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1946 results

14 Mar 2025

The Heritage Status of Lucrezia Borgia, Between Myth and Reality

Presentation - 1 pages - Literature

I have chosen to talk to you about Lucrezia Borgia, focusing specifically on the difference between her real-life nature and her status in popular consciousness. Lucrezia was an Italian aristocrat born on April 18, 1480, in Rome and died on June 24, 1519, in Ferrara. She is the daughter of...

04 Feb 2025

I have a Dream - Letter

Creative writing - 1 pages - Linguistics & languages

Inequality is a grave issue that faces today's society. Not only is there an uneven distribution of resources but many individuals are denied the opportunity of accomplishing their dreams because of their race, gender, social class, religion, caste, ethnicity, disability status, and sexual...

13 Jan 2025

Simple present and simple past

Course material - 6 pages - Linguistics & languages

The simple past tense is used to describe actions or events that happened and were completed in the past. (...)

05 Jan 2025

A Golden Age - Tahmima Anam (2007) - Prose Fiction Essay

Essay - 3 pages - Literature

A golden age refers to an era of achievement and an age of sacrificing honour before peace and happiness are awarded. By naming her book 'A Golden Age' (2007), Tahmima Anam signalled to readers the subject matter of her novel. The novel deals with the liberation of Bangladesh while...

05 Jan 2025

Othello - Shakespeare (1604); Long Day's Journey into Night - Eugene O'Neill (1956) - The use of dramatic techniques

Text commentary - 3 pages - Literature

In order to hold the audience's attention, playwrights often incorporate many dramatic techniques into their plays. For example, in the Shakespearean tragedy "Othello" and the modern Eugene O'Neill play "Long Day's Journey into Night", conflict, symbolism and religious imagery are...

30 Dec 2024

How is the Asian continent imprinting its mark on the western concept of knowledge/power nexus?

Essay - 7 pages - Politic philosophy

The connection between power and knowledge stems from Michel Foucault's well-known thesis that power inspires and shapes knowledge. Overall, this concept coming from a group of French geopolitics pundits claims that power is not necessarily tangible power, according to them, power is in the...

30 Dec 2024

Perpetual Peace: A Philosophical Sketch - Emmanuel Kant (1795) - Measures to ensure the cessation of hostilities between states

Text commentary - 3 pages - Politic philosophy

Kant is optimistic and believes that perpetual peace between nations is possible and will be attained in the future. He sees peace as a gradual process. Therefore, he describes a peace program constructed in 2 parts : 6 preliminary articles listing the steps that should be taken immediately by...

05 Dec 2024

The 1968 Olympics Protest Movement by Smith and Carlos

Tutorials/exercises - 5 pages - Linguistics & languages

During the 60's, Tommie Smith and John Carlos raised their fists on the podium to demande better racial equality in the United States. At that time, the USA were at war in Vietnam to fight against communism. Muhammad Ali was a boxer. He refused to be enrolled. He also used his fame to become...

04 Dec 2024

Language and Me

Presentation - 4 pages - Linguistics & languages

As Michel Serres said, « Our bodies listen, shout and remember. » Without the exchange of energy and information, no organism - bacteria, algae, fungi, plants or animals - would survive. Before becoming human, communication characterizes living organisms as open systems: cells communicate with...

04 Dec 2024

Staying Healthy

Presentation - 6 pages - Linguistics & languages

What do you do to stay healthy?

14 Nov 2024

Mother Tongue in Foreign Language Classes

Dissertation - 9 pages - Linguistics & languages

Scholarly interest in the use of the mother tongue in foreign classrooms has developed considerably over the years. This has been influenced by extensive research studies which have proved that using the mother tongue enhances the teaching and learning of foreign languages. Previously, the use of...

31 Oct 2024

Ethical Theories

Essay - 1 pages - Philosophy

When O'Neill uses the phrase "Scope for refusal" in relation to Kantian ethics, he refers to the idea that every individual should have the independence to have a say in the actions that will affect them. In other words, an individual should be able to consent to all the actions done to them....

31 Oct 2024

Dune - Frank Herbert (1965) - Studying a Pivotal Scene

Text commentary - 3 pages - Literature

In a pivotal scene in Frank Herbert's novel, Dune, the evolvement of Paul Atreides from a noble man of a desert planet into a prophesied Kwisatz Haderach undergoes a turning point. Transfiguration is approaching its critical point, as Paul, along with his mother, is subjected to a horrible...

22 Oct 2024

Untouchability and Dalit women's oppression-Malik (1999); Domestic violence against Dalit women: A critical review- Vinutha (2014); Social Structure and Inequality of Dalits in Dalit Literature: An Overview-Gopinath (2018)- The Pain of Dalit Women

Text commentary - 2 pages - Literature

The narratives of Dalit women, often relegated to the peripheries of mainstream discourse, encapsulate the intersecting layers of oppression based on caste, class, and gender. Bela Malik's presentation of how the Convention against Untouchability and the Oppression of Dalit Women helps to...

22 Oct 2024

The Argument from Indubitability for Substance Dualism

Essay - 3 pages - Philosophy

Descartes' Argument of Indubitability originates from his methodological doubt, which entails thorough questioning and doubt of that which can be doubted, such as the existence of an outside world, his body, and all information that his senses provide. On the other hand, when Descartes...

22 Oct 2024

Pizza Bomber: The Untold Story of America's Most Shocking Bank Robbery, Chapters 23-30 - Jerry Clark and Ed Palattella (2017) - Justice, Resilience, and the Complexity of Human Behavior

Text commentary - 3 pages - Literature

The last part of the book additionally marks the resolution phase as the collection of all parts of the rich narrative in the Pizza Bomber case. These last chapters give readers a full general idea of the details and consequences of the case. The following sections, which contain the early...

