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493 results

31 Oct 2024

Ethical Theories

Essay - 1 pages - Philosophy

When O'Neill uses the phrase "Scope for refusal" in relation to Kantian ethics, he refers to the idea that every individual should have the independence to have a say in the actions that will affect them. In other words, an individual should be able to consent to all the actions done to them....

22 Oct 2024

The Argument from Indubitability for Substance Dualism

Essay - 3 pages - Philosophy

Descartes' Argument of Indubitability originates from his methodological doubt, which entails thorough questioning and doubt of that which can be doubted, such as the existence of an outside world, his body, and all information that his senses provide. On the other hand, when Descartes...

17 Oct 2024

Knowledge and Christian Belief - Alvin Plantinga (2015) - Philosophical Foundations for Applied Apologetics.

Text commentary - 4 pages - Philosophy

Alvin Plantinga's "Knowledge and Christian Belief" explores the complex link between knowledge and faith. Plantinga delves into epistemology from a Christian perspective. He examines how reason and religious belief might coexist by challenging standard definitions of rationality and religion....

11 Oct 2024

Othello - William Shakespeare (1603) - The Character of Iago and Freud's Psychoanalytic Theories

Text commentary - 2 pages - Philosophy

"Othello," a tragedy written by William Shakespeare, has been preserved as a timeless classic of human emotion and tragedy. Mirroring the Venice and Cyprus setting of the play, themes of envy, deceit, and uncontrollable human immoderation are played out closely. The central situation of "Othello"...

11 Oct 2024

Genetic Engineering: Humankind's Future or Doom?

Essay - 3 pages - Philosophy

Genetic engineering has revolutionized life-altering science. This vital technology has grown significantly since scientists first genetically modified bacteria in the 1970s, influencing healthcare and agriculture. Like every revolutionary innovation, genetic engineering raises difficult ethical,...

11 Oct 2024

Discuss the Advantages and Disadvantages of Space Exploration

Essay - 2 pages - Philosophy

The desire to explore in space certainly is an expression of never-ending human curiosity that leads us to conquer new lands that have not been discovered yet. It is only a domain of knowledge and technology that is solely concerned with travel beyond the atmosphere of our planet Earth, as well...

06 Oct 2024

Do you personally believe religious instruction and public secondary education are compatible?

Dissertation - 1 pages - Philosophy

Since 1991, the percentage of N.O.N.E.S ("None of the above") has increased by 266%, and this proportion of non-religious American citizens is showing no sign of decline. Therefore, how could one claim that religious instruction is still relevant to public education and should not be seen as...

06 Oct 2024

In your opinion, should there be limits to freedom of the press?

Essay - 1 pages - Philosophy

One of the pillars of democracies, freedom of the press is a fundamental right guaranteed by the 1st amendment to the US Constitution. It ensures people are properly informed, as when the Washington Post revealed the Watergate scandal which led to the resignation of President Nixon in 1974. Yet...

02 Oct 2024

The moral status of non-human animals - Ethical Dilemmas in Human-Animal Relations: Speciesism, Benign Carnivorism, and Animal Experimentation

Essay - 5 pages - Philosophy

In today's society, the ethical treatment of animals has become the subject of a powerful debate. Our obligation to manage the complex principle of ethical questions surrounding the role of animals in our environment grows as our knowledge of animal cognition, sentience, and emotions deepens....

02 Oct 2024

Philosophy of Science: Karl Popper and Thomas Kuhns Debate

Essay - 6 pages - Philosophy

This essay aims to discuss the contribution of Karl Popper and Thomas Kuhns theories to the philosophy of science and how their debates in their journals contrasted with each other. Kuhn's thought of paradigm and paradigm shift in his normal science. Popper rather went in a different...

10 Apr 2024

Unscharfe Grenzen - Ulrich Pardey (2002) - Sand's Society : a navigating between Individuality and Collective cohesion

Text commentary - 5 pages - Philosophy

At the crossroads of practical philosophical thought and introspective quest, Ulrich Padrey's work Unscharfe Grenzen, and more precisely the quotation that comes from it, offer a fascinating insight into the profound relationship between the individual and the collective. He is interested in...

16 Mar 2024

Thought and Motion - Henri Bergson (1889) - Is it possible that the conceptions of things cannot be imposed as universal?

Text commentary - 3 pages - Philosophy

In his work "La pensée et le mouvant" (Thought and Motion), Henri Bergson deals with the subject of art and develops its principal function, which constitutes the generic theme of the text before us. The author asserts that artists have the power to transcribe the things of nature and of the...

03 Mar 2024

Descartes Philosophy

Case study - 5 pages - Philosophy

Descartes carries out an experiment in which he supposes that there is no existence of God, and instead, he proposes the existence of an evil spirit which deceives humanity regarding everything that regards to life. He describes his philosophy as a tree, the roots as a form of metaphysics, and...

13 Jan 2024

Henri David Thoreau - Civil disobedience

Biography - 2 pages - Philosophy

Henri David Thoreau, an American philosopher, naturalist and poet, was also a convinced activist who fought against slavery and advocated civil disobedience. His imprisonment in 1846 gave rise to the essay "Civil Disobedience", a text that influenced Gandhi, Martin Luther King and Nelson Mandela,...

