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12 May 2009

Should the company treat the world as one marketplace, approached with standardized brand marketing, or make local brand adaptations?

Thesis - 5 pages - Services marketing

Since the beginning of the twentieth century, brands have existed in individual countries but it's a new phenomenon in international marketing. According to Bradley (2002), “many features of a brand already successful in a domestic market may be used in international marketing: the logotype...

12 May 2009

Competitive environment analysis: H&M

Thesis - 8 pages - Services marketing

We chose to write our report about H&M for many different reasons. First of all, even if we focus on the French market, the fact that H&M is a global brand, operating from nearly everywhere in the world, both made us sure that we would have to analyze a very strong and efficient strategy, and to...

12 May 2009

Mary Kay cosmetics: Asian market entry

Thesis - 10 pages - Services marketing

Mary Kay Cosmetics (MKC) is an American company that deals directly with selling of cosmetics and toiletries products. It has existed for 15 years since 1992. It is implanted in 21 countries and planning to market 4 or 5 new markets. It is a “feminine firm” which promotes a strong...

12 May 2009

The situation of the French energy market within the European Union: Case study

Thesis - 6 pages - Services marketing

Since its conception, the EU has been aware of the importance of energy issues. The European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC), formally established in 1951 by the Treaty of Paris, served as the European Atomic Energy Community (EURATOM) as the foundation for the modern-day European Union. EU aims...

12 May 2009

'Le Furet du Nord': Management and marketing

Thesis - 6 pages - Services marketing

Le Furet Du Nord is a famous shop which sells books, CDs, and DVDs. It is located in Northern France. The main store was set up in 1959 in downtown Lille. Today, people say that Le Furet Du Nord is one of the biggest European bookshops (the main shop is 7000 square meters large on 8 levels). The...

11 May 2009

Creativity in advertising agencies

Thesis - 4 pages - Services marketing

Building an advertising campaign requires a great deal of advice. You are not going to venture to communicate for a company without knowing its needs perfectly. It works on the same for products or services. This exploration work, which is realized upstream, has to be realized minutely. Its...

11 May 2009

Launching a designer clothes line. Firm: Fashion designer Isabelle Beaumenay Joannet

Thesis - 14 pages - Services marketing

The marketing problem we aim to deal with is that of targeting the segment of customers Isabelle should focus on. Then we will have to define how to reach this segment. How should Isabelle Beaumenay-Joannet place her brand on the market? We will determine for her what kind of selling spot she...

11 May 2009

Youth market

Thesis - 8 pages - Services marketing

There was a time only about 30 or 40 years ago when children were not spoken of as spenders or customers but as savers and future consumers. Sure, they bought penny candy and an occasional soft drink, but retailers did not think of them as customers per se. They were more often perceived as...

11 May 2009

Marketing plan du vin chilien Montgras

Thesis - 11 pages - Services marketing

This Chilean company was created in 1992 by two brothers, Hermann and Eduardo Gras along with an associate, Cristian Hartwig. The main objective for its creation was to provide export-quality wines. Nowadays, MontGras is ranked 20th among the Chilean wine exporters. In addition, it grew to be one...

11 May 2009

Tobacco marketing in the contemporary world - published: 11/05/2009

Thesis - 7 pages - Services marketing

After being brought back from the New World and being cultivated first in Portugal during the 16th century, tobacco has gradually become a good for mass consumption all around the world, passing from a status of medicinal plant to the one of a luxury product and eventually to something very cool,...

11 May 2009

Rohm and Haas: Kathon MWX

Thesis - 5 pages - Services marketing

Since the conception of its new product Kathon MWX, Rohm and Haas has been largely unsuccessful in putting it to the market and achieving target sales. Being accustomed to a marketing strategy appropriate for large industrial buyers, the company has tried to push its new product through this same...

11 May 2009

SWOT Analysis - The Asian luxury market: LVMH

Thesis - 3 pages - Services marketing

The Asian market is offering a lot of opportunities. As it's an emerging market (except Japan), there is a high growth rate with a global increase in wealth. Consequently, Asians are becoming richer and have more purchasing power. So the propension to consume luxury goods is quite important....

09 May 2009

Advertising and its modern aids

Thesis - 20 pages - Services marketing

Marketing is more than just distributing goods from the manufacturer to the final customer. It comprises all the stages between creation of the product and the after - market which follows the eventual sale. One of these stages is advertising. The stages are like links in a chain, and the chain...

09 May 2009

Samsung mobile phones

Thesis - 10 pages - Services marketing

Today, the market of mobile telephony in Europe is very attractive. It remains a promising sector which is always expanding and has a strong growth rate. The mobile phone market is very profitable. It generates strong profits. For example, in 2004, the profits of Samsung rose to 10,3 billion...

09 May 2009

Market strategy in the service industry of India

Thesis - 19 pages - Services marketing

The Objective of this project report was to analyze the marketing and other related strategies of three hotels in the past 3 years. The 3 hotels taken all come under the 5-star segment. They are Radisson Hotel, Hyatt Regency and Vasant Continental, all based in Delhi. The Hyatt Regency operates...

