Since 1988, the supermarket Sequoia specialized in organic and natural products. The objective of this store was to provide healthy and organic food and also products for cleaning the house, cosmetics, etc. that was intended to enhance the well-being of customers.
The choice of the firm Sequoia was very clever and was considered in terms of an E-marketing analysis since it did not have a good online presence whilst that would seem to be inevitable for any company today. Indeed, there were a lot of advantages to be on the Internet and we will discuss them in this paper.
In the first part of the document, we will analyze the current internal and external situation. The external situation will be done through a Pestel, a Porter and a market analysis. On the other hand, the internal audit will be done through a study of the new Sequoia marketing strategy, their resources and capabilities and their current offer and results. Finally, we will conclude this section with a Swot analysis.
Before segmenting, targeting and positioning the market, we will define the customers of bio and natural products through a short analysis of different organic customers. After those classifications, we will identify who are the people that could be the most interested in using the website for buying Sequoia's products and after that we will focus on the new positioning recently chosen by the firm.
The fourth part of this paper will define the main objectives of Sequoia in terms of E-marketing. The company should find the answers to questions like "Why do we want an E-marketing plan ?" and "What would be the benefits of an E-marketing plan ?". In order to add a more practical aspect to this section, we will try to develop a strategic pyramid.
The last step of this E-marketing plan will consist of drawing the marketing strategy, program and support. We will go through the classic and extended marketing mix but also through the specific function of the E-marketing mix that can be synthesized in the "2P + 2C + 3S" formula: personalization, privacy, customer service, community, site, security and sales promotion. Before concluding this paper, we will also show what are the advantages and inconveniences to be on the Internet in the case of Sequoia.
[...] Internal audit Focus on the company Sequoia was created in 1988 and has a shop in Uccle and Stockel. A big shop will be opened at the end of the year 2010 in Waterloo. The total numbers of employees is about 28 and the brand has three owners; each of them is in charge of a separate department. Thanks to its 20 years of experience in its field, Sequoia managed to build up a trust worthy brand image. In fact, at the time of its creation, the brand was a pioneer in its domain. [...]
[...] Mission statement de SEQUOIA ? le slogan ? • Y a-t-il des différences entre les magasins de Uccle et celui de Stockel ? • Quel est la culture de l'entreprise ? • Dans quelle direction l'entreprise se développe-t-elle ? Quelle est son objectif à moyen, et long terme ? • Nous identifions principalement 5 concurrents, quel est votre avantage concurrentiel d'après vous ? • Êtes-vous plus chers que vos concurrents ? • Quelles sont d'après vous les menaces/ faiblesses auxquelles doit faire face la société ? [...]
[...] Social forces: People's attitudes and perceptions are changing. Customers clearly want to eat in a fashion that is healthier, and are ready to pay more for their health and that of their family. Some people just also need it because of their digestive problems or their allergies, an obvious result of over-eating or poor diet during many years. There is also a will to go back to basics, consumers seeking natural foods free of additives. The actual customers for bio products tend to be homosexual, new families or recently retired people. [...]
[...] They are just less engaged than the others and can be satisfied by the supermarkets offer. Because it's not an absolute necessity for them to go in a bio market, they will prefer to keep the same habits, but if they have the time, they will make the effort to buy specific products. This finding tells a bio company that's important to continue the promotion of their products in order to convince those customers about the virtues of eating healthier. [...]
[...] First of all, they want to break up the impression that the « normal » people have when they enter in the shops: unwelcoming, sectarian, old and unprofessional. Going to this place as to become a pleasure and not an obligation because you don't find the products you want elsewhere. Shopping for healthy products has to be the same experience as going to Delhaize for instance. The parallel is important in this case. Shops like « Deli Traiteur » and Delhaize have a positioning focus on quality, service and active people. [...]
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