This thesis is written for the Bachelor of Business Studies final. It is a fully literature- based thesis so only literature research is involved. This thesis is about the role of music in commercial television advertising. To reach a satisfying solution to this problem, the position of the theories about music in commercial television advertising compared with theories of atmospherics in general were investigated. And also how, when and why music works in commercial television advertising has been examined.
The results of the literature search and research can be summarized as a combination of different articles with different contents. By structuring the thesis like this, a new and orderly thesis is formulated.
The position of the atmospheric music within atmospherics in general is very important. Music helps to shape the overall atmosphere in commercial television advertising and therefore has an important and inevitable role within atmospherics in general. Characteristics of atmospherics like quality perception, influence of emotional state, atheistic etc. also count for music. Models and theories like the Mehrabian-Russell model and Scherer‘s theory can also be applied at music while they were designed for atmospherics in general.
Music has two main effects: enriching the key message and influencing the emotional state. The emotional state is a complicated phenomenon. By influencing the emotional state several sub-effects occur. These effects are recall, rejection or acceptance of media claims, level of attention, brand attitude and product choice.
[...] Chapter three will deal with music in commercial television advertising specifically and broadly, further investigate theory and practice and make use of the theories of chapter two to investigate correlations to reach the core, namely the role of music in commercial television advertising. The chapter contains some theories and examples of music Introduction Music is one of many stimuli of atmospherics and has been and is used a lot in commercial television advertising. A few examples of commercials where it has been shown that music had a major role are, Vodafone, Dutch insurance companies and Heineken. [...]
[...] Comparing theories and examples of atmospherics in general with music shows that music is very important and has a large role within atmospherics in general Music in commercial television advertising influences the emotional state of the customer. This causes also influences on product choice and brand attitude. Further also recall, acceptance/rejection of the advertisement and level of attention are influenced by music. Another important fact is that music also enriches the key message of the advertisement. Consistency is also very important for music to make its role in a commercial television advertisement more significant. [...]
[...] 1994) Elements of music Now that it is clear what the effects of music is during a commercial television advertisement, elements of music on their own also show some interesting relationships and facts concerning their influence during a commercial television advertisement. Research done by Hevner (1935), stated in an article of Alperts & Maltz (2003), reported associations between musical elements, such as fast tempo, loud dynamics, lively and varied rhythm, and high register with perceptions of the music as happy, merry, graceful, and playful. [...]
[...] Music in commercial television advertising cannot construct environments that facilitate the operational ease and efficiency of a firm. Music does not have the power to give an indication of operational ease. The efficiency of a firm can also not be shown by music. But the five-stage theory of Scherer can be applied fully to music while it is a theory considered for atmospherics generally Conclusion In section several examples of atmospherics and the effects of these atmospherics were mentioned. Theories about the occurrence of stereotypes and the importance of familiarities for the consumer also count for the use of music in commercial television advertising. [...]
[...] After the conclusions some recommendations for further research will be done for both managerial and academic relevance What is the role of music in commercial television advertising The conclusion of this thesis is the answer to the problem statement. To give a proper and reliable answer to this problem statement first the four research questions must be answered. What is the position of the theories about music in commercial television advertising compared with theories of atmospherics in general? In chapter two it was presented that a lot of theories and examples about atmospherics in general can be applied at the specific atmospheric music. [...]
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