27 May 2023

Myths and Heroes - published: 27/05/2023

Essay - 1 pages - Philosophy

In this notion we talk about myths and heroes. A myth can be a legend, a story which is imaginary and a hero can be an historical person or a character from a book or in a movie to stop a bad person. In this notion we talk about the different person or character like Captain America who influence...

25 May 2023

Raymond Boudon, the Leader of "Methodical Individualism"

Biography - 1 pages - Philosophy

Raymond Boudon is a philosopher and one of the most eminent French sociologists of the 20th is century and the beginning of the 21st century with Alain Touraine, Michel Crozier and Pierre Bourdieu. He was born on January 27, 1934, in Paris and died on April 10, 2013, in Paris. Raymond Boudon is...

24 May 2023

The Culture Map - Erin Meyer (2014) - The cultural differences

Book review - 2 pages - Philosophy

If I need to admit something, it was the only book in the three proposed that I hadn't chosen to read, thinking that I would be able to adapt to the cultural differences compared to the topic "communication" treated in the book "Non-violent communication" for example. But, in the end since...

10 May 2023

Do's and Don'ts to work in Tunisia

Practical guide - 2 pages - Philosophy

It is almost impossible for a foreigner to get a job in Tunisia (given the revolution) unless it is sponsored by a Tunisian company. In order to obtain a position, it is imperative to be proficient in Arabic or English. The main sources for finding work are the Internet and the daily newspaper...

22 Dec 2022

Is the Reality of the Subject a Certainty or an Illusion?

Essay - 3 pages - Philosophy

"Cogito ergo sum. "I think, therefore I am'. This Latin locution, uttered by René Descartes, philosophers of the Enlightenment, gives an unmistakable type of view of human consciousness. Since I have the will and the consciousness to think, I am, I exist. My thought, which I observe, refers...

22 Aug 2022

Scientific Research and Data Analysis

Worksheets - 4 pages - Philosophy

This document is the summary of a course that presents the different ways in which research can be conducted in Science, as well as the method of data analysis. Science is a more formal, rigorous approach in the quest for truthful knowledge. It relies on objectivity and rationality - Objectivity:...

19 Mar 2022

What are problems and how do we deal with them?

Presentation - 5 pages - Philosophy

Faced with the same event, several people can react in totally different ways. Better still, the same person, at different times, can react in a completely different way when faced with the same situations. All of this allows us to affirm that it is perhaps not reality itself that causes the...

24 Oct 2021

Poor Man's Guardian, no. 72, 27 (October 1832) - what are the political stakes linked to the Reform Act and how can we understand the place of the media in the organization of power in the United Kingdom during this period?

Text commentary - 2 pages - Philosophy

The Representation of the People Act 1832 brought about important changes in the exchange between British institutions during the 19th century and allowed for the disappearance of small districts or access to the right to vote for a certain number of individuals such as small landowners. The Act...

06 Oct 2021

Lifeboat Earth Famine (Onora O'Neill, 2016), Famine, Affluence, and Morality (Peter Singer, 1972) - The moral obligation to act against hunger and poverty

Text commentary - 5 pages - Philosophy

Hunger and poverty have been a consistent problem for humanity. While the majority of humanity agrees that hunger and poverty are atrocious, the degree to which we are morally obligated to interfere is debatable. I will be examining two philosophers' papers, both that argue we are morally...

30 Aug 2021

Can new technologies facilitate the exchanges?

Essay - 1 pages - Philosophy

Now, we are going to talk about new technologies to illustrate this notion. Indeed, new technologies, such as SMS, e-mail, and the World Wide Web, are all around us nowadays, like our smartphones. So, we're going to try to answer the question: "Can new technologies facilitate the exchanges?"

23 Jun 2021

Presentation of The American Dream

Essay - 2 pages - Philosophy

The American dream is the ideal by which equality of opportunity is available to any American, allowing the highest aspirations and goals to be achieved if they just work hard enough. It appeared after the Declaration of Independence in 1776 which proclaims that 'all men are created...

23 Jun 2021

Humour and Nonsense

Presentation - 1 pages - Philosophy

My presentation will deal with the theme writer in his society. Writers usually criticize their society by literature to show people that things need to be changed such as those in Victorian Society. But how do writers by using humour and nonsense in their literature manage to criticize the...

23 Jun 2021

Meeting the Other

Presentation - 2 pages - Philosophy

My presentation will deal with the theme meeting the other. In the major parts of literature's pieces, the characters are researched in a psychological way so that the readers recognize themselves into them and learn valuable lessons about life in general. The example of the novels Jane Eyre...

28 Apr 2021

Transhumanism and his symbol/meaning : do you agree?

Essay - 1 pages - Philosophy

Seen as the future of society by many scientists, transhumanism is nowadays something that we have a lot to discover. This image shows the symbol created for transhumanism. Its design has been thought; the ‘+' means development, an improvement, so humans can no longer bound to their...

31 Mar 2021

Is the American Dream a myth ?

Essay - 2 pages - Philosophy

The American dream is the notion that the American social, economic, and political system makes success possible for everyone. It's linked to the notion of the ‘self-made man : the idea that, with enough work & dedication, anybody can climb the social ladder and become wealthy.

15 Mar 2021

In what way storytelling helped shape feminism in our current society?

Essay - 3 pages - Philosophy

I choose the notion of the Idea of Progress. To illustrate this notion, I decided to talk about the idea of progress in feminism. Before I start, I'd like to give a quick definition of the notion: the idea of progress can be defined as an improvement, a development or a change. As a...