IBM (International Business Machine Corporation) is a multinational U.S. industrial house created in 1911 in the United States. Its principal activities are the design of hardware, software and computer services. Its purpose is to provide the best computers by applying specific marketing strategies for its activity.
Thus, "The Big Blue", as it is known, applies its industrial marketing as the interface between the company and the market (in which the company operates). It consists either of the final consumer, and organizations such as businesses, communities, traders, artisans or further associations. Even if the applications mix is identical to the other marketing, industrial marketing differs clearly from the marketing of consumer goods.
The question asked is what strategy is applied by the industrial marketing in IBM? This will study in the first part about external and internal companies. In the second part, it seemed appropriate to highlight the key strategies of IBM to look at the marketing of consumer goods. From there, one can say that IBM is a company that uses industrial marketing and industrial strategies.
IBM has many competitors in several markets. In software development , IBM is competing with professionals like Microsoft, Intel, Oracle.
and in the server market, IBM is the leader but face competition from SunMicrosystems and Dell, EMC, BEA. In the computer hardware market IBM competes with Hewlett Parckard. All the competitors from any market are a big threat to the IBM market share and its revenues.
The company operates in several market areas, servers, software and hardware. It is the leader in these three markets in spite of the competition and its innovative design allows efficient products for its customers. Having externaliser‘s allows IBM to reduce costs and produce efficiently in India. However, other companies that outsource into the same country can be a hindrance for IBM. In addition, the American company acts as a responsible group since it is involved in the fight against global warming el (renewable energies ). Finally its strong corporate culture allows it to meet its main rivals in the markets.
IBM offers a wide range of products thanks to new technologies that are put forward. Developing research makes the company a leader in the markets it occupies. Outsourcing to India gives it a competitive advantage that may be questionable in the medium term.
In addition, the relationship IBM has with its customers is very close and personal with the oversupply that it offers them.
IBM is committed to providing a complete product catalog, while the company has a broad portfolio of products and operates at three levels: components, infrastructure and business. The company then offers a range of software, services and solutions for companies classified by sector or by theme. Thus, as IBM has an offering tailored to the aerospace, transportation, or banks with products related to topics such as security, trade, networking etc.
The company has the ability to offer highly customized prices to these customers. Each negotiation is the subject of a co-construction offer that can more easily justify a high price.
Tags: IBM, study and company analysis, marketing strategy,
[...] ( Industrial marketing, Vade Mecum; François Blanc, ed. Ems. Conclusion Certainly IBM appears as the dominant player in the computer industry and service companies, and in selling Business to Business. To affirm its activities, its values, and its competitiveness in the industrial market, IBM is centered on two marketing strategies. Initially, the company plays on the extent of its offer in order to offer the most adaptable possible products on demand. IBM wants to make its customers with co-builders supply and thus develop close relationships with them. [...]
[...] The second strategy raised by the company is therefore based on the communication of the company and its values. In order to best promote its offer, and extend even more its activities, the company plays on its experience and the image it has with its customers for years. In addition, IBM is undoubtedly based on its website, and develops partnerships. The IBM industrial marketing is characterized mass distribution since the company strongly segmented its customers and aims to satisfy a derived demand. [...]
[...] • Means: product documentation (Redbooks IBM Press books, information centers); support tools for sales, customer service, print ads; technical assistance . Investigation Policy • Understand the level of satisfaction of target audiences. • Means: satisfaction survey, behavioral studies. [...]
[...] However, in an optical loyalty, IBM has a data warehouse system to know its customers better. For any business, it is necessary to understand the accounting costs for legal reasons. So IBM in the industrial market is obliged to register its accounting entries. Finally, the last element of the grid is the buyer who is active in situations of hearing. This means that the client, buyer IBM products, is co-producer of purchase. Indeed, IBM adapts its offerings to customer wishes to help to better optimize the management and the business function. [...]
[...] This way, they can advise Internet and advised. In addition, IBM will be able to respond comprehensively to requests from major international clients. for this, the company plays on its logo, communication tool which the company uses to make its image. It relies more on its slogan, "Innovator of the innovative service" in order to promote its values and skills. DEFINITION OF MODEL SCP IBM The Segmentation: IBM segments customers according to sectors and trades. Segmentation is described as matrix since each segment fits in both an industry and a trade. [...]
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