Yoga is a traditional form of exercise that combines relaxing, breathing and stretching. This form of exercise is appropriate for people who suffer from painful joints and lack muscle balance. Yoga, which systematically works all the muscles of the body, involves various kinds of stretching poses that constantly alternating between rest and movement. Practicing yoga on a daily basis can improve muscle balance and keep joints supple thereby avoiding pain in joints or muscles
Bad postures usually born out of bad habits exert excessive pressure on the backbone. Muscle tensions which stem from such bad postures can be attributed to back pain which risk spreading to other zones of the body, such as the head, neck, arms, shoulders, and legs. This is why each asana practiced in yoga generally involves at least one part of the backbone. Exercise which involves a slight torsion of the backbone specifically relaxes the deep layers of posterior muscles.
[...] If a muscle is only strengthened, it loses its flexibility and elasticity and is manifest by the reduction of mobility. Backbone and joints require strong and flexible muscles for effective functioning. Regularly practicing yoga reduces symptoms of trouble in the backbone and joints. Practicing asanas enhances one's range of movements and keeps the muscles, cartilage, ligaments and joints in good health, essential for everyday functioning. Ligaments and tissues that surround joints get tightened during muscle contraction and stretching exercises. Yoga also increases the production of synovial fluid in the joints which or them and [...]
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