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Sociology & social sciences

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348 results

18 Mar 2009

The role of the state in contemporary liberal democracies

Thesis - 8 pages - Sociology & social sciences

The role of the state within contemporary liberal democracies is an issue that perhaps more than any other has attracted the attentions of the social and political sciences. The concept itself is not accorded universal acceptance and there are a plethora of theoretical and ideological...

18 Mar 2009

An analysis concerning stereotyping people in connection with their dialect

Thesis - 6 pages - Sociology & social sciences

Language is primarily considered to perform two major functions in society. It is designed to convey information to those around us as well as establish and maintain relationships. However, linguistically (albeit from social stereotypes) certain paradigms relating to class, social and financial...

18 Mar 2009

The inner-city problem is one of both growth and decline

Thesis - 5 pages - Sociology & social sciences

The city is undeniably the centre of much of our social action. It is the arena in which most of our economic, political and commercial activity tends to occur, and it has become the most popular place to socialise, and to experience the cultural aspects of the modern world. Its evolution has...

18 Mar 2009

Why do many British families of South Asian background prefer arranged marriages?

Thesis - 6 pages - Sociology & social sciences

The tradition of Arranged Marriages was practiced by kinship groups in the South Asian sub-continent centuries before migration to Britain took place during the 1950's. Initially, migrants came to Britain to earn wages (Shaw; 2000;13), However, the tradition of arranged marriages has remained...

05 Mar 2009

Old age and death are taboo subjects in contemporary western culture

Thesis - 5 pages - Sociology & social sciences

It may be useful to first define the two main terms that will be studied. The first term is death; the Collins Dictionary defines death as the 'end of life'. Clinically this defined as there is a lack of heartbeat and breathing along with lack of central nervous system function which...

05 Mar 2009

What is 'Postmodernism'?

Thesis - 6 pages - Sociology & social sciences

The term 'postmodernism' is a somewhat elusive one for it does not constitute an ideology, such as Marxism or liberalism, nor, as Callum Brown argues, is it a 'state of government or economy?[or even] a coherent set of beliefs' . However, instead it has been suggested that...

05 Mar 2009

A feminist perspective on climate change issues

Thesis - 5 pages - Sociology & social sciences

Climate change has emerged over the last thirty years as one of the major issues in international politics. It is now generally accepted that greenhouse gases emissions are contributing to a process of global warming which is leading to an increased incidence of natural disasters. The IPCC...

05 Mar 2009

The future of race

Thesis - 7 pages - Sociology & social sciences

To claim that race does not exist sounds shocking at first. So many decisions and views of the world are made taking the idea of race into account. Yet the genetic claims of race, as such claims usually perceived and discussed, are not grounded in genetics because race, aside from being a social...

05 Mar 2009

The melting pot revisited: Supporting research into the genetic diversity of the American population

Thesis - 14 pages - Sociology & social sciences

The advent of the genomic era has brought with it a host of opinions regarding to what ends genetic tools ought to be applied. There is a growing interest in research that will illustrate the genetic diversity of populations. Advocates suggest that research detailing unique features of...

05 Mar 2009

Pounding the concrete or entering the pool: Efforts to reduce driving

Thesis - 5 pages - Sociology & social sciences

The cool, clean air blows right on my face. The radio is as loud as I want it. There is minimal lurching, and no smelly strangers sitting right next to me. My shoes are not wet, I did not have to leave a half hour early to get where I need to go, and there is no need to leave before it gets too...

26 Feb 2009

A discussion and evaluation of Marx and Weber's views on capitalist society

Thesis - 5 pages - Sociology & social sciences

Capitalism is defined as an economic "system of wage-labour and commodity production for sale, exchange, and profit, rather than for the immediate need of the producers" (Marshall, 1998: 53). As observed by Karl Marx, capitalism transformed a small proportion of a society's population into...

26 Feb 2009

Marx and Weber on the rise of capitalism in the West

Thesis - 5 pages - Sociology & social sciences

Both Karl Marx (1818-1883) and Max Weber (1864-1920) are great contributors to sociological theory. At the time of their writings, Germany was still almost in the Middle Ages compared to the most advanced capitalist country, England. Both economic development and political liberalization were...

20 Feb 2009

Behind enemy lines: The account of a conservative living in eastern Massachusetts

Thesis - 6 pages - Sociology & social sciences

According to sociologist Travis Hirschi in his article Control Theory of Delinquency, the act of deviating from the norms in a given society is caused mainly, not by the social structure, but by the deviant himself and the strength of his connection to that society. In this paper I will try to...

20 Feb 2009

Being a Jew after World War II: What it means to be Jewish in America today

Essay - 7 pages - Sociology & social sciences

Judaism as an identity has become a different concept than Judaism as a religion. Skepticism has formed as a result of advances in science and industrialization, and religion has changed. Judaism is unique in its definition of what makes one Jewish: rather than being based on belief and practice,...

05 Feb 2009

The White House Iraq Group (WHIG): The high powered White House organization behind the marketing of the war in Iraq and at the heart of the Valerie Plame affair

Essay - 5 pages - Sociology & social sciences

The White House Iraq Group (WHIG) is a high powered and controversial group comprised of some of the most powerful and influential people in the White House in the time leading up to the 2003 invasion of Iraq. WHIG originates from a White House task force set up in August 2002 by White House...

