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172 results

17 May 2009

Anna Politkovskaya: A woman, journalist and human rights activist in contemporary Russia

Essay - 4 pages - Services marketing

am a pariah”. This is how Anna Politkovskaya defines herself in the beginning of a posthumous article published by The Guardian on October 14th, 2006. Seven days before, on October 7th, around 5 pm, she was murdered in her flat in still non-clarified circumstances. Her death occurred while...

17 May 2009

International business law: The case of Peach International Inc

Essay - 7 pages - Services marketing

The Peach International Company is a start up specializing in the “high tech communications” domain. The firm is at the higher level of technology in the domain of “standard mobiles”. Indeed, the company provides phones that contain all the advantages of actual mobile, as the...

16 May 2009

Soft capitalism as related to therapeutic modes of work

Essay - 71 pages - Services marketing

The global village concept has fuelled soft capitalism and the rise of the ethos in this field within organizations. Let us first understand the basis of globalization. While not so different from traditional villages in its desire to engage in a free exchange of ideas, the...

07 May 2009

Is the United Nations an effective organization?

Essay - 3 pages - Services marketing

The United Nations is not the first international organization to be established to help in settling conflicts peacefully and preventing future conflicts. In 1899, the Hague Convention for the Settlement of International Disputes was established. “The conference was convened at the...

07 May 2009

Cultural differences in international marketing: Where's the beef? McDonald's sells hamburgers in a Hindu country

Essay - 3 pages - Services marketing

The first McDonald's restaurant opened on 15th April 1955 in Des Plaines, Illinois, U.S.A. and after 50 years down the line, the company is the world's largest food service system with more than 30,000 restaurants in 100 countries, serving more than 46 million customers every day....

07 May 2009

Saakashvili and the developments in Ajara

Essay - 4 pages - Services marketing

Ajara is the only autonomous region in the South Caucasus that never fought an armed conflict with its central government. In the Georgian context, the non-violent resolution of the Ajara crisis following the Rose revolution makes a particular sense compared to the situation in South-Ossetia and...

07 May 2009

The myth of New York City from a French perspective

Essay - 3 pages - Services marketing

For this presentation, I have chosen to talk about New York City, also known as “the Big Apple” or the “city that doesn't sleep”. When French people hear about the United States, they often imagine how exciting the life might be in New York. The name itself suggests to the...

13 Mar 2009

Mutual fund as an investment options in Prudent Corporate Advisory Services Limited

Essay - 83 pages - Services marketing

All investments carry risk in some form or the other. Risk, liquidity and return are the so-called factors, which are considered before making an investment. But there is a trade off between risk and return. Lower the risk and lower the return. The decision of which mode of investment to choose...

26 Feb 2009

What tough economic times may mean for NASA

Essay - 8 pages - Services marketing

The recent economic downturn has put pressure on our government to decrease unnecessary spending. NASA is a vulnerable organization with discretionary funding that could possibly be slashed to save funds. The newly elected administration will decide NASA's future fate. President-elect Barack...

05 Feb 2009

Indian advertising: Perpetuating systems of gender, class and color

Essay - 4 pages - Services marketing

Advertising despite acting as a representation of a modern society which has the potential to erase social difference with is democratic spirit actually perpetuates hierarchies of gender, class and complexion. This paper will explore the growing bourgeois class and its ushering in of a huge...

05 Feb 2009

Marketing audit - Bank of America

Essay - 9 pages - Services marketing

Bank of America has undergone many changes in the past four years, through a variety of Merger and Acquisition activities. While these Mergers and Acquisitions have aided Bank of America in gaining additional geography and market share, these same activities have also posed numerous marketing...

05 Feb 2009

Mcdavid's International

Essay - 25 pages - Services marketing

McDavid's International was founded in 1902 as a provider of premium-quality meats prepared in accordance with the Jewish dietary laws of Kashrut. The company initially filled the needs of Jewish patrons living in New York City. In more recent decades, the company has expanded, serving Jewish...

22 Jan 2009

Fairness Chocolate marketing proposal

Essay - 6 pages - Services marketing

We are making changes for the better in a 20-year old fine chocolates company. We have gained success over the past 20 years in the continental United States, and we are ready to succeed in Belgium as well. Our customers are the middle class with a zeal for social responsibility in corporate...

22 Jan 2009

Offshore outsourcing and its impact on America

Essay - 10 pages - Services marketing

Although no one knows the exact size of offshore outsourcing businesses there is no doubt it has become a leading way to manage costs and reduces time to delivery for a large number of companies in the Western continents. Due to the proliferation of globalization companies around the world are...

21 Jan 2009

Marketing communication: Nescafe

Essay - 8 pages - Services marketing

This paper is the result of a team project that is based on the Marketing Communication class at Inholland University. The project is aimed at designing and developing a marketing communication plan for promoting the brand Nescafe in the Netherlands. Developing a marketing plan forces the company...

