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209 results

09 Oct 2007

Kant, Mill and Protagoras

Essay - 3 pages - Philosophy

When following the determining factors of morality for either Kant or Mill one would generally arrive to the same conclusion on whether an action is moral or not. Although Kant believes that his method of deriving morality is best, Mill believes that Kant's process is lacking. “But when he...

09 Oct 2007

Three Vehicles and Their Resulting Enlightenments in Buddhism

Essay - 3 pages - Philosophy

The Buddhist path leading toward nirvana is one properly undertaken with the understanding that enlightenment is something coming in degrees, and perhaps without a finite ‘ending point.' It is not unlike the mathematical concept of a limit. “The limit of ‘the function of x' as x...

08 Oct 2007

On the Education of Edgar

Essay - 3 pages - Philosophy

“For doubting pleases me no less than knowing.” This quote by Dante which Montaigne uses in his essays strikes at the heart of his ideas about education. He believes that the ancient ways of Aristotle, where one learns through the text of learned men, are outdated because it does not...

08 Oct 2007

The Ethics of Cheating: A Look into the Decision of Harry Potter

Essay - 2 pages - Philosophy

In an attempt to test the Aristotelian method discussed in Nicomachean Ethics, I have chosen to discuss the dilemma of cheating. I have chosen this topic in an attempt to be as impartial as possible while discussing at and I have a thorough knowledge of the subject taking part in and witnessing...

08 Oct 2007

Gandhi's Experiments with Truth

Essay - 3 pages - Philosophy

The concept of truth is the central aspect of religion. What is truth? How is it attained? These questions have been the focal points of theological discussion throughout history. Gandhi suggested that truth can be found in his concepts of Satyagraha, or total self-renunciation, and Ahimsa...

02 Oct 2007

Utopian Thought: Political Perfection Built Upon Human Imperfection

Essay - 4 pages - Philosophy

Utopian fiction, a genre originated by Sir Thomas More in 1516, attempts to expound political theory under the guise of fiction. The narration of these works is essential to the communication of political ideas, as the integrity of the political information conveyed hinges on the actual...

02 Oct 2007

Arguing Their Way to Salvation: Eschatology in Jewish-Christian Polemics of the Middle Ages

Essay - 4 pages - Philosophy

This essay will investigate how issues of Jewish messianism and eschatology were used as polemical devices in medieval disputations between Jews and their Christian interlocutors. Eschatology, the system of religious beliefs about the end of time, is a crucial theme in medieval Judeo-Christian...

02 Oct 2007

Religion as Means for Social Mechanization in Dystopia

Essay - 4 pages - Philosophy

Dystopian literature describes societies in which Government seizes total control over its citizens by eliminating their sense of individual self, and in turn, efficiently regulating their personal desires. Only with deviant selfishness can a member of dystopian society regain his personal...

02 Oct 2007

Embodying Emptiness: (Anti-) Aesthetics of the Prajnaparamita-Hrdaya Sutra

Essay - 6 pages - Philosophy

The Prajna-paramita Hrdaya Sutra, the 'heart' of the Mahayana tradition, represents the Buddhist anti-aesthetic of complete enlightenment in which the perception of any dualistic reality is a view of the deluded mind. The Heart Sutra is Avalokitesvara's explanation of the...

02 Oct 2007

Sufi Love: Submission to the Beautiful

Essay - 2 pages - Philosophy

The practical and esoteric dimensions of Islam intertwine in the Sufi tradition to forge a non-dual relationship between the worshipper and God. Sufis augment their adherence to the Q'uranic doctrine of submission to God (Islam) with a passionate love for “doing the beautiful” (ihsan),...

02 Oct 2007

A Discussion of Panpsychism: The Metaphysics of Consciousness

Essay - 3 pages - Philosophy

Panpsychism describes a world in which “everything has a mind (Chalmers 298),” and everything- animal, botanical, even mineral- is conscious. In order to determine whether or not all things are indeed conscious, two problems must be addressed. A definition of what it means to be...

02 Oct 2007

Personal and Societal Alchemy in Early Daoist Scriptures

Essay - 5 pages - Philosophy

The principle of interconnectedness pervades the worldviews of the Daoist and Buddhist religions originating from India and China. It is fitting that the traditions themselves are historically and textually interconnected in a way that finds traditions intermingling by borrowing teachings and...

02 Oct 2007

Ideology and War: Pacifism and Eschatological Militarism in Foreign Policy

Essay - 9 pages - Philosophy

War is a situation that embodies the principle of duality: one side is pitted against another in an “an act of violence intended to compel an opponent to fulfill our will .” That will, whatever it may be, “has its root in a political object ” that is determined within...

02 Oct 2007

The Daode Jing: Manual for Cosmic Living

Essay - 3 pages - Philosophy

The Daode Jing is a manual, attributed to Laozi, suggesting that non-action (wu-wei) is a way by which one may exist in accord with the cosmic principle of Dao and thus ensure a virtuous self and society. By cultivating the individual body, the Daoist sage in turn cultivates the social body. This...

