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15 May 2009

The evolution of Chinese and French women since the nineteenth century: Differences and similarities

Thesis - 17 pages - Sociology & social sciences

In the two last Centuries, French women and Chinese ones have realized, little by little, their emancipation. What are the matrixes which have participated to the positive evolution of the condition of the Chinese and French women? Under which form has it taken place, and at which moments in the...

14 May 2009

Do you agree with Mernissi that the modernizing Moroccan society she studied in the 1970s provided no norms for heterosexual interaction between the sexes? - How far is this applicable to other Moslem societies you have read about?

Thesis - 4 pages - Sociology & social sciences

Gender interactions in the Moslem world and in Western societies are often opposed in terms of the woman's place in society. The Cultural differences between the two worlds can be underlined but it is not the subject of sociology to evaluate which one of the both ways of gender interaction is the...

12 May 2009

Feminism in France and in the US: A comparison

Thesis - 11 pages - Sociology & social sciences

In 1991, the American feminist movement was revived by the Anita Hill-Clarence Thomas case. In the same year, Clarence Thomas, a Supreme Court nominee was accused a few days before his appointment of sexual harassment by one of his former co-workers, the Law Professor Anita Hill. This case is...

07 May 2009

Sociological accounts of social movements

Thesis - 5 pages - Sociology & social sciences

Contemporary sociological accounts of social movements are mainly influenced by the ‘new American paradigm' (crossley) arguing that social actors are rational calculators. According to these sociologists, emotions associated with irrationality are opposed to knowledge linked with...

24 Apr 2009

A cultural exploration of Slovenia in general and in terms of business affairs

Thesis - 26 pages - Sociology & social sciences

Abstract - This text deals with Slovenia's culture in general and in terms of business affairs. Literature of contemporary culture theorists is critically discussed. Focus is set on Geert HofstedeĀ“s cultural dimensions and Edward T. Hall?s theory of high -and low-context cultures. Slovenia has...

22 Apr 2009

The importance of communication in nursing practices

Thesis - 5 pages - Sociology & social sciences

Within this essay appropriate references and where possible recent literature will be used to support the different forms of communication used in nursing practice. Potter and Perry (2001), describe communication as being the basic element of human interactions. It allows us to establish, improve...

18 Mar 2009

Understanding the effects of Asperger's syndrome on the parents

Thesis - 4 pages - Sociology & social sciences

The diagnosis of Asperger's Syndrome is often indistinguishable, using current standards, from high-functioning autism. Despite this, techniques tailored to individual cases appear show the most promise. Recent studies are too small in scale and subjective in measurements to be conclusive,...

18 Mar 2009

An evaluation of the strengths and limitations of a rational and strategic approach to organizational change

Thesis - 7 pages - Sociology & social sciences

Following the brief introduction of a model-ideal conceptualization of Organizational Goal-Directed-Activity, and the definition within the perspective defined by this model of such terms like ‘rational (organizational) action system', ‘strategy', and ‘organizational change', the...

18 Mar 2009

An analysis of the claim that the social welfare response to HIV/AIDS was, and remains, fundamentally inadequate

Thesis - 6 pages - Sociology & social sciences

The first official case of AIDS in Britain was recorded in 1983 but nurses said they were caring for unofficial cases before [Ferlie and Pettigrew 1990:195]. Similar to America early reports were confined to the homosexual population. When looking at initial attitudes to the disease if we look at...

18 Mar 2009

An evaluation of the contribution made by feminist and post-structuralist perspectives to the view of gender as socially constructed

Thesis - 5 pages - Sociology & social sciences

A number of fundamental changes have occurred this century in relation to what it means to be male or female. They emphasize the notion that femininity and masculinity are not necessarily innate categorise which pre-exist in each person and focus more on the idea that they are historically and...

18 Mar 2009

Is there a significant difference in child-raising practices between married couples and single mothers?

Thesis - 8 pages - Sociology & social sciences

In 1990, American academic Charles Murray came to England, at the invitation of The Sunday Times, to observe and discover whether the underclass phenomenon he had identified in the United States had spread to the UK. His findings were first published in The Sunday Times Magazine on 26 November...

18 Mar 2009

An evaluation of the claim that we live in a 'risk society' as well as a 'regulatory state'

Thesis - 6 pages - Sociology & social sciences

The aim of this paper is to assess why it is argued that we live in a 'risk society' as well as a 'regulatory state'. By the end of this paper it should be clear that we do indeed live in a 'risk society' and a 'regulatory state' despite what others like Margaret...

18 Mar 2009

The role of the state in contemporary liberal democracies

Thesis - 8 pages - Sociology & social sciences

The role of the state within contemporary liberal democracies is an issue that perhaps more than any other has attracted the attentions of the social and political sciences. The concept itself is not accorded universal acceptance and there are a plethora of theoretical and ideological...

18 Mar 2009

An analysis concerning stereotyping people in connection with their dialect

Thesis - 6 pages - Sociology & social sciences

Language is primarily considered to perform two major functions in society. It is designed to convey information to those around us as well as establish and maintain relationships. However, linguistically (albeit from social stereotypes) certain paradigms relating to class, social and financial...

18 Mar 2009

The inner-city problem is one of both growth and decline

Thesis - 5 pages - Sociology & social sciences

The city is undeniably the centre of much of our social action. It is the arena in which most of our economic, political and commercial activity tends to occur, and it has become the most popular place to socialise, and to experience the cultural aspects of the modern world. Its evolution has...