09 May 2009

Project of launching a New Bulgari Fragrance (2006)

Thesis - 10 pages - Services marketing

In September 2006, five smart, young women from the United States, Morocco and France came together to establish “Media 5”, the classiest advertising agency on the Côte d'Azur. “Media 5” is an agency focused on promoting products for women that the five founders believe are...

09 May 2009


Thesis - 8 pages - Services marketing

We decided to create an IMC campaign for Gap because it is a very large and well-known retailer that has not been successful in capturing the college market in the last few years. Gap strives for mass appeal with its designs but the brand style that resulted from a new team of lead designers...

09 May 2009

Coca Cola ads since its creation (period 1938-1952)

Thesis - 8 pages - Services marketing

Nowadays, Coca-Cola company is still a dream. This 1889's company, worldwide, well-know, survived and moreover it is still developing its products to increase of course its markets shares and its sales. Coca-Cola is a model for entrepreneurship because for its capacity to survive, to be worldwide...

07 May 2009

Internet marketing - Product launch/marketing plan

Thesis - 13 pages - Services marketing

Our overall goal of Peacock is not only to provide beautiful and healthy make-up, but also to promote an environmentally friendly way of living. Our make-up comes from responsible suppliers and is made of pure, natural products; and our recycling program is in place to ensure that households do...

07 May 2009

Victoria's secret

Thesis - 5 pages - Services marketing

Pick a brand and gather all its marketing communications materials. How effectively have they mixed and matched the marketing communications? Have they capitalized on the strengths of different media and compensated for their weaknesses at the same time? How explicitly have they integrated their...

07 May 2009

Marketing plan for Lora Hart Stress consultant

Thesis - 11 pages - Services marketing

Proposal for firm's mission statement: To provide quality consulting and life-balancing programs and initiatives to law enforcement agencies and individuals in order to help them achieve their career objectives in a healthy manner and environment. After careful analysis of your experiences,...

07 May 2009

The Asian cosmetics market: The "" case study

Thesis - 2 pages - Services marketing

By the way of listing its products for sale on the website LOOKS.COM, a manufacturer will get various advantages, and also some disadvantages. Obviously, the aim for LOOKS.COM is that the advantages overcome the drawbacks, so that the manufacturer will be likely to list its products in that way....

05 May 2009

A study of brand personality of Saffola cooking oil and feasibility of Saurav Ganguly as brand ambassador

Thesis - 12 pages - Services marketing

In today's fast life people hardly have time to sit down at ease and have a hearty breakfast, lunch or dinner leading to various diseases. Heart disease is one of the most dreaded diseases due to improper diet habit. Fortunately people in India especially the urban class consumers have started...

30 Apr 2009

Final report on tea pot and cup design for elderly people with arthritis

Thesis - 6 pages - Services marketing

This report is one that argues for our company's expansion into the area of designing and manufacturing (and possibly marketing and selling) new household products which will be increasingly in demand as well as of benefit to our societies aging populations. There already exist new, innovative...

29 Apr 2009

Building digital brands

Thesis - 40 pages - Services marketing

Online has always taken a back seat to offline in brand building. Yet online offers the best options for building a meaningful brand, options that didn't exist only a few years ago. Companies without a solid digital brand strategy are literally being left behind as leaders build new digital...

28 Apr 2009

Image creation, building and management through advertising

Thesis - 5 pages - Services marketing

Marketing managers and PR personals do not always talk the same language. Marketing managers are much more bottom - line oriented, whereas PR practitioners see their job as preparing and disseminating communications. But these differences are disappearing. Many companies are turning to Marketing...

28 Apr 2009

Wal-Mart: Threat to economic diversity

Thesis - 4 pages - Services marketing

Wal-Mart is not just another department store, but is instead a huge conglomerate that treads the line of breaking anti-trust laws and labor laws. Its incursion into the American marketplace has made huge negative in-roads into small towns cultural identities, and has unfairly overridden the...

27 Apr 2009

Coca-Cola in India

Thesis - 9 pages - Services marketing

One of the impacts of globalization has been the merging between industrial-developed nations and traditional-centered countries. While this merger is based around business, the lines of communication in terms of brand identity, advertising, and corporate policies introduces the need for a...

16 Apr 2009

Customer-buying behavior focusing on market segmentation in the insurance sector

Thesis - 19 pages - Services marketing

Insurance is in a manner of speaking the last frontier in the financial sector to open. It is also a sector, which leads to benefits across the full spectrum, from the individual who now have wider choices, to the economy, which see increased savings, to the infrastructure sector, which can look...

14 Apr 2009

Customer perception towards Indian and Chinese goods

Thesis - 14 pages - Services marketing

Closely following the liberalization and the economic reforms, India is witness to an important event: the 'Chinese Aggression' of a different order in the form of entry of Chinese goods at a price which sends heart attack signals to many Indian organizations. A wristwatch for Rs. 10, a...