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209 results

29 Jun 2010

The stranger by Albert Camus

Essay - 1 pages - Philosophy

It is understandable why The Stranger has become so famous and named one of the greatest existentialist novels ever written. I believe this because Albert Camus created a character that has or will never be duplicated. This may seem like a stretch but at the same time it is very true. Authors are...

24 Jun 2010

Gospel of Judas

Essay - 1 pages - Philosophy

I believe the Gospel of Judas should be added to other books in the bible because it contains very important religious information. Even though the plot leading up to Jesus' crucifixion is contradictory to way it was written in the previous books already in the bible, the story behind Jesus'...

24 Jun 2010

The story of Abraham and Isaac

Essay - 1 pages - Philosophy

God decided to test Abraham's faith in him by telling Abraham to sacrifice his most important possession, his very own son, Isaac. Abraham was basically told to give up his future because he made a promise earlier in the book of Genesis that he would be the father of a great nation, referring to...

07 May 2010

Capitalism and Christianity: Weber's capitalist spirit and potential Christian influences

Essay - 9 pages - Philosophy

The questions of what is capitalism and how did it arise have been of central concern to Western economists and sociologists since the 1840s. At that time, commentators began to recognize that a fundamentally new economic and social order - with the expansion of machines in manufacturing and...

06 Apr 2010

Descartes' dream argument and its followed knowledge

Essay - 2 pages - Philosophy

Meditations on first philosophy, a text written by René Descartes, is one of Descartes most recognized works. The book is divided in to 6 meditations in which Descartes helps the meditator cast a series of progressively radical doubts on preconceived notions, and metaphysical beliefs. The...

06 Apr 2010

Defining virtues in Plato's Euthyphro

Essay - 3 pages - Philosophy

In this essay I examine the motivations behind Socrates' pursuit of a precise definition of a virtue. The particular virtue that interests me is piety, examined by Socrates and his interlocutor, Euthyphro, in Plato's Euthyphro. Like many of Plato's early dialogues, Euthyphro features the standard...

07 May 2009

The universal human rights concept

Essay - 5 pages - Philosophy

The UN was founded immediately after the horrors of the Second World War because of the Nazi-regime and in response to the economic and social difficulties after the Depression. This need of security by law was explained by a particular tradition in Europe where in the seventeenth and the...

19 Apr 2009

An essay concerning Bloom's reading of the Republic

Essay - 5 pages - Philosophy

Philosopher and literary critic Allan Bloom (1968) writes that “The Republic is the true Apology of Socrates, for only in the Republic does he give an adequate treatment of the theme which was forced on him by Athens' accusation against him. That theme is the relationship of the philosopher...

26 Feb 2009

Colonial mentality in Filipino Immigrants

Essay - 4 pages - Philosophy

The Filipinos were among the first Asian groups to enter the U.S. Unlike other groups, they had a unique colonial history, and thereby their acculturating experiences were not the first encounter with discrimination they faced. Though they were considered nationals, they weren't citizens and...

20 Feb 2009

Is man one or many?

Essay - 6 pages - Philosophy

This paper seeks to examine how three anthropologists, E.B. Tylor, Bronislaw Malinowski and Levi-Strauss address the question “is man one or many?” They were chosen on the basis of their being the leading figures of three different schools of thought, evolutionary anthropology,...

27 Jan 2009

The soul, according to Aristotle

Essay - 4 pages - Philosophy

In the work De Anima, Aristotle presents his account of the soul. He sees the soul as inexorably tied to a physical body. This is because the soul is a form, while the body is the matter that is acted upon. Inherent in this characterization of the soul is the idea that the soul is actuality while...

27 Jan 2009

Myths of origin: Their role in religion and society

Essay - 5 pages - Philosophy

What is myth? For rationalists such as Muller, they provide pre-scientific explanations of natural phenomena. For functionalists such as Malinowski they are a "codification of belief", explaining rites and justifying norms. For Jung, myth provides expressions of a collective unconscious. (i.e....

21 Jan 2009

Liberalism: What are the main concepts of liberalism?

Essay - 4 pages - Philosophy

Liberalism is a philosophy, or political movement that has, for an aim, the development of individual freedom. Since the concept of freedom evolved over time, liberalism evolved as well. However, some core assumptions never changed. First, let us consider how all the core concepts of liberalism...

19 Jan 2009

What was 'Tito's way', and how successful was it?

Essay - 3 pages - Philosophy

Looking back at the time after the end of communism (Cuba and today's China being particular and Chavez not a communist), we basically find only three different ways of communism; the original one, the Lenino-Stalinism in the USSR, the latter one, China's Maoism, and finally the...

16 Jan 2009

What is the relation (if any) between virtue and human flourishing?

Essay - 5 pages - Philosophy

When you shout at a passer-by in the street, and ask him what would be the most important goal in his life, he is likely to answer, like a majority of people that he wants to live happily. Then, we should raise the question: how could we achieve this happiness? More than two thousand years ago,...

15 Jan 2009

Fascism, communism and totalitarianism

Essay - 5 pages - Philosophy

“Fascism was the first mass-mobilizing development dictatorship that provided a frank, complete, and relatively coherent rationale for totalitarianism." Actually, Mussolini's doctrine of delayed industrialization was the first to openly affirm “the reality of production and the...

