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Services marketing

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29 Sep 2010

An analysis of how France could be branded to sustainability attract Chinese tourists

Case study - 37 pages - Services marketing

To underline the importance of the brand image for branding a destination, this report follows an analysis of France's images and stereotypes as a destination. Where it has been defined that France benefits from a largely positive and attractive image, it has been seen that some weak points...

29 Sep 2010

The International Marketing Strategy of Sanofi- Aventis in Japan, New Zealand and Nigeria

Case study - 31 pages - Services marketing

The message conveyed by the pharmaceutical major that Sanofi-Aventis is the slogan "Because Health Matters?. The communication will be the same in all countries but the emphasis of the message that Sanofi-Aventis is trying to get across with the techniques mentioned above will be the same in...

29 Sep 2010

The Smart Car entering the US Market

Case study - 16 pages - Services marketing

The Smart car brand has seen great success in France over the last several years. Through our research, we have found that Smart has enormous potential in the United States' automobile industry. Thus, we have created a marketing plan that outlines the strategies and tactics that Smart brand...

29 Sep 2010

Dr. Oetker - Sucess story of a brand

Case study - 27 pages - Services marketing

Pharmacist Dr. August Oetker invented the "Backin?, a baking powder. Its advantage was that it was durable and tasteless. That is why it is easy to handle for private households. The number of homemade bakery products increased due to this invention. In 1900, it was exported for the first time....

29 Sep 2010

Global Forces and the European Brewing Industry

Market study - 4 pages - Services marketing

This case study focuses on the brewing industry which developed in Europe. Because of the growing pressure in the global market, this industry is currently rethinking its strategy in order to strengthen the brand images and ensure the development of major firms. Consumer needs are changing and...

29 Sep 2010

The rise and the fall of the Baan Company

Case study - 14 pages - Services marketing

This case study focuses on the rise and fall of Baan Company which developed in the market of software technology. Baan was one of the leaders of the market in the beginning, but it crashed in 2000. Initially, Baan was especially strong with its manufacturing module, SAP with its finance module...

29 Sep 2010

Business Plan: Renault

Business plan - 13 pages - Services marketing

Renault was founded in the early 20th century, and over the years, has a huge historical legacy. From its beginning, through the two World Wars to the present day, the brand has cemented itself in French History. Presently, Renault is involved in a partnership with Samsung and Nissan Motors. It...

29 Sep 2010

Sony : the launch of the MiniDisc

Case study - 5 pages - Services marketing

This document focuses on Sony's use of a “Global Localization” strategy during the launch of the MiniDisc in 1992. Sony is a leading Japanese consumer electronics brand (Case study, graph, p. 2), known through its universal and language-free brand name “Sony”. Its global...

29 Sep 2010

Standardization versus adaptation of international advertising strategies : towards a framework

Book review - 10 pages - Services marketing

The purpose of this article by Papavassiliou and Stathakopoulos was to create a framework capable of detailing the environmental determinants that affect the degree of standardization or adaptation needed in international advertising decisions. Some studies argue that a standardized advertising...

29 Sep 2010

Branding and Sensory Awareness: Theory and Case Study of Abercrombie & Fitch

Case study - 18 pages - Services marketing

According to Lindstrom, the author of ‘BRAND sense', brand sense is the integration of the five of the senses - touch, taste, smell, sight and sound. The five senses play a key role in the brand creation and retail experiences. In fact, people's senses usually influence their choice, for...

29 Sep 2010
pdf entering the Australian Market

Case study - 69 pages - Services marketing Inc. is an American-based multinational electronic commerce company. Since its foundation as an on-line bookstore in 1994, the company has been showing an incredible growth that it now sells not only books, but also VHSs, DVDs, music CDs and MP3s, computer software, video games,...

29 Sep 2010
doc financial and marketing analysis

Case study - 20 pages - Services marketing is the first online grocery retailer in Switzerland. It has been on the market since 1998. Until the end of 2003, its majority shareholder was the Bon appétit Group with 33% of the shares. This major Swiss wholesaler, decided in December 2002 to close down it's business. However, by...

29 Sep 2010

International marketing plan: setting up Airwash (Electrolux) in Spain

Case study - 27 pages - Services marketing

Today, Electrolux is a worldwide leading company with huge domestic electrical appliance references. The Company followed a smart internationalization strategy process which allowed it to obtain a stronger position in Europe. Moreover, environmental issues have always been very important for...

29 Sep 2010

International management: french capsule market

Market study - 10 pages - Services marketing

In its early years, coffee was considered a luxury product reserved for the rich. Then in the 80s, this changed and coffee became a common beverage that the everyone could afford. Because of this changed image, sales plummeted and coffee companies had to work hard to restore coffee's luxury...

29 Sep 2010

Launch of a masculine lingerie brand

Case study - 13 pages - Services marketing

In the last few years, we find some new products for men. They are based on a new trend: men are taking care of themselves more than ever. Traditionally, women took care of them. Because of that, these products are copied from the women ones. Now, every man in Occidental countries does sport,...

