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22 Mar 2016

The use of social norms

Essay - 2 pages - Sociology & social sciences

There are various advantages that a hotel and the society can have from adopting environmental programs. These advantages include the saving of energy, reducing the amount of wasteful detergent that is released to the environment and increasing the hotel chain due to the economic benefits of...

21 Mar 2016

How people perform their different jobs with the objective of determining what it is that they do, the things that they use and suggesting what they must know

Essay - 5 pages - Sociology & social sciences

Generally, task analysis involves the study of how people perform their different jobs with the objective of determining what it is that they do, the things that they use and suggesting what they must know. According to Chen (2001), in Human-Computer Interactions (HCI), the process of task...

21 Mar 2016

Social construction based on the concept of sex and gender brings out the differences that are always seen between male and female

Essay - 2 pages - Sociology & social sciences

Social construction based on the concept of sex and gender brings out the differences that are always seen between male and female or rather men and women that are conventions in the society and creating the roles played by each gender. Also the differences that are between the concept of gender...

17 Nov 2015

The reliability of eyewitness testimony

Essay - 3 pages - Sociology & social sciences

Eyewitness testimony refers to the statement given by a witness to an event, and is a major area of research in cognitive psychology but also has a major effect on criminological psychology, such as being asked to describe the appearance of a suspect, or a detailed account of what occurred...

17 Nov 2015

The social history of Halloween

Essay - 2 pages - Sociology & social sciences

The Purpose of this book was to educate readers on the history of Halloween and where the practice came from. Foreman talks about where the history of Halloween comes from and the mix of Celtic beliefs and European folk traditions. It also shows the transformation of Halloween.

18 Sep 2015

Important theories in criminology - Why people commit crime

Essay - 2 pages - Sociology & social sciences

Within criminology, it is quite significant to examine the reasons as to why individuals commit crime, in the continuing debate with regard to how to prevent as well as handle crime. There have been different theories emerging over the previous thirty years. Such theories are under exploration...

18 Sep 2015

Prisoners should admit guilt to get paroled

Essay - 3 pages - Sociology & social sciences

Admittedly, correctional facilities in the United States are usually overcrowded. Most jails and prisons in the U.S. hold a larger number of incarcerated persons than their intended capacities. Despite the fact, courts still sentence persons to imprisonment. Invariably, the problem of overcrowded...

17 Sep 2015

Harmonization of gender based violence messages for use in IEC materials

Essay - 12 pages - Sociology & social sciences

Gender-based violence is a global pandemic and human rights violation that hinders both individual and societal development. Furthermore, the prevailing socioeconomic and political inequalities between the sexes ensure that women and girls are most susceptible to violence. Global surveys...

17 Sep 2015

Violent crime and its relationship to videos games and violent television shows

Essay - 2 pages - Sociology & social sciences

There has been an influx in the number of Television shows and violent video games that different people in today's generation are being exposed to. With the current trends and lack of supervision from the parents and guardians on the content that the children access it has become utterly...

16 Sep 2015

Comparison of Lisa Rofel's Liberation Cohort and the Cultural Revolution Cohort

Essay - 2 pages - Sociology & social sciences

The viewpoints of the women, regarding their place in society, in the different cohorts identified by Lisa Rofel differ significantly. The first two cohorts, the Liberation and Cultural Revolution, show the development of women from debased states to a place of advocacy. Essentially their views...

16 Sep 2015

Imperialism and Orientalism - Christianity and Islam

Essay - 3 pages - Sociology & social sciences

Christianity and Islam have shared some commonalities since they have some beliefs that are similar and although the two may have shared some good relations and interaction the European Christians and the Middle Eastern Muslims have had their fair share of conflict and aggression in the past. In...

16 Sep 2015

The feminization of love : all about love

Essay - 3 pages - Sociology & social sciences

Love and relationships are some of the most controversial and heavily discussed topics in the contemporary society today with some people citing it as an emotional attachment while others see it as the actions that people do for others. There is however the romantic aspect of love as people who...

15 Sep 2015

The American mosque in transition

Essay - 3 pages - Sociology & social sciences

Islam is one of the religions that is professed by Billions of people around the world instilling good principles and attributes among the Muslim faithful. It is a great religion to profess since it instills discipline and follows the rule of law as commanded in the Quran. It is also important to...

24 Jul 2015

Adverse and positive effects of Video Games

Essay - 1 pages - Sociology & social sciences

Children are vital part of the information age. Information is shared quicker today than ever before. This allows trends to prevail quicker than ever before as well. One phenomena that seemed to be a trend, is becoming an actual rite