Social status, dating experience, qualification, education, appearence, Kenya, overseas students, Hindu Website, selection process
Choosing a marriage partner is an important decision in a person's life. While selecting a potential marriage partner, Kenyan and overseas students may consider the external conditions, such as physical appearance, wealth, educational qualifications, social status, active dating experience, etc. This paper compares the attitudes of Kenyan and overseas people in terms of their preferences of these external attributes in a prospective marriage partner.
[...] On the other hand, active dating experience is not considered by Indians as Hindu Website (n.d.) declared that arranged marriages are based on morals. Qiran (2011) also mentioned that active dating experience is not prevalent in Muslim community. So active dating experience is considered by Kenyan students but not by overseas students intending to marry their potential partners. References Anand, S. (2011). Ineligible Bachelors: Indian Men Living in U.S. Strike Out. The Wall Street Journal, [Online], retrieved September from Hindu Website. (n.d.). Hindu Marriages Purpose and Significance, [Online], Retrieved September 18,2011, from [...]
[...] Web Japan (2003) stated that Japanese do not consider education as an important factor for marriage. So Kenyan students and some overseas students do not consider educational qualifications while choosing marriage partners. Social Status: In a recessive economy, social status of the marriage partner does not seem to be an important factor for Kenyan students as News Limited (2011) had reported that these students gave more importance to money. However, Qiran (2011) declared that Muslims consider social status before entering into the nuptial agreement. [...]
[...] News Guangdong. (2006). Chinese view of marriage: romantic & practical, [Online], retrieved September from News Limited. (2011). Broke Australian university students marrying for money, [Online], Retrieved September from Qiran. (2011). Selecting a Marriage Partner, [Online], Retrieved September from Web Japan. (2003). [...]
[...] Rules of Attraction Choosing a marriage partner is an important decision in a person's life. While selecting a potential marriage partner, Kenyan and overseas students may consider the external conditions, such as physical appearance, wealth, educational qualifications, social status, active dating experience, etc. This paper compares the attitudes of Kenyan and overseas people in terms of their preferences of these external attributes in a prospective marriage partner. Physical Appearance: Considering the current economic gloom in Kenyan, News Limited (2011) reported that the Kenyan university students were marrying flat partners and ex-partners to meet the finances without considering the physical appearance. [...]
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