29 Sep 2010

Nespresso, crisis communication report: Establishment in Israel

Case study - 6 pages - Services marketing

For more than 20 years, Nespresso, which is a subsidiary of the Nestlé Group, managed to transform the very bitter beverage coffee, to an elegant and pleasant product thanks to its expertise on quality coffee and coffee machines as well to its efficient marketing campaigns. With the success of...

29 Sep 2010

What makes Samsung one of the world's leading companies?

Case study - 46 pages - Services marketing

The Samsung group, a multinational enterprise founded by Lee Byung-Chul in 1938 in Daegu, is one of the largest multi-billion dollar corporations in the world. It is composed of numerous multinational businesses, all united under the Samsung brand. The South Korean conglomerate operates in...

29 Sep 2010

The international marketing strategy of Microsoft

Case study - 28 pages - Services marketing

Microsoft is an American public multinational conglomerate founded by Bill Gates and Paul Allen in 1975 in Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA. At that time, the founders were students and they wanted to sell their first translator software Altair 8800. Today, the company is headquartered in Redmond,...

29 Sep 2010

International marketing: "McDonald's and Obesity"

Case study - 7 pages - Services marketing

Around one million people in the world are affected by the scourge of obesity in the world. This figure is twice more than the rate at which it was 10 years ago and many doctors worry that this could further increase. Many attribute this rise in weight to the massive presence of fast foods in the...

29 Sep 2010

Green Ox case: Strategic marketing for a drink dedicated to sports

Case study - 4 pages - Services marketing

Palmer Jackson Inc (Cincinnati Ohio) has developed a new line of sports beverages which have the added benefit of antioxidants. They have developed several elements of their brand strategy with your agency Accuity Brands which is a branding consultancy, where you are a marketing strategy...

29 Sep 2010

Marketing awards on Decathlon

Case study - 4 pages - Services marketing

Decathlon is a well-known and successful sporting chain store in France and Europe. It is a major French sport goods manufacturer and the leader in the market of the retail trade of sporting articles, with stores located throughout the world. From a marketing strategy point of view, this company...

29 Sep 2010

Brand management: Quicksilver

Case study - 6 pages - Services marketing

In order to gain a competitive advantage over rivals, companies create brands that represent aspirations and a desirable image of life that the customer would like to identify with. Brands are accused of all sorts of evils, from threatening our health and destroying our environment to corrupting...

29 Sep 2010

Zipcar, wheels when you want them

Case study - 18 pages - Services marketing

Introduction Our subject is a growing company which is developing in the face of global competition. This company uses new technologies and the internet to be more successful and to have a sustained growth in the future. We chose this company because we are very interested by environmental...

29 Sep 2010

Universal Music Group

Case study - 25 pages - Services marketing

Universal Music Group (UMG) is currently one of the leaders in the music industry. In the world one CD out of for is sold by the firm. It has two main core businesses which are: recording and publishing music. Universal Music Group (UMG) has business in 77 countries and discovers, develops and...

29 Sep 2010

FRAM marketing plan

Case study - 14 pages - Services marketing

The French Tour Operator market has some specific features. Indeed, 25% of the Germans travel with Tour Operator whereas the only 10% of French use tour operatiors. In spite of the difficulties that some operators are suffering, FRAM is still a successful company as they stand among the top 5...

29 Sep 2010

Chocolate Bar Industry

Market study - 35 pages - Services marketing

This report focuses on the chocolate bar industry. Products are tangible and their core element is the chocolate itself, the formal element is the brand and the augmented product could be the guarantee of complying with health and safety regulations. Dominant companies in the chocolate...

29 Sep 2010

Business plan for serenity center company

Business plan - 42 pages - Services marketing

Our modern society privileges from many technological dimensions. Consequently, for institutions such as nursing homes, it becomes paramount to control this last and to have great adaptabilities concerning the environmental changes. The project of medico-social establishments falls under a...

29 Sep 2010

Strategic analysis of Porsche

Case study - 24 pages - Services marketing

How profitable an automotive manufacturer is, mainly depends on how he can use his production facilities to full capacity. Examples of manufacturers, who are unable to do so, are Opel or Volkswagen, where overproduction leads to small profit margins. The strategy of Porsche is the opposite....

29 Sep 2010

Corporate finance

Case study - 5 pages - Services marketing

Luxury Automotive Supply is trying to enter the California market which represents a lucrative market for automobiles owing to its pleasant climate. As the company's luxury automobiles are driven throughout the year due to the climate, the company feel the annual demand for car parts will be...

29 Sep 2010

Orsol swimming pools

Case study - 10 pages - Services marketing

The market for swimming pools in France has been constantly increasing over the past 15 years and his size has doubled between 1999 and 2009. The number on swimming pool installations went from 607 200 to 1 056 000 between 1997 and 2003. The company Sud Piscines has been in the swimming pool...