's way of ruling the country. But it now has a very particular meaning and has become a full theory.
[...] For example, Tito moved troops south to prevent an extension of the civil war in Greece, and was extremely supportive of the creation of a federation with Bulgaria. These policies angered Stalin who thought that Tito was being too independent. The CPSU tried to moderate the CPY, but the latter didn't respond positively to this. The CPY, in a letter to the CPSU stated: 'No matter how much each of us loves the land of socialism, the USSR, he can, in no case, love his own country less.' Shortly after, Yugoslavia was expelled from the Cominform. [...]
[...] He was also willing to recognize the realities of economics when it comes to the reorganization of the national economy. This realistic position made the Russians say that whoever leaves the USSR side winds up among the enemies. Tito also began to view the West as not exclusively imperialist and bent upon capitalist inspired wars. The land was partially nationalised and redistributed, and also partially collectivised. Rather than being owned by the state, companies were socially owned and managed with worker's self managements. Unemployment was low, due to Yugoslavia's neutrality, companies exported in both the western and eastern market. [...]
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