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Presentations in sports

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3 results

07 Sep 2023

Ecology: Football and Sustainable Development

Presentation - 8 pages - Sports

Sustainable development and ecology are clearly the stakes of this 21st century. Political, industrial and citizens, all the people are involved in trying to save our planet from past setbacks and thinking about future generations. As far as football is concerned, we all know that it is much more...

23 Aug 2021

Olympic Games and politics

Presentation - 14 pages - Sports

Are the Olympic games a politic weapon? The Olympic games have walked across the time, so we will see the most important incidents during the Olympic games.

18 Nov 2011

The French Soccer Team as a National Brand

Presentation - 28 pages - Sports

Nowadays, Media are playing a major role in the football landscape. Most relevant for this type of situation, the most recent example is the crisis of France during the last World Cup. To avoid this there is no better means to have good relations with journalists and opinion leaders. One of the...