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209 results

04 Jan 2008

Can Knowledge Be Characterised as Justified True Belief? What Would a Better Account of Knowledge Look like?

Essay - 4 pages - Philosophy

There have been many attempts over the years to try and define what constitutes knowledge. Up until the early 1960's, the general consensus was that the tripartite analysis of knowledge was correct. However, it is now widely accepted that this is not the case, due to the work of Edmund Gettier...

04 Jan 2008

Essay on the Vaisesika and Bhagavad Gita Distinctions between Self and Body

Essay - 3 pages - Philosophy

It is my opinion that the distinction between self and body, as set out in the Vaisesika and mentioned in the Vedanta (Sourcebook, 1957, pp121-138, 386-423) , is an extremely cogent theory which seems to be able to reply to most objections raised to it. In this essay I will attempt to show how...

04 Jan 2008

Is Sound Eternal, as the Mimansa Philosophers Believe It to Be or Is It Transitory as the Nyaya Says?

Essay - 3 pages - Philosophy

Behind the claim that sound is eternal appears to be the idea that it must be eternal because the utterance of the word is for the purpose of another. Without this eternality, one person could not make anything known to another, because once the word was spoken, it would no longer exist. Another...

04 Jan 2008

What Would It Mean for an Event to Be a 'Miracle' in the Sense that Hume Describes It?

Essay - 5 pages - Philosophy

In this essay, I hope to show that some of the criticisms levelled against Hume, especially those by Robert Hambourger (1980), are not effective in their attempts to erode Hume's argument. These issues were discussed in an article by Dorothy Coleman (1988), which I will use to outline the...

04 Jan 2008

Has Hume Refuted the Design Argument?

Essay - 4 pages - Philosophy

In my opinion, David Hume, in his Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion, completely destroys the traditional design argument. In this essay I will outline an example of the traditional design argument, as written by Newton, and also Hume's critique of this argument, in his ‘Dialogues...

17 Dec 2007

Aristotle's "The Rhetoric"

Essay - 2 pages - Philosophy

When digging deeply into Aristotle's “The Rhetoric” it only begs the question of the origins of the author. Many of us learn about Aristotle's legacy in grade school and learn about his works. However, many of us also fail to learn the basic elements that made Aristotle who he was then...

11 Dec 2007

Progressing Toward the End of Spirit: Hegel on World History

Essay - 2 pages - Philosophy

Although Hegel's concept of spirit can sound like a purely metaphysical concept, more simply it is the ultimate force of our wills. Hegel believes that the wills of individuals, (which are inherently free wills,) that make up a nation are a kind of collective consciousness, which has an ultimate...

07 Dec 2007

The Ideas of Confucius

Essay - 3 pages - Philosophy

Confucius lived through a time of social change in China. Society was moving away from the old values, and towards more selfish pursuits that he felt were immoral and unjust. To this end, Confucius taught others what he felt were the core values of ancient Chinese culture, and in effect changed...

07 Dec 2007

What Is Empiricism?

Essay - 2 pages - Philosophy

Empiricism is a view about where all knowledge comes from. Empiricism is not exclusive to scientific knowledge, but rather knowledge as a whole. This includes knowledge of everyday life. Empiricism states that science and everyday thinking have the same basic principles, and science is just...

07 Dec 2007

Who Has Final Control Over Our Bodies: Me, You, or God?

Essay - 3 pages - Philosophy

Human beings, as superior animals, are born with unique cognitive processes that we have yet to identify in other animals. It is our cognition, our thoughts that set us apart from other creatures and make us who we are. However, our ability to think and analyze is also what causes us to question...

04 Dec 2007

Homer and the Futility of War

Essay - 3 pages - Philosophy

Rage. Rage is the first word that starts the Iliad (1.1), and as beginnings go it is a substantial foundation for the story told, however leaving the question “Which Rage?”. The rage of Achilles at the death of Patrokles, the rage of Menelaus at the theft of Helen, these are the...

04 Dec 2007

What is Practical Wisdom?

Essay - 3 pages - Philosophy

Aristotle within his Nicomachean Ethics defines the different regions of the soul, especially the virtues and functions of each. After all his contemplation over universal ideas, such as the very essence and base of justice and wisdom, he also realized the soul must contain a part to contemplate...

04 Dec 2007

Nietzsche: Genealogy of Morals

Essay - 3 pages - Philosophy

Good versus Evil, this is the ever present conflict in human morality and while nearly one third of the modern world supports this doctrine by supporting Christianity, Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche abhors this division of morals. His essay, Genealogy of Morals, remembers that once Good versus Bad...

03 Dec 2007

Carpe Diem? Try Tomorrow

Essay - 2 pages - Philosophy

Initially, I sat in front of a blank page contemplating how to start the introduction, how to draw the reader in. But after an hour, it became clear to me that I could not easily conjure up a stylish lead-in with the subject matter. So here I am addressing the issue flat out. Does this make me...

30 Nov 2007

The North Indian Tabla Drum as Saivite Hindu Religious Path

Essay - 2 pages - Philosophy

The traditions of Hindustani (North Indian) tabla drumming gather the various strands of culture that exist in India into a complex social tapestry. In order to understand the cultural phenomenon of tabla music, it must be heard within the context of an Indian heritage originating from a wide...

