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172 results

13 Jan 2009

Marketing plan: Fresh juice

Essay - 6 pages - Services marketing

As a young health-oriented student I decided to launch the idea to bring health products to people instead of the other way around because these days everyone is concerned with being healthy and slim (clearly evidenced in the number of people sporting; the numbers of light-products,…). At...

13 Jan 2009

Sensory marketing - using the 5 track senses

Essay - 15 pages - Services marketing

Almost our entire understanding of the world is experienced through our senses. Our senses are our link to memory and can tap right into emotion. A bright fresh spring day has a particular smell to it. Manufacturers try to bottle this feeling of life's renewal. Then the marketers use the...

13 Jan 2009

Critically review the opportunities and challenges that the Internet had brought to a particular industrial sector

Essay - 5 pages - Services marketing

In 2006, the total e-commerce spending by customers and businesses would reach and even surpass five trillion Dollars according to e-marketer (2004). This astonishing number confirms that e-commerce and e-business must be taken into consideration now by firms in order to be competitive. Even if...

09 Jan 2009

De-colonization, immigration and integration (Study based on The Battle of Algiers and Living in Paradise)

Essay - 4 pages - Services marketing

The Algerian war. It is only in 1999 that the French National Assembly voted to recognize it, after years during which it has been referred to as an “operation of restoring order”, whereas on the Algerian side it was referred as a “war of independence”, even as “a...

04 Nov 2008

A discussion of agenda-setting theory & practical application of AST to Public Relations

Essay - 9 pages - Services marketing

The agenda-setting theory (AST) alludes to the ability of the mass media to transfer the salience of items on their news agendas to the public agenda. AST is a dynamic and complicated phenomenon that was first hypothesized and measured by Maxwell McCombs and Donald Shaw during the 1968...

04 Nov 2008

Advertising atmosphere

Essay - 8 pages - Services marketing

According to Webster's Online Dictionary, advertising can be defined as “the act or practice of calling public attention to one's product, service, need, etc., especially by paid announcements in newspapers and magazines, over radio or television, on billboards”, where the seller...

30 Sep 2008

Baby Boomers: A review of their automobile buying habits and the cars

Essay - 6 pages - Services marketing

There are many markets that one could choose to target in the world today. America alone has the most diverse population, whether they are segmented by age, race, or generation. One of the most popular market segments happens to be the baby boom generation. This group makes up a very large...

10 Sep 2008

Development of pre-dried and blended lime mortars for the ready-mix market

Essay - 7 pages - Services marketing

The following document will overview the development of pre-dried and blended lime mortars for the Ready-mix Market, including a overview of some of the technological developments in the market of pre-dried and blended lime mortar mix, or Ready Mix. It will conduct a literature review on the...

25 Aug 2008

Wal-Mart ( 2007 )

Essay - 5 pages - Services marketing

Wal-Mart, one of the largest retailers and employers in the world, has surged to the top of the business world through its various control mechanisms. Its market power, 2nd mechanism, third mechanism, and fourth mechanism, are essential to its success, but there are also some negatives to deal...

20 Aug 2008

The role of marketing and advertising of the London's West Ends

Essay - 5 pages - Services marketing

Recent hit shows from the Sound of Music to Joseph have driven the reversal in fortune of West End theatres, which had suffered a trend in declining ticket revenue and profits in the last decade. In January 2008, the Society of London Theatre announced a record breaking year in 2007 with more...

13 Aug 2008

To what extent does e-commerce favour market facilitation over consumer objectives?

Essay - 8 pages - Services marketing

Traditional business models cite “location, location, location” as the critical factor for commercial success, however the hallmark of e-commerce is that issues of location in the physical sense are not relevant . As such, the concept of “location” has created an internal...

23 Jul 2008

Advertising and branding in society

Essay - 6 pages - Services marketing

While there is debate about the effectiveness of advertising in society, few can escape the reach of advertising in everyday life. In one day at Dominican University, we witness the effects of brand names and advertising in many forms. Upon walking through the doors of Caleruega, the...

02 Jun 2008

Itunes Differentiators : Pricing and Product Quality at Work

Essay - 3 pages - Services marketing

The iTunes Music Store is an epitome of the success of effective pricing strategy. It has been launched by Apple in 2003 and since then has been a phenomenon in terms of the sales of digital music. Originally, the store has been opened for Macs running OS X with an archive of 200,000 songs; to...

02 Jun 2008

Organic and fair trade coffee in Chiapas

Essay - 8 pages - Services marketing

Though I have never been a coffee-drinker, the ideological and symbolic weight of coffee has not escaped me. With caffeine for the office worker and flavor for the distinguished upper-class palate, coffee's appeal stretches across many socioeconomic categories and occupies a unique register of...

17 Dec 2007

The Top Principles of Communication

Essay - 3 pages - Services marketing

Corporations, organizations and even the individuals that make them up are in a culture where super-communication is of utmost importance. Cell phones, pagers, e-mail and instant messenger make communication more evolved then it was even ten years ago and while person-to-person communication has...

08 Oct 2007

Communication Theory: Broken Down

Essay - 4 pages - Services marketing

Truth is the underlying layer to all human actions. Truth is the deciding factor of integrity (honesty) and it is what we yearn for and seek after like nothing else. Theory, on the other hand, is the outer layer of truth, sort of like the very beginnings of peeling back an onion. As time...

18 May 2007

Product Placement: "Casino Royale"

Essay - 2 pages - Services marketing

In this latest Bond movie, the British Mi6 agent is assigned the mission to thwart international terrorism financed by money won through gambling. In order to do this, he needs to track down the financier “Le Chiffre”. Bond movies are classically known for the significant amount of...

18 May 2007

Is it ethical to market to children?

Essay - 2 pages - Services marketing

For-profit corporations increasingly tend to infiltrate (overtly and subliminally) our lives. One example of their interference is marketing strategies aimed at children. Adult consumers are like roaches: they tend to become “immune” to classical marketing strategies and advertisements....

22 Feb 2007

Radio frequency identification implementation in the supermarket industry

Essay - 6 pages - Services marketing

This paper discusses the implementation of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) in the supermarket industry. RFID is based on the transmission of radio frequency waves by RFID tags to RFID readers. The RFID tags are attached to products or pallets and can be embedded with a wide variety of...

03 Nov 2006

Effective Advertising

Essay - 12 pages - Services marketing

Despite rapid changes in the global environment and competitive landscape, advertising remains being perceived as the main marketing communication tool. Though it can be disputable, but not in terms of mass audience reach and therefore expensiveness (PICTON, David & BRODERICK, Amanda 2005,...

27 Jul 2006

Social Marketing & Self-Regulation: The Perfect Match for a Good Working World (?) The Contribution of Social Marketing to Self-Regulation Strength

Essay - 29 pages - Services marketing

Self-regulation and the ability to make people self-regulate themselves in a better way has been the subject of many studies since the last few decades (Kotler, Roberto, Lee, 2002; Andreasen, 1995). The ability to self-regulate can be important in all aspects of life....

11 Jul 2006

Advertising influence on impulsive buying - published: 11/07/2006

Essay - 22 pages - Services marketing

In this chapter you will find a summarizing overview of this study. It explains fairly about the two discussed main topics: impulse buying and advertising. It gives an introduction of what impulse buying is and if it is related to advertising. In which way are they...