21 Jan 2009

Discussion of developing, building and marketing an intelligent refrigerator

Essay - 8 pages - Services marketing

Of the ideas, a smart refrigerator seems either existing or a bit too specialized. My guess is that refrigerators that can inventory and restock themselves already exist too. It is certainly do-able now because the items are bar-coded and data regarding servings is online, so it could b guessed...

20 Jan 2009

Marketing plan of a Spa hotel

Essay - 20 pages - Services marketing

In the hotel, there are 6 concepts of restaurant : from buffet to cuisine à la carte, Thai cuisine, and a gourmet restaurant on the Yacht. A dancing diner has been proposed. A good wine cellar (with wines) is to come up all over the world. Naantali boasts of a long tradition as a Spa town : the...

20 Jan 2009

Market research: Diesel Jeans

Essay - 17 pages - Services marketing

Jeans are clothes that never go out of fashion and are timeless. Today, this product is worn by all the generations. At this time, when models and brands have developed considerably, Levi's, the market leader, has seen strong competition; Diesel became a brand that could not be ignored. It...

20 Jan 2009

The iPhone

Essay - 13 pages - Services marketing

Inaugurated at Mac world 2006, the iPhone marks Apple in the smart phone market, following the example of Steve Jobs. It is via its triple function (iPod, telephone, internet) that the firm wishes to anchor the iPhone in the market of mobile telephony, by offering a product which combines the...

20 Jan 2009

Sensory marketing: Case study

Essay - 39 pages - Services marketing

Today's companies experience more difficulties in differentiating themselves from their competitors, consumers are increasingly volatile and the product itself is no longer enough to satisfy them. In this context, sensory marketing has developed and has shown its advantage as far as signs are...

20 Jan 2009

E-Leclerc in China: Fictive case

Essay - 13 pages - Services marketing

The objective of this report is to introduce a marketing plan to implant E-Leclerc centers in China. Currently the French market of supermarkets is saturated. The European market is a part of international strategy of E-Leclerc. Nevertheless, China represents an “Eldorado” with a...

19 Jan 2009

E-marketing plan for IMPRINT (printing company)

Essay - 14 pages - Services marketing

This E-Marketing Plan is designed to enable IMPRINT to improve its selling performances and to be more competitive in the lithography sector. To explain the proposal concerning an electronic strategy, I added a complete analysis of the company and its external environment as well as a summary of...

19 Jan 2009

What are the most efficient media and related strategies used by companies to target children?

Essay - 20 pages - Services marketing

This dissertation is about children and companies and as the title suggests it, we want to find out which the main media that companies use to target children are and what strategies they develop related to those media. The first part of this dissertation will be focused on a literature review in...

19 Jan 2009

Contrex - Marketing plan

Essay - 4 pages - Services marketing

Contrex is calorie free and offers a convenient and natural source of minerals. Calcium, magnesium and other minerals give Contrex its unique taste. It mitigates deficiencies of an unbalanced food. It is also good for pregnant women thanks to its important content rock salt. Finally, it permits a...

19 Jan 2009

Indian electricity, potential market research, doing business in the Indian Subcontinent

Essay - 5 pages - Services marketing

The following presentation is a first stage proposal in order to establish the firm in the subcontinent. This first stage is a pilot project developed in three years and aims to enter the Indian market. Depending on the results following steps would be figured out in order to plan further...

16 Jan 2009

Marketing policy Mk 32003: The means-end theory and converse

Essay - 5 pages - Services marketing

The consumer's behaviour is something complex to define and to understand. In fact, various reasons influence the consumer's choices, like his personal values, education, product attributes and its benefits. Therefore, in order to help and to organise this complex attitude, some authors...

16 Jan 2009

Marketing to women

Essay - 9 pages - Services marketing

A few weeks ago, the French brand Celio launched a very original concept aimed at women. Celio is a men apparel brand, but 50% of their customers are women who want to buy clothes as a present. In more and more Celio shops, women can find “The Shoppenboys”. The Shoppenboys are men from...

16 Jan 2009

The impact of congruency and contrast on the effectiveness of happy ads

Essay - 11 pages - Services marketing

Big companies have more and more interest in improving the image of their brand to increase their sales but also their profits and there are several reasons for this: According to Malinvaud, using ads enable the brand differentiate itself from its competitors, so this is for a company a way to...

16 Jan 2009

Global marketing: Russian food market

Essay - 8 pages - Services marketing

The object of this case study is to develop a market strategy that could be used by firms dealing with Russian food market, namely concerning the waffle market. Lots of marketing surveys of waffle consumption in Russia has been done, dealing with different investing potential possibilities. Some...

16 Jan 2009

Wilkinson sword intuition

Essay - 9 pages - Services marketing

Every woman old enough to remove hair knows the Wilkinson Sword Intuition. It is a product which has been launched on the women shaver market because it is a market which is strongly expanding nowadays and represents potential profits for producers: it became as competitive as the masculine...