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08 Apr 2009

What is 'Emotion Marketing'?

Thesis - 7 pages - Services marketing

Emotion Marketing is a new theory, which will soon capture the attention of all marketers. It is about how a business can use emotion to sell its products or services, to enhance brand loyalty, and to build lifelong customers. The core idea of Emotion Marketing is to create and implement...

08 Apr 2009

Is mass marketing dead?

Thesis - 5 pages - Services marketing

Mass marketing engenders a number of disadvantages. Costs for advertising slots are exceptionally high, excluding many small companies, and large companies have to put aside excessive amounts of money for their marketing budget. The cost of distributing promotional literature can also be high, as...

08 Apr 2009

Capital One: An analysis

Thesis - 8 pages - Services marketing

Capital One's business model recognizes that each customer requires a different product and service benefits from a credit card provider, and acknowledges that if customers are offered what they want and need as opposed to what banks want to offer them, they will choose the provider that gives...

08 Apr 2009

Direct marketing

Thesis - 28 pages - Services marketing

An interest rousing advertisement in the press entices you to dial a toll free number for more information on a great looking proposition. You find it hard to hold your curiosity and go ahead with making a call. At the other end, you hear a friendly voice who, with cultured interactive skills...

03 Apr 2009

Advertising - An overview

Thesis - 27 pages - Services marketing

Advertising is one of the largest generators of revenue in the world economy. Yet it remains enigmatic to a large section of people. It is akin to dream selling for some. For others it is a sheer waste of money. Whatever the perception, advertising in India as anywhere else continues to mesmerize...

03 Apr 2009

The impact of brand ambassadors/celebrity endorsements through advertisement in brand building and their influence on consumer behavior

Thesis - 51 pages - Services marketing

Over the years, many growing and grown brands have jumped on to the celebrity endorsement bandwagon. Marketers are aware of the power of celebrities in advertisement and branding and their influence on consumer buying decisions. Endorsement is a medium of brand communication in which a celebrity...

02 Apr 2009

Market potential of Levi's

Thesis - 40 pages - Services marketing

A dress is a reflection of the culture of a period and in an inclusive term. For garments, fashions define the notations of taste in a given cultural environment. The term has particular reference to prevailing in matters of dresses and department, but it is broad enough to include also...

02 Apr 2009

The relevance of Below: The Line activities to current marketing communication practices

Thesis - 11 pages - Services marketing

The annals of Marketing Management have witnessed a tug of war between advertising and sales promotion since inception. But in the early phase of twenty first century this war has taken a new avatar in form of Above - The- Line and Below - The- Line activities, widening both scope and intensity...

24 Mar 2009

Information technology and knowledge economy

Thesis - 5 pages - Services marketing

Information Technology (IT) is the industry, which through the use of computers and other supporting equipment helps in the spread of knowledge. The term information helps in the spread of knowledge. The term information technology includes computers and communication technology along with...

19 Mar 2009

A study on event management

Thesis - 23 pages - Services marketing

Michael J Wolf, in his book "The Entertainment Economy" says, "Entertainment not autos, steel or financial services is fast becoming the engine of growth of the new economy". Digitalization, broadband and internet make this among the fastest growing businesses worldwide. Entertainment...

18 Mar 2009

Theory of consumer choice

Thesis - 14 pages - Services marketing

The concept of ‘utility' was introduced to social thoughts by Bentham in 1789 and to economic thoughts by Jevons in 1871. The neo-classical economists devised the following system to measure the utility of a commodity. A neo-classical economist, Walras, coined a term ‘util', meaning...

17 Mar 2009

Importance of organizational marketing

Thesis - 13 pages - Services marketing

Since the 1950's various concepts have captured the imagination of scholars and practitioners (organizational identity, corporate identity, corporate branding, corporate image, corporate reputation and corporate communications). Each of these concepts has their own intellectual roots and...

12 Mar 2009

The ethics in advertising

Thesis - 26 pages - Services marketing

The field of advertising is extremely broad and diverse. In general terms, of course, an advertisement is simply a public notice meant to convey information and invite patronage or some other response. As that suggests, advertising has two basic purposes: to inform and to persuade, and —...

12 Mar 2009

Effects of television advertising on children

Thesis - 5 pages - Services marketing

In their article, The Commodity Flow of U.S. Children's Television, authors Matthew P. McAllister and J. Matt Giglio argue that commodity flow is one of the most prominent aspects of television programming for children, and that this commodity flow and corporate brand imaging builds into the...

05 Mar 2009

Study and analysis of extrusion processes

Thesis - 29 pages - Services marketing

Today most of the industries use this Extrusion process, for manufacturing of different components. In this process a block of metal is reduced in cross section by forcing it through a die orifice under high pressure. In general, extrusion is used to produce cylindrical bars or hollow tubes, but...

05 Mar 2009

The notion that strategy is independent of the details of running an organization: The great fallacy of conventional management

Thesis - 8 pages - Services marketing

Defining strategy is a challenging thing to do but the characteristics of strategy can be summed up in the following definition, “A strategy is the set of actions through which an organisation, by accident or design, develops and uses them to deliver services or products in a way which its...

