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Thesis in sociology & social sciences

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63 results

14 Sep 2023

Exploring Gen Z's perception of social media: the line between intrusiveness and engagement

Thesis - 24 pages - Sociology & social sciences

We live in an era that is marked by the omnipresence of social media and it is irrefutable that over the past few decades, social media advertising has undergone a profound transformative evolution. Generation Z (Gen Z), often considered to be the first generation that has been brought up in an...

12 Sep 2016

The controversy surrounding abortion

Thesis - 5 pages - Sociology & social sciences

Abortion is an age old question that has caused a great rift in society. While it is legal in the United States, abortion is also a question of morality and the values a person has. To what extent can or should law regulate morality, and to what extent should the state encroach on the personal...

12 Sep 2016

Eating disorders, self-image, and the female body in modern society

Thesis - 5 pages - Sociology & social sciences

In today's society, looks are everything. The female body is used in various ways, whether by the media or advertisers trying to sell a product. With such importance placed on how a female looks, it is not surprising that many young women today are suffering from low self esteem and body...

31 Dec 2010

Female Beauty in Japan: perceptions and evolutions

Thesis - 7 pages - Sociology & social sciences

Japan, is widely known for origami, the art of folding a kimono, ikebana and many such arts that require patience and discipline and seek to "beautify" the environment. However, in this document we will study the Japanese notion of beauty as it is applied to women. What does it mean to be...

19 Aug 2010

Sociology - published: 19/08/2010

Thesis - 2 pages - Sociology & social sciences

Sociology is the study of society which comprises of humans. When further classified, it is the study of human social relationships and institutions such as groups and associations. A science on one hand relates to discovery, innovation and knowledge. Art is created by human beings. A combination...

18 Aug 2010

Objectivity and subjectivity in sociology

Thesis - 3 pages - Sociology & social sciences

A sociologist is a man who examines the society by being as objective as possible. We may therefore define objectivity as the quality which provides a distorted picture of people and things, or anything that describes them and judge them without a bias. This paper analyzes the methods employed by...

17 Aug 2010

The theories of the state in classical sociology: Karl Marx and Max Weber

Thesis - 7 pages - Sociology & social sciences

European sociology for long has been influenced by the works of Marx and Durkheim. However, there has been little importance given to the work of Max Weber. Whenever his works were taken into account, they have been focused mainly on their methodological dimension. It is only recently that...

13 Aug 2010

The role and position of North and South Indian women: The problem of female infanticide, dowry burning and Sati

Thesis - 9 pages - Sociology & social sciences

The North and the South of India is different in terms of language, custom and religion. In fact, language, custom and religion itself is prone to regional differences even down to the village level. However, despite these differences even in the village level, a homogenous explanation can be...

12 Aug 2010

Native American identities and adaptations

Thesis - 2 pages - Sociology & social sciences

Jamake Highwater was an impostor. According to an anonymous essay in Dancing Bear, a blog and online collection of essays having to do with Native American issues, Highwater fabricated his Native American heritage, his family history, his credentials, and even his age. Highwater clearly...

12 Aug 2010

Social work

Thesis - 7 pages - Sociology & social sciences

Though social work is a wide and pervasive field which encompasses many different careers and experiences, there is a common theoretical understanding of the needs of people and their communities which seems to speak to all of them. In this paper I will be concentrating on the theoretical...

12 Aug 2010

The Jews

Thesis - 4 pages - Sociology & social sciences

Jewish people are some of most influential people in the world today. Jews have helped societies all around the world develop into advanced societies. This research explores several aspects of the Jewish plight. The first phase of the research discusses the diverse wars waged against the Jews, in...

10 Aug 2010

Truth and the views surrounding it

Thesis - 4 pages - Sociology & social sciences

Michel Foucault's Fearless Speech deals with the idea of parrhesia and its role in ancient Greek philosophy and daily life. This lecture deals with two harmonious but separate definitions of parrhesia. One deals with parrhesia in a political sense, the act of speaking truth in a public arena with...

10 Aug 2010

Bishop Hill: Success and failure through adaptability

Thesis - 2 pages - Sociology & social sciences

Scholars assess several criteria in evaluating the relative success of intentional communities. One of the most firmly established and frequently cited is whether or not the community achieves its own goals [You 1983, p.4]. Holding a community's ability to stick to its original plan in such high...

30 Jul 2010

The corporation and society: A sociological perspective

Thesis - 3 pages - Sociology & social sciences

Corporate power is a phrase which has at least two faces: one is the intellectual aspect, which we use to conceptualize the processes and functions of corporations and the corporate elite. The second is the various set of actions and events that corporations produce which allow us to reach the...

18 Jun 2010

The other in Israeli culture: Yearning for a home and a homeland

Thesis - 6 pages - Sociology & social sciences

Do our similarities bring us together, or do our differences tear us apart? This question can be answered varyingly and astutely, across (and within) cultures and societies. Eshkol Nevo's rich novel Arba'a Batim ve Gagu'a can be construed as the author's response to this question in contemporary...

