Goals and targets, sports sponsorship
Sports sponsorship is now a powerful marketing tool. The many companies that integrate it into their strategy traditionally target the cognitive objectives (increase awareness), emotional (developing branding) and conative (increase sales) are quantified in terms of quantity and / or quality.
If sports sponsorship has the same objectives as advertising communication, it was revealed that it is three times more efficient thanks to sporting values that are based messages, according to the study of society Sponsortest Sponsorship Research International in 1999. For many experts, the advertising strategy and sports sponsorship are complementary. We could summarize this approach by saying that if the advertisement primary objective of brand awareness, sports sponsorship aims to enhance its reputation and image. However, one can distinguish two types of objectives for sports sponsorship: business objectives and institutional goals.
[...] The goals and targets of sports sponsorship Sports sponsorship is now a powerful marketing tool. The many companies that integrate it into their strategy traditionally target the cognitive objectives (increase awareness), emotional (developing branding) and conative (increase sales) are quantified in terms of quantity and / or quality. If sports sponsorship has the same objectives as advertising communication, it was revealed that it is three times more efficient thanks to sporting values are based messages, according to the study of society Sponsortest Sponsorship Research International in 1999. [...]
[...] Targets The definition of a target is essential to all sponsorship strategies. The use of sports sponsorship allows the sponsor company to have an extended target, because sport affects a wide and diverse audience. This allows the wider public sponsor aim at a target belonging to his or her target marketing communication target. In sports, the media audience is primarily male affecting all ages, of modest means, but these specifications may vary according to sports. For example, public tennis is rather composed of frames, and mixed city. [...]
[...] Thus, many companies present in sports sponsorship are also at the sports sponsorship. This is the case of BNP Paribas, which through its network of 2,400 branches, moved, wishing to tennis clubs, to help them organize a tournament during the Telethon weekend by providing logistical support and Financial. To do this, the club will benefit from a Kit Tennis Telethon and a budget allocation for the organization of a buffet. The entry fees paid by participants (amount left to the discretion of each club) in the form of donations to research on genetic diseases. [...]
[...] Other objectives are also mentioned as objective product: the product is thus used as evidence. This objective allows the company to enhance performance or to prove the reliability of the product by demonstrating its technological know-how and by differentiating from competitors. A company may also have network aims to enhance its outlets, animating its network, supporting its sales force and develop closeness with consumers. These four elements, visibility, image recognition and nearby are the four components of sports sponsorship communication process. [...]
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