21 Oct 2024

The Cognitive Processes Involved in Second Language Pragmatic Performance among Chinese ESL Learners in Singapore

Dissertation - 10 pages - Linguistics & languages

The present study tries to identify the cognitive processes accountable for the second language (L2) pragmatic performance by Chinese English as a Second Language (ESL) learners in Singapore. Consequently, this research intends to identify those particular cognitive processes involved in L2...

21 Oct 2024

Village Infernos and Witches' Advocates: Witch-Hunting in Navarre, 1608-1614 - Lu Ann Homza (2022) - A Comprehensive Analysis of Witch Trials in Navarre

Text commentary - 3 pages - Literature

Village Infernos and Witches' Advocates: Witchcraft and Witch-Hunting in Navarre, 1608-1614, by Lu A. Homza, followed protocol diligently and studied the witch trials held in the Kingdom of Navarre during such a difficult era of cultural, social, religious, and political confusion. Through...

20 Oct 2024

First Poem for You - Kim Addonizio (1994) - Complexities and Contradictions in Intimate Relationships

Text commentary - 2 pages - Literature

Kim Addonizio's "First Poem for You" is a captivating exploration of the complexities and contradictions that often arise in the early stages of intimate relationships. Ultimately, using the inventive structure and words, Addonizio successfully conveys the contradictory needs that the...

19 Oct 2024

Trifles - Susan Glaspell (1916) - Setting

Artwork commentary - 3 pages - Literature

Setting can be an important element in creating a story and developing the themes within a literary work. For instance, a setting may be used to reveal more about a character, or perhaps it is just a backdrop and setting where a character finds him or herself. This paper examines how Glaspell...

18 Oct 2024

Hamlet, Act V, Scene 1 - William Shakespeare (1623) - The Importance of the Gravedigger's Scene to the Whole Play

Artwork commentary - 2 pages - Literature

In William Shakespeare's play Hamlet, there is a scene that is often considered one of the most iconic and thought-provoking moments in the entire play—the gravedigger's scene. This scene, which occurs in Act V, Scene I, remains memorable to audiences due to its dark humor and somber...

17 Oct 2024

Knowledge and Christian Belief - Alvin Plantinga (2015) - Philosophical Foundations for Applied Apologetics.

Text commentary - 4 pages - Philosophy

Alvin Plantinga's "Knowledge and Christian Belief" explores the complex link between knowledge and faith. Plantinga delves into epistemology from a Christian perspective. He examines how reason and religious belief might coexist by challenging standard definitions of rationality and religion....

17 Oct 2024

SAS Survival Handbook - John "Lofty" Wiseman (1986)

Book review - 3 pages - Literature

The book's title clearly states that it covers comprehensive survival knowledge. Authored by John 'Lofty' Wiseman, a former survival teacher for the legendary Special Air Service (SAS), this book is a true beacon of preparedness in a sea of uncertainty. Of course, this is a time of...

12 Oct 2024

A Lesson before dying - Ernest J. Gaines (1993) - Reader's response essay

Text commentary - 4 pages - Literature

'A Lesson Before Dying' is a touching novel created by Ernest J. Gaines, a remarkable African-American writer whose works illustrate the lives of the rural Southerners in the era of segregation. This novel is set in a small Louisiana town in the late 1940s where the topics of racism,...

11 Oct 2024

I heard a fly buzz -when I died - Emily Dickinson (1896); Death Be Not Proud - John Donne (1633); Starry Night - Anne Sexton (1962) - Perspectives on Death in Poetry

Text commentary - 2 pages - Literature

Among all the subjects researched, those of human life are always of the most significant interest, and none rivals the topic of death in terms of a captivating and meaningful theme. Through the lens of poetry, this essay delves into the varied perspectives on death as portrayed in three distinct...

11 Oct 2024

Othello - William Shakespeare (1603) - The Character of Iago and Freud's Psychoanalytic Theories

Text commentary - 2 pages - Philosophy

"Othello," a tragedy written by William Shakespeare, has been preserved as a timeless classic of human emotion and tragedy. Mirroring the Venice and Cyprus setting of the play, themes of envy, deceit, and uncontrollable human immoderation are played out closely. The central situation of "Othello"...

11 Oct 2024

Genetic Engineering: Humankind's Future or Doom?

Essay - 3 pages - Philosophy

Genetic engineering has revolutionized life-altering science. This vital technology has grown significantly since scientists first genetically modified bacteria in the 1970s, influencing healthcare and agriculture. Like every revolutionary innovation, genetic engineering raises difficult ethical,...

11 Oct 2024

Family Dynamics and Fairy Tales: A Personal Perspective

Creative writing - 2 pages - Literature

With that autobiographical experience in mind, I found many parallels to complex family dynamics in the famous fairy tale "Cinderella" by the Brothers Grimm. At its core, the story deals with the struggles between a folk heroine named Cinderella and her wicked stepmother and stepsisters after her...

11 Oct 2024

Discuss the Advantages and Disadvantages of Space Exploration

Essay - 2 pages - Philosophy

The desire to explore in space certainly is an expression of never-ending human curiosity that leads us to conquer new lands that have not been discovered yet. It is only a domain of knowledge and technology that is solely concerned with travel beyond the atmosphere of our planet Earth, as well...

06 Oct 2024

Do you personally believe religious instruction and public secondary education are compatible?

Dissertation - 1 pages - Philosophy

Since 1991, the percentage of N.O.N.E.S ("None of the above") has increased by 266%, and this proportion of non-religious American citizens is showing no sign of decline. Therefore, how could one claim that religious instruction is still relevant to public education and should not be seen as...