05 Oct 2009

One brain two languages: The advantages and disadvantages of bilingualism

Thesis - 6 pages - Sociology & social sciences

Language is such a vital part of our existence. We are confronted daily with language through interaction with others and within ourselves through our own inner dialogue. On the whole scientific inquiry and analysis utilizes language in communicating ideas and conducting experimentation....

01 Oct 2009

Environmental racism

Thesis - 5 pages - Sociology & social sciences

According to Fredrickson, America was able to largely ignore the “race question” until the American Revolution. Before the war for independence, Jews were mostly sequestered in ghettos and black people on plantations, so the need for a dominating racial ideology had not yet arisen....

12 Aug 2009

Lady Xun: The selfless spouse

Thesis - 5 pages - Sociology & social sciences

As the daughter of an affluent father, Lady Xun was destined for a life of prosperity. However, her life was marked by benevolence, not political or economical achievements. After marrying Yuanye Zhang, her life went from extreme luxury into a married life of severe poverty. While marrying...

22 Jul 2009

As the world turns: Constructing the problem of cultural illiteracy

Thesis - 4 pages - Sociology & social sciences

Miscommunication happens every day, in every type of forum, for many different reasons. Sometimes the incident is simply that - a miscommunication, but other times it bears witness to a deeper misunderstanding, based on or ignoring one's cultural or ethnic group. The current name that I offer for...

13 Jul 2009

Reforming the workplace

Thesis - 4 pages - Sociology & social sciences

The study of the sociology of work reveals that work plays a very significant role on our society, and over the last few centuries the nature of work has changed drastically, thus changing the nature of society along with it - from an industrial to a post-industrial society. The nature of work in...

13 Jul 2009

Legal moralism and polygamy

Thesis - 4 pages - Sociology & social sciences

Polygamy - the practice of being married to more than one person - is illegal in Canada, though it is rarely prosecuted. This law seems to be based on out society's unreflective common morals, rather than on rational arguments about the harm it does. The following will examine whether polygamy...

26 Jun 2009

An analysis of Goldstone's 'The rise of the West- or not? A revision of socio-economic history'

Thesis - 4 pages - Sociology & social sciences

The article deals with some of the common notions concerning why the so-called ?Rise of the West? (Goldstone, 2000) occurred, and then proceeds to offer counter-arguments all leading up to the final conclusion that without the presence of four events which were arguably complete accidents or...

26 Jun 2009

Endangered speeches: A theoretical approach to aboriginal linguistic minority rights in Canada

Thesis - 5 pages - Sociology & social sciences

Today, as globalisation and technology rapidly increase along with industrialisation and environmental degradation, many environmentalists are calling to attention the alarming rate at which ecosystems, forests, clean water and even whole species are becoming extinct. Unfortunately, another type...

20 May 2009

Society vs. desire

Thesis - 5 pages - Sociology & social sciences

In America there is the idea that a person can be whoever and/or whatever they want and still have the chance to succeed. This is part of the so-called “American Dream”. This idea is often a theme in the American novel. However, in the American novel, despite a character's desire to...

19 May 2009

Tropical wasteland: A fort Lauderdale community's battle for justice

Thesis - 5 pages - Sociology & social sciences

On the surface, Sunny South Florida may seem like an ideal resort area with abundant affluence and beautiful scenery. Once one heads away from the beach and toward I-95, however, a different story emerges. Densely packed neighborhoods populated mostly by minority citizens are the norm, and it...

19 May 2009

The American reality: Life in the working class

Thesis - 19 pages - Sociology & social sciences

In 1848, as the spread of capitalism and the Industrial Revolution were forever changing the social, political and economic landscape in Europe and America, early social theorist Karl Marx defined the working-class as those “laborers who must sell themselves piecemeal… a commodity like...

19 May 2009

Sociology of culture: Globalization: A threat to culture?

Thesis - 8 pages - Sociology & social sciences

The post-modern era of globalization can be simultaneously considered as a threat to culture and a medium for bringing previously peripheral cultures onto the world stage. Whether one embraces its new challenges and opportunities or is skeptical towards its implications, everyone can agree that...

17 May 2009

The French cultural exception: Exception or exclusion?

Thesis - 5 pages - Sociology & social sciences

In a bit more than one decade, culture has become a crucial issue of the globalization process. In fact, the IT revolution along with the development of transport, the increase of the international commercial exchanges and foreign investments, and the constitution of multinational conglomerates...

17 May 2009

Do studies of the social ordering of space show that the exclusion from public spaces is always a problem for women?

Thesis - 4 pages - Sociology & social sciences

It has been unanimously agreed, since Foucault, that power is not an intermittent and isolated force. Rather, the concept manifests itself daily as a continuous network of power struggles exerting on any individual regardless of his status in society, “from the great strategy of geo-politics...

16 May 2009

New ways of promoting gender equality

Thesis - 14 pages - Sociology & social sciences

This paper provides an overview of gender inequality comparing Europe and North America through media perspectives and company front runners within each region. It will provide an analysis of the methods used by companies and how actions are successfully carried out. As well it will discuss the...