Sync your documents from Dropbox or Google Drive

The submitted documents will first be checked for plagiarism then sent to our reading committee. We might come back to you with some questions. Once published, your documents generate revenues depending on the selected remuneration system.
- Select the documents you wish to publish
- Choose among 4 remuneration options
- Tell us how you want to receive your money
- Your docs are published and downloaded: you make money!
Publish your academic documents: homework, essays, presentations, case studies... Only quality documents will be published. Once online, your document will be available to other users to consult, allowing you to get a remuneration.
Learn more about publicationAbout the remuneration system
You can select one of four options when you publish a document on Oboolo. The exchange system allows you to download, for free, any document available on our website. The three remuneration options give you a fix bonus on your document's first sale, as well as a variable amount for each sale, with no limitation: potentially in 10 years, your document will still make you money!
- Exchange
Download the document you want to, for free, as soon as your document is approved for publication.
- 1% + 10 € (First sale)
Make 10€ on your document's first sale, then 1% of your document's turnover each month.
- 10% + 5 € (First sale)
Make 5€ on your document's first sale, then 10% of your document's turnover each month.
- 25% + 2.5 € (First sale)
Make 2.5€ on your document's first sale, then 25% of your document's turnover each month.