05 Mar 2009

Experiences of Apple's symbolic foundations

Thesis - 9 pages - Services marketing

Sparked by a phenomenon that I call “I-culture”; this research attempts, at first, to delineate the contours of the technological culture that Apple attempts to construct through various symbolic approaches. It then explores how people receive these symbolic messages. Finally, in light...

26 Feb 2009

Flawless consulting

Thesis - 7 pages - Services marketing

Flawless consulting refers to the consistent pursuit of perfection and observable impact in the practice of offering professional advice and guidance to organizational management teams, operational units and sponsors. Basically, flawless consulting is a complex discipline. Thus, like any other...

26 Feb 2009

Marketing techniques in the energy Industry

Thesis - 8 pages - Services marketing

The objective of this analysis is to evaluate the functional areas of marketing, financial resources, human resources, technology, operations and research and development relative to how they influence the success of companies within the global gas and petroleum energy production industry. The...

15 Jan 2009

Levi strauss japan k.k.: a denim jeans market - published: 15/01/2009

Thesis - 9 pages - Services marketing

Levi Strauss is the largest brand-name apparel manufacturer in the world. Levi Strauss's core product lines for men, women, and youth are the LSJ brands of jeans and jean-related products. Facing up a period of economic crisis in the Japanese, Levi Strauss risks to lose market shares. How can...

15 Jan 2009

Green marketing and sustainable development in France: What are their impacts on a company's strategy?

Thesis - 14 pages - Services marketing

The environment and its protection occupy an increasingly significant part of our quotidian. The safety actions of our environment are growing, thus we can see the development of the selective sorting, green transport (bus functioning with gas for example), the removal of the plastic bags at...

15 Jan 2009

Coursework assignment: Marketing plan

Thesis - 11 pages - Services marketing

The Coca-Cola Corporation is the leader throughout the world in the soft-drinks market thanks to its international famous drink, the Coca-Cola. The company developed a range around the most unavoidable product (Diet Coca-Cola, Coca-Cola Zero, Cherry Coca-Cola…). The international firm has a...

13 Jan 2009

Literature is replete with moments of failed communication. Paying close attention to the causes and consequences of this failure, discuss this notion using two works of literature

Thesis - 3 pages - Services marketing

Henrik Ibsen in A Doll's House, first performed in 1879, created an unforgettable figure of our literary heritage, presenting to the contemporary audience of his day a shockingly modern and innovative drama in which his heroine, Nora, one of the most powerful depictions of nineteenth century...

13 Jan 2009

Consumer empowerment

Thesis - 6 pages - Services marketing

With the growing industry of ethics consumption and environmental friendly products, the marketing industry has radically changed its traditional system of approaching their consumers. Indeed their marketing strategies are much more customer driven as the “authority of consumer” plays...

12 Jan 2009

Is the French concept of quality as the same at Japanese concept of quality? If it is not, how would you relate it to the differences between the Japanese and French cultures? If it is, why is quality a culturally universal concept?

Thesis - 4 pages - Services marketing

In this rapport, we will see if the French concept of quality is the same than the Japanese one. We will explain why they are or they are not the same. In the first part, we will define the concept of quality, in the second, we will analyse what is this concept of quality in France. Then, we will...

12 Jan 2009

Are the four P's of international marketing of equal importance to all firms? What factors might cause some to be more or less important than others?

Thesis - 5 pages - Services marketing

The term “Marketing Mix” became popular when Neil H. Borden published his article “The concept of the Marketing Mix”, in 1964. Today, this expression is one of the most employed in international marketing. The Marketing Mix is also called “The Four P's”. According...

09 Jan 2009

De Soto, H. (2000) "The mystery of capital - Why capitalism triumphs in the West and fails everywhere else"

Thesis - 3 pages - Services marketing

In 2004, at the meeting of the World Economic Forum, Bill Clinton publicly declared that Hernando De Soto - founder and president of the Institute of Liberty and Democracy (ILD) in Lima and consultant to numerous heads of state - was “probably the world's most important living...

09 Jan 2009

The Beer market in the People's Republic of China

Thesis - 10 pages - Services marketing

One fateful day in ancient Egypt (or perhaps China), a grain storage pit accidentally filled with warm water and fermentation occurred. A brave soul tasted this nasty concoction, felt the world's first beer buzz, and the rest is history. While the Chinese were some of the world's first...

09 Jan 2009

Soviet Literature: A clearly defined and a Poor quality Literature? Literary policies and their consequences on Soviet Literature, and perceptions of this one

Thesis - 15 pages - Services marketing

The Soviet Communist ideology which has ruled everything in the Soviet Union for decades was based on Marx's ideas, concepts as Dialectical Materialism. In this theory the world was in perpetual process of change, this through a dialectical movement which was made of conflict between the...

09 Jan 2009

Was the NATO bombardment of Serbia legitimate?

Thesis - 3 pages - Services marketing

After the disintegration of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, Kosovar Albanians became targets of the Serb policy of "ethnic cleansing". UN requested both parties to the conflict to stop hostilities and to return to negotiations. However, peace negotiations between the Federal...