18 Mar 2009

Why do many British families of South Asian background prefer arranged marriages?

Thesis - 6 pages - Sociology & social sciences

The tradition of Arranged Marriages was practiced by kinship groups in the South Asian sub-continent centuries before migration to Britain took place during the 1950's. Initially, migrants came to Britain to earn wages (Shaw; 2000;13), However, the tradition of arranged marriages has remained...

05 Mar 2009

Old age and death are taboo subjects in contemporary western culture

Thesis - 5 pages - Sociology & social sciences

It may be useful to first define the two main terms that will be studied. The first term is death; the Collins Dictionary defines death as the 'end of life'. Clinically this defined as there is a lack of heartbeat and breathing along with lack of central nervous system function which...

05 Mar 2009

What is 'Postmodernism'?

Thesis - 6 pages - Sociology & social sciences

The term 'postmodernism' is a somewhat elusive one for it does not constitute an ideology, such as Marxism or liberalism, nor, as Callum Brown argues, is it a 'state of government or economy?[or even] a coherent set of beliefs' . However, instead it has been suggested that...

05 Mar 2009

A feminist perspective on climate change issues

Thesis - 5 pages - Sociology & social sciences

Climate change has emerged over the last thirty years as one of the major issues in international politics. It is now generally accepted that greenhouse gases emissions are contributing to a process of global warming which is leading to an increased incidence of natural disasters. The IPCC...

05 Mar 2009

The future of race

Thesis - 7 pages - Sociology & social sciences

To claim that race does not exist sounds shocking at first. So many decisions and views of the world are made taking the idea of race into account. Yet the genetic claims of race, as such claims usually perceived and discussed, are not grounded in genetics because race, aside from being a social...

05 Mar 2009

The melting pot revisited: Supporting research into the genetic diversity of the American population

Thesis - 14 pages - Sociology & social sciences

The advent of the genomic era has brought with it a host of opinions regarding to what ends genetic tools ought to be applied. There is a growing interest in research that will illustrate the genetic diversity of populations. Advocates suggest that research detailing unique features of...

05 Mar 2009

Pounding the concrete or entering the pool: Efforts to reduce driving

Thesis - 5 pages - Sociology & social sciences

The cool, clean air blows right on my face. The radio is as loud as I want it. There is minimal lurching, and no smelly strangers sitting right next to me. My shoes are not wet, I did not have to leave a half hour early to get where I need to go, and there is no need to leave before it gets too...

26 Feb 2009

A discussion and evaluation of Marx and Weber's views on capitalist society

Thesis - 5 pages - Sociology & social sciences

Capitalism is defined as an economic "system of wage-labour and commodity production for sale, exchange, and profit, rather than for the immediate need of the producers" (Marshall, 1998: 53). As observed by Karl Marx, capitalism transformed a small proportion of a society's population into...

26 Feb 2009

Marx and Weber on the rise of capitalism in the West

Thesis - 5 pages - Sociology & social sciences

Both Karl Marx (1818-1883) and Max Weber (1864-1920) are great contributors to sociological theory. At the time of their writings, Germany was still almost in the Middle Ages compared to the most advanced capitalist country, England. Both economic development and political liberalization were...

20 Feb 2009

Behind enemy lines: The account of a conservative living in eastern Massachusetts

Thesis - 6 pages - Sociology & social sciences

According to sociologist Travis Hirschi in his article Control Theory of Delinquency, the act of deviating from the norms in a given society is caused mainly, not by the social structure, but by the deviant himself and the strength of his connection to that society. In this paper I will try to...

13 Jan 2009

Is Intercultural communication possible across the Baltic Sea Region?

Thesis - 8 pages - Sociology & social sciences

“The meaning behind intercultural communication is to try to bring different world views and meaning attributions closer to each others through and with the help of verbal and non-verbal interactions” . Here is a definition of intercultural communication by Niina Kovalainen that reveals...

12 Jan 2009

The clash of civilizations, by Samuel P. Huntington

Thesis - 2 pages - Sociology & social sciences

In 1996, Samuel Huntington published his book “The clash of civilization and the remaking of world order”. That book being a follow-up to the article that Huntington had published a few years earlier in the journal “Foreign affairs”. The journal Foreign Affairs never got so...

12 Jan 2009

Thomas Hobbes

Thesis - 3 pages - Sociology & social sciences

Thomas Hobbes was born in England, in 1588, prematurely because of the fear created by the approaching Spanish Armada. He studied at the Magdalen College, Oxford until the age of nineteen, and then he became connected to the Cavendish family, serving as tutor to the later second duke of...

12 Jan 2009

Carnival - Interpretation of Bakhtin

Thesis - 5 pages - Sociology & social sciences

The “Carnival Season” is a holiday period during the two weeks before the traditional Christian fast of Lent. The word has a Latin origin and literally means "to remove the meat" or "stop eating meat". But carnival and the “carnivalesque” are not limited to this period of the...

12 Jan 2009

What are the main causes of social exclusion?

Thesis - 4 pages - Sociology & social sciences

Shot in black and white cinema verity style, Hate (La Haine) follows a day in the life of three aimless, violence-prone, ethnically-diverse young men who hail from the same decaying housing project in Paris. Mathieu Kassovitz won the Best Director prize for this realistic movie at the Cannes Film...