22 Jan 2009

The United States and its perceptions of Canada and Mexico

Essay - 7 pages - Sociology & social sciences

Many Americans fear immigrants. The opinions why, are as varied as the number of places, a person can be from. A hard look at what the idea means in today's discussions - and the cultural assumptions that underlie the meaning of the idea - evaluates what it means for a person to come to...

22 Jan 2009

Data on Hispanic population in Florida

Essay - 7 pages - Sociology & social sciences

The health of the United States on the whole is not very different from the Latino, or Hispanic, population. The major health concerns of Latinos match up statistically in almost all ways except for conditions caused by unhealthy activities such as eating too much fat or carbohydrates, smoking...

21 Jan 2009

Describe the musical life during the last three decades of the nineteenth century. What effect did the reduction of discrimination against the Jews have on the city's culture?

Essay - 4 pages - Sociology & social sciences

The nineteenth century is a radical turn in music history. Not only because of purely musical elements (the Romantic style), but also because of important changes in the musical life. This evolution could be summed up as a change of scale compare to the Classical era. On the one hand the...

20 Jan 2009

Culture case study: Valley Farms International & cultural group assessment

Essay - 14 pages - Sociology & social sciences

Understanding diverse cultures is significant if one is to be socially astute, sensitive, and effective within complex cultural contexts. The Iceberg culture theory, if used correctly, can prove to be a meaningful tool that can assist in identifying important cultural similarities and...

16 Jan 2009

What drives the GenY?

Essay - 4 pages - Sociology & social sciences

Who are the GenY? Like any other generation, birthdates might be a relevant indicator. In this specific case, Gen Y are born around the same historical period, that is from the mid-80' to today. However, it is more in terms of shared needs and expectations that they offer an interesting case to...

16 Jan 2009

The cultural identity and the assimilation of the Jewish Community in the Global Cities

Essay - 21 pages - Sociology & social sciences

My name is Charles Terdjman, I am a 3rd year student in Sciences Po Paris, and I would like to present my comparative research about the Jewish Community in the Global Cities. Sincerely interested in the social and political studies, I wanted to analyze a social or religious minority for this...

16 Jan 2009

Mutations of Vancouver's Chinatown: Spatial redistribution and new territorial logic's

Essay - 7 pages - Sociology & social sciences

Large cities tend to be inhabited by minorities, immigrants and trans-national communities. In order to study this new dynamic, I have chosen the city of Vancouver (British Columbia) in Canada. Actually, I will be spending my 3rd year in the University of British Columbia in Vancouver; that is...

15 Jan 2009

Flexicurity: the Danish Model

Essay - 7 pages - Sociology & social sciences

The word "flexicurity" is used to describe a social system combining an easy possibility for the employers of hiring and firing - flexibility - to important social benefits for unemployed people - security. This model is typical for Denmark for different reasons. Welfare benefits are centralised...

15 Jan 2009

The relationships between masters and slave women

Essay - 4 pages - Sociology & social sciences

I chose to deal with the relationships between the white masters and the black slave women during the slavery era in the United States first because it interests me a lot. Talking about it in class made me eager to dig deep into it and learn more. The slavery period is for me a moving topic. When...

15 Jan 2009


Essay - 3 pages - Sociology & social sciences

In the 19th century, a fad for the Orient appeared. The artists were inspired by its luxury, its mystery and of course, the supernatural that surrounded this part of the world. Orientalism is the study of near and Far-Eastern societies and cultures by westerners (first meaning). But it can also...

15 Jan 2009

Is there a meaningful way in which we can talk about global citizenship in the contemporary context?

Essay - 9 pages - Sociology & social sciences

In his famous address at the Sorbonne in Paris, Albert Einstein laid ironically the stress on the very limits of the concept of “global citizenship”. Indeed, even though the process of globalisation of trade, science or more generally speaking “culture” have unquestionably...

15 Jan 2009

Cultural profile : China and France

Essay - 7 pages - Sociology & social sciences

China is emerging today as one of the major global economies thanks to its dynamic business activity and a large working population. China is known in the world for its various ceremonies and etiquette dating from the first emperors. It is necessary to understand the basic Chinese cultural,...

15 Jan 2009

Absolutism and the Jesuits: an ambiguous relationship

Essay - 4 pages - Sociology & social sciences

The Society of Jesus was founded between 1537-1540 by Ignatius of Loyola, followed by a few friends (Francis Xavier, Jacques Laynez, Pierre Favre), and was quickly considered as one of the main elements of the Counter-Reformation, which corresponded to a will to renew the Catholic Church after it...

15 Jan 2009

Humanitarian intervention: The responsibility to protect (R2P)

Essay - 4 pages - Sociology & social sciences

The protection of human rights is now considered as an important element of International Law. However, if there are frequent calls for “humanitarian interventions” (that is “coercive action against a state to protect people within its border from suffering grave harm” ) like...

15 Jan 2009

The theories and practices of assimilation

Essay - 3 pages - Sociology & social sciences

"The main noise (…) has been about asylum-seekers and how to keep them out. But the real issue is the immigrants, and their descendants, who are already inside. Integrate these, and European societies could cope well enough with the relatively few asylum-seekers." According to this sentence,...