02 Oct 2007

A Timeless Debate

Essay - 3 pages - Philosophy

At a lecture given at our own Stony Brook University, Michael Ratner asserts that “Justice is losing its power” . What Michael Ratner, the defending lawyer for many prisoners being held at Guantanamo Bay, means by this daring statement is that America is losing sight of its foundations....

02 Oct 2007

A Question of Filial Piety

Essay - 3 pages - Philosophy

Should we publicly accuse our own parents of a crime, which will undoubtedly result in their punishment? This age old question has been debated for millennia throughout the world with varied and countless legitimate arguments swaying people's opinions from one side to the other. It is unclear if...

30 Aug 2007

Ego Trips and Empathy Falls

Essay - 5 pages - Philosophy

Although both drastically different in philosophy, Surrealism and Russian Futurism failed to endure, but in similar ways. Surrealism, as defined by Andre Breton, is grounded in past philosophies while Mayakovsky's Russian futurism floats somewhere in an intangible future. Breton often channels...

30 Aug 2007

My Apologies

Essay - 3 pages - Philosophy

At first it seems daunting, attempting to fill four to six pages with insight pertaining to just one topic: apologies. However, as I reflect, I realize the true difficult task proves summing up the entire universe a single apology unlocks into a paper. Thomas Scheff begins his section about...

30 Aug 2007

God: Creator or Created?

Essay - 2 pages - Philosophy

Ever since the Renaissance movement, when the question was finally free of its taboo status, there has been widespread and public debate among philosophers, theologians, and scientists as to the existence of God. With the exception of theologians, the debate has been internal as well as external,...

04 Jun 2007

Is Cohen More "Jewish" Than Dylan - or vice versa? Why or Why Not?

Essay - 2 pages - Philosophy

During the sixties, which came along with the Civil Rights movement, the diverse ethnic whites in the United States displayed an increase willingness to emphasize their distinct identity. Leonard Cohen and Robert Allen Zimmerman, alias Bob Dylan, were two major musical figures of this era. Both...

04 Jun 2007

Essays on Jewish Culture

Essay - 4 pages - Philosophy

This paper includes two essays: -A Jewish-Christian Symbiosis: The Culture of Early Ashkenaz, Ivan G. Marcus : Ashkenazic Jews living in Northern and Eastern Europe differ from Sephardic Jews from Southern Europe in their respective relationships with surrounding religions. Whereas Sephardic...

10 May 2007

Unger's Views on Skepticism and Certainty

Essay - 2 pages - Philosophy

Peter Unger applies a unique approach to skepticism. In his essay, “An Argument for Skepticism”, he endorses the concept by insisting that if one is not a skeptic, he/she must be (more or less) dogmatic. The way in which he supports this is by attempting to prove that nobody ever...

03 May 2007

A Defense of the Capabilities Approach

Essay - 8 pages - Philosophy

There is no country in the world where women are treated equally to men. Women are consistently fed less than men, given fewer educational opportunities, and fewer freedoms. Situations in developing countries are often more overtly detrimental to women, for example in India, it is estimated...

11 Apr 2007

What are the differences between Locke's and Hobbes' notions of the "state of nature"?

Essay - 6 pages - Philosophy

Thomas Hobbes and John Locke are probably the most famous political thinkers of the 17th century. The generally accepted view asserts that these authors stood poles apart, the first one advocating an absolutist regime and the latter recommending a stable civil society where powers are separated....

05 Apr 2007

How (if at all) do you know that you are not a brain in a vat?

Essay - 4 pages - Philosophy

Our whole life (attitudes, reactions, actions) is based on knowledge. Depending on our present state of knowledge, we are going to react to different situations in different ways, give different answers to different questions. To do that however, one has to know something. Even though we do not...

17 Oct 2006

Swinging London - 1963-1967

Essay - 4 pages - Philosophy

The Sixties are usually seen as a period of joy and optimism, especially in England, where they take place between two tougher periods of British history. The Fifties had indeed been quite difficult in the United Kingdom, socially and economically speaking. And during the Seventies, many problems...

25 Jul 2006

Does multiculturalism undermine the universal conceptions of justice?

Essay - 4 pages - Philosophy

The Greek philosopher Plato believed that there was a parallel world: the world of Ideas . This world represented the true knowledge with the help of concepts, the Ideas. Each Idea corresponded to something that existed in the world that we experienced: the world of senses. There was the Idea of...

24 Jul 2006

Does History "stop", "start", and "accelerate"?

Essay - 4 pages - Philosophy

The fall of the Berlin wall symbolised the end of communism, and the victory of liberal democracy. The suddenness with which the soviet empire collapsed, without any resistance, authorised the idea that democracy was going to triumph all over the globe. Fukuyama exposed in a very controversial...

13 Apr 2006

What exactly is the difference between act-utilitarianism and rule-utilitarianism? Can rule-utilitarianism succeed where act-utilitarianism fails?

Essay - 6 pages - Philosophy

According to the meaning we give to ‘actions', we get two different theories under Utilitarianism. And there is a great debate between those two schools of utilitarianism about how exactly the individual utilitarian should make their moral decisions. The choice for the individual is between...