15 Jan 2009

France and the United States: Two different approaches to feminism

Essay - 4 pages - Philosophy

Feminism is defined by the Cambridge dictionary as “the belief that women should have the same economic, social, and political rights as men” . However, there is not a single definition for feminism. This notion is rather complex and controversial, and it cannot be fully comprehended in...

15 Jan 2009

The universal human rights concept and its roots in Western political thought

Essay - 4 pages - Philosophy

Commitment to the idea of cultural relativism is usually seen as precluding the acceptance of the idea of universal human rights. But is relativism against universalism a false dichotomy? Can we construct a “differentiated universalism” or a “non-ethnocentric universalism”?...

15 Jan 2009

The Australian Strine

Essay - 17 pages - Philosophy

Having spent my eight-month-stay between Sydney and Brisbane, respectively State capitals of New South Wales and Queensland, sharing Australians' life, and having also travelled a bit to other cities and States of the East Coast, I feel I must share my affection for this vast, exciting...

15 Jan 2009

The rise of the Ku Klux Klan in North Carolina

Essay - 5 pages - Philosophy

The original idea of the Ku Klux Klan was born in the late 1865, in the minds of six young men -John Lester, James Crowe, John Kennedy, Richard Reed, Frank Mc Cord and Calvin Jones- in the quiet town of Pulaski, Tennessee. They were Confederate soldiers during the Civil War and were bored with...

15 Jan 2009

The role of NGO's during wartime: humanitarian vs pacifist ideals

Essay - 5 pages - Philosophy

Since the beginning of modern humanitarian action during wartime (with the birth of the ICRC), the question of the NGOs' role on the battlefields has been the subject of an important controversy, opposing humanitarian to pacifist ideals. Indeed, pacifists' main point was to denounce the...

15 Jan 2009

Action is character, FS Fitzgerald

Essay - 3 pages - Philosophy

In real life, what we do is supposed to reflect our personality. What we are - to the others - is first and foremost what we do and what we look like : we are judged by the others through the prism of our physical appearance and of our own behavior. Doing something "reprehensible" according to...

15 Jan 2009

Moral and Overman - Study based on: Twilight of the Idols, or How to Philosophize with a Hammer By Friedrich Nietzsche

Essay - 8 pages - Philosophy

“There are more idols than realities in the world. […] This time it is not contemporary idols but eternal idols that are being touched here with the hammer as if with a turning fork”. This “revaluation of all values”, an expression that Nietzsche would use numerous times...

15 Jan 2009

Are forgiveness and a search for the truth a better solution to heal the minds and bodies of the victims of wars than externally imposed tribunals? - published: 15/01/2009

Essay - 4 pages - Philosophy

Even after a settlement is reached and a peace agreement is signed, this is by no means the end of the conflict. For a conflict to really end, healing the minds and the bodies of the victims of wars are necessary. Indeed it is the necessary first step to reconciliation to appear and people who...

15 Jan 2009

How can MacIntyre claim that some traditions, but not others, can escape the problem of incommensurability in their moral reasoning?

Essay - 6 pages - Philosophy

From the moment we abandoned Aristotle's teleology, MacIntyre believes, there has been no proper moral philosophy, but only philosophers "working ... with bits and pieces of philosophies which are detached from their original pre-Enlightenment settings in which they were comprehensible and...

15 Jan 2009

Judaism and Rechtsstaat

Essay - 4 pages - Philosophy

The modern political philosophy, influenced by the Enlightenment and the ideal of individual liberty developed by Locke, considers that the political sphere must be independent from the religious sphere. In Israel, this separation between the State and the religion is not so clear. The...

15 Jan 2009

Medieval Renewal: The Pre-Raphaelites' Quest for the Holy Grail and Arthurian Legends

Essay - 6 pages - Philosophy

The Holy Grail is usually considered to be the cup from which Christ drank at the Last Supper and the one used by Joseph of Arimathea to catch his blood as he hung on the cross. This significance was introduced into the Arthurian legends. In earlier sources and in some later ones, the Grail is...

15 Jan 2009

Alterglobalisation: "Another world is possible?"

Essay - 6 pages - Philosophy

In the mid-eighties there were huge criticisms caused by the liberal policy carried out both by Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher. There were, especially in the United Kingdom, a lot of strikes and manifestations against the neo-liberalism. However, Margaret Thatcher, answering to an interview...

15 Jan 2009

Second Life

Essay - 2 pages - Philosophy

Last time, we listened to a presentation on YouTube and the various problems raised by this website. Today, the subject is as topical as YouTube and we stay on the Web, because we are going to talk about another website called Second Life.Created in 2003 by Linden Lab, it became famous a year...

15 Jan 2009

Propaganda is necessary for the functioning and survival of human society. Discuss

Essay - 5 pages - Philosophy

“Propaganda, by whatever name we may call it, has become a very general phenomenon in the modern world. Differences in political regimes matter little; differences in social levels are more important; and most important is national self-awareness.”(1) Actually, propaganda is a large...