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74 results

09 Nov 2007

PRE by Tom Jordan

Essay - 2 pages - Sports

In the late 60's and early 70's, there was a great distance runner by the name of Steve Prefontaine. Steve, also called “Pre” for short, had an illustrious running career, which has inspired runners to this day to work hard and have the desire to win. Pre's running career began when he...

09 Nov 2007

Bowerman and the Men of Oregon

Essay - 5 pages - Sports

A coach by the name of Bill Bowerman sets out to change the lives of many young college students through their abilities in track and field. Bowerman, a famous coach from the University of Oregon not only coaches Olympians but prepares them for the real world after college. He is also the...

08 Oct 2007

Get More Junk!

Essay - 5 pages - Sports

We've all been there; the legs feel tired, the heart is pounding and the body's exhaust systems are beginning to shut down- and the workout is just starting to wind down! The question is, how much should you cool down? “Junk miles”, as they are generally known, are the miles that serve...

04 Oct 2007

Against All Odds: Black Athletes in the 1970s: Hank Aaron and the Morgan State Bears

Essay - 8 pages - Sports

America has always fallen in love with their athletes. Little kids look up to them as heroes, trying to emulate them in every way they can. Athletes provide people, especially those with little or no material means, with the hope that they can one day become great. During the racially charged...

12 Sep 2007

We must seek complex solutions to our complex problems that have been mistaken to be linear and thus solved linearly

Essay - 3 pages - Sports

The game Battleship™™ exhibits a system in which there are linear solutions to linear problems: bomb cells that surround the areas of downed Battleship™s. Those who believe that reality is linear believe that this game represents it well. The currently evolving Information Age has...

05 Sep 2007

The Unforgettable Series of 1964

Tutorials/exercises - 3 pages - Sports

During the 1964 season, the race was on for the National and American League Pennants. The New York Yankees and the Cardinals became the champions of their leagues, but the road was bumpy along the way. Still, in the end, the better team won. The Yankee management had been taken over by Yogi...

05 Sep 2007

Managerial Styles That Lead to Success or Failure in the 1964 Season

Tutorials/exercises - 2 pages - Sports

In 1964, the New York Yankees and the St. Louis Cardinals played in the World Series. It was more than just a game. It was a battle between the older American culture and the modern culture that evolved postwar. Both teams were originally formed under the same management style and organizational...

04 Sep 2007

The Analytical Evaluation of Mickey Mantle as a Hero

Essay - 2 pages - Sports

Throughout the history of sports, athletes have been looked upon as heroes. The idolatry of athletics in America has been socially constructed. Adolescents often dream about one day becoming a professional athlete. Athletes are viewed as having the best of both worlds: play the game they love and...

04 Sep 2007

Mickey Mantle: The impact of the fatherly figures within his life

Essay - 2 pages - Sports

In the era of postwar America, baseball defined American culture and society. Mickey Mantle was molded into one of the greatest baseball players by his father, Mutt Mantle, and the Yankee's Manager, Casey Stengel. Throughout Mickey Mantle's life, he always had a fatherly figure in his life. He...

30 Aug 2007

Gambling On the Internet- First Amendment Right or Economy-Drainer?

Essay - 2 pages - Sports

Internet gambling has been on a huge rise since the year 2000. Poker Stars and Party Poker, the biggest of the online poker rooms, are two of the highest earning companies traded on the London Stock Exchange. Many eighteen, nineteen, and twenty-something geniuses have made seven digit earnings on...

29 Aug 2007

Money Motivates

Essay - 2 pages - Sports

After successfully breaking the color line, Branch Rickey and the Brooklyn Dodgers decided to extend the noble experiment to the deeply segregated South. In January of 1949, the Dodgers announced that during spring training they would travel to Atlanta and Macon, Georgia. The team would be...

29 Aug 2007

Branch Rickey and the Beginning of Baseball's Greatest Experiment

Essay - 2 pages - Sports

In the beginning, baseball was considered a “gentlemen's game,” with the majority of the leagues containing only white men. Very few black men played in the International League. A man named Cap Anson got blacks banned from major league. He refused to play with any team that had a black...

27 Aug 2007

Baseball's Chaotic Response

Tutorials/exercises - 2 pages - Sports

On April 15th, 1947, the Dodgers started their new season with a new addition to their team, Jackie Robinson. He made his debut against the Boston Braves at Ebbets Field playing first base. The first series were a flop for Jackie Robinson. Overwhelmed by the pressure, he was unable to produce....

12 Jan 2006

Bodybuilding and its Influence upon American Sport

Thesis - 14 pages - Sports

American sports have evolved from the simple folk games and premodern pastimes of the colonial era to the highly complex, commercial spectacles of the early twenty-first century. (For the purposes of this essay sports are defined as competitive athletic games that demand a significant degree of...