Moldova, country branding, promotional campaign, advertising campaign, wine, brand identity, digital campaign, storytelling
In order to promote Moldova in Paris, the embassy should focus on 2 axes: the organization of the Moldovan Wine Week during the first week of October and an advertising campaign. The event will be centered around a flagship product: Moldovan wine. Moldova is one of the oldest wine producing regions in the world so the product truly symbolizes the country and has commercial potential. As Moldova is not well known by the French public, the export flagship will serve as a positive basis to develop a country brand identity and differentiate Moldova from its neighbor, Romania.
[...] As Moldovan vintages earned over 800 medals in global competitions in 2019 alone, its wines are a perfect fit for the French public. During the Moldovan Wine Week the following events could be organized : Conferences on the history and tradition of Moldovan wine-making These conferences would allow the public to better apprehend the wine as a cultural product, whose consumption is related to an authentic Moldovan "art de vivre" connected to hospitality and conviviality. It would also be interesting to compare different French and Moldovan enological traditions. [...]
[...] Export flagships in branding small developing countries: The cases of costa rica and moldova. Place Branding and Public Diplomacy, 53-72. doi: Mardare, A. (2015). The Enotouristic Offer in the Republic of Moldova Quaestus, 119-131 Moldova turns its wines into gold, becoming the most awarded eastern european country at mundus vini international wine competition. (2020, Apr 09). PR Newswire Europe Including UK Disclose Moldova's national office for vine and wine: Innovative quality-focused strategy pays off with a record haul of medals. [...]
[...] Reposting authentic testimonies The digital campaign should also include authentic reviews of tourists. Visitors should be encouraged to share their own experiences on social media, inspiring others to come visit the country. "The people behind the wine" To keep the public engaged with the country and the culture the campaign would post short videos on the "the people behind the wine". These videos would showcase the stories of the main winemaker families and historical facts in an engaging way. Moreover, tutorials on food pairings or tips on wine degustations by renown Moldovan wine specialists. [...]
[...] The wine tasting session would be a perfect occasion to present the lesser known Moldovan brandy:'Divin'. 'Divin' is a rich liquor, created with classic Cognac production methods. Demonstration of traditional dances Moldovan Wine Week would also be an occasion to showcase the Moldovan music, song and dance traditions with live performances. II. Promotional campaign, "Europe's last frontier campaign" A digital campaign focusing on storytelling to showcase Moldovan culture Moldova and France share a Latin heritage. The digital campaign should emphasise this aspect while focusing on values of hospitality, diligence and kindheartedness which are central in Moldovan culture. [...]
[...] Country branding: an example of a promotional campaign for Moldova In order to promote Moldova in Paris, the embassy should focus on 2 axes: the organization of the Moldovan Wine Week during the first week of October and an advertising campaign. The event will be centered around a flagship product: Moldovan wine. Moldova is one of the oldest wine producing regions in the world so the product truly symbolizes the country and has commercial potential. As Moldova is not well known by the French public, the export flagship will serve as a positive basis to develop a country brand identity and differentiate Moldova from its neighbor, Romania. [...]
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