27 Nov 2007

Anthrologists in Disagreement over Cockfighting

Essay - 3 pages - Philosophy

In anthropological theory there has been a clear division and consistent debate between cultural materialists and non-materialist symbolic anthropologists. Theorists such as Marvin Harris and Julian Steward are exemplary of the materialist position, while others such as Sherry B. Ortner and...

04 Nov 2007

The Flavor and Sound of Liberation

Essay - 2 pages - Philosophy

The versatile musical functionality of the tabla reflects its utility as an instrument of contemplation. As the rhythmic expression of the drone, the tabla focuses the listener's attention on the present musical moment. From a psychological perspective, “the basis of listening is the...

04 Nov 2007

Devotion and Musical Practice in North India

Essay - 5 pages - Philosophy

The guru-shisya parampara is the system of master/disciple lineage that characterizes the traditional education system of North Indian music. The term parampara, ‘disciplic succession,' is introduced in the Bhagavad-gita (4.2), when Krsna tells Arjuna: “This Knowledge of yoga was...

04 Nov 2007

Longing For HER: Ferlinghetti's Mad Quest for the Muse

Essay - 3 pages - Philosophy

While Lawrence Ferlinghetti makes no claim to being enlightened, his poetry is nonetheless a record of and reaction to the sacred journey. While it is illuminating to read words of the awakened prophets of world history, I think it can be as rewarding to read the work of those who, sincere in...

28 Oct 2007

Concise Summary of Descartes' Reasoning in "Meditations on First Philosophy"

Essay - 4 pages - Philosophy

Descartes' Meditation One sets out his purpose of creating a new scientific paradigm to be based on a foundation built above the wreckage of his former opinions. He sought a reason to doubt the entire canon of his opinions so that he might begin “to establish anything firm and lasting in the...

28 Oct 2007

Exposition of Kant's "Copernican Revolution" in Philosophy

Essay - 3 pages - Philosophy

Taking their cue from the scientific philosophy of Francis Bacon, the thinkers of the Enlightenment assumed that the mind acted as a mirror, simply reflecting images of outward objects onto the subjective self. Immanuel Kant proposed a reorientation in which the relation between subject and...

28 Oct 2007

Duality in Mahayana Buddhist Scriptures

Essay - 3 pages - Philosophy

The Buddha's teachings, although expressive of ultimate reality, have been conveyed through the relative medium of language. This discrepancy has led to the invocation of dichotomies such as “reality versus unreality”, “existence versus nonexistence” and “truth versus...

23 Oct 2007

A Comparison of Zen and Shin Buddhism: Dogen VS Shinran

Essay - 3 pages - Philosophy

Buddhism was not originally a Japanese religion, since the said originator of the way, Siddhartha Gautama (also referred to as Shakyamuni Buddha) was born in a region that is now Nepal, and spread his teachings mostly around northern India. China later received his teachings through various...

23 Oct 2007

What is Judaism?

Essay - 2 pages - Philosophy

What is Judaism? What does it mean to be a Jew? According to Webster's Dictionary, “Judaism is a monotheistic religion that traces its roots back to Abraham and having its spiritual and ethical principles embodied chiefly in the Hebrew Scriptures and the Talmud.” There are three...

19 Oct 2007

To Exist Is to Question Existence Itself

Essay - 3 pages - Philosophy

Writers define themselves by their purposes. A novelist writes to entertain, to embrace the imagination and create a world of escape for the reader. A columnist writes to inform, to relay the facts and describe a world of current events for the reader. What, however, exists in-between? With...

19 Oct 2007

The Fall of Ulysses

Essay - 4 pages - Philosophy

In all its humor, 1984 ½ would have in actuality been a very fitting title for Terry Gilliam's Brazil. An invisible, all-powerful government, the struggle of the individual against the state, the apparent hopelessness, there is no doubting the similarities between George Orwell's dystopian...

19 Oct 2007


Essay - 20 pages - Philosophy

The controversy surrounding self-fulfilling prophecies, while originally centered on proving their existence, has recently settled on the probability of such phenomenon occurring in a natural environment. While not directly cited in this resource guide, the original “Pygmalion Effect”...

19 Oct 2007

Punishment and the Damned

Essay - 4 pages - Philosophy

It can be questioned whether the Greek and Roman people ever believed in their own gods. However, even such questioning cannot undermine the didactic value of their religion. Greek and Roman mythology thrived on storytelling; bards assumed the role of primitive priests, teaching moral reasoning...

12 Oct 2007

A Discourse on Happiness for a Drug-Free Nation

Essay - 2 pages - Philosophy

For the most part, there are two desirable products of problem solving: personal pleasure and the happiness of others. This difference between selfishness and unselfishness has often defined moral decision making, the former being nothing less than sin and the latter being utterly commendable in...

12 Oct 2007

A Better Fate: Mythology and the Creation of Meaning

Essay - 3 pages - Philosophy

Mythology: the bookstore catalogue designation where religions go to die. When the believers cease believing in their gods, and when the gods cease believing in themselves. We often forget we once worshiped Zeus and those other “primitive” gods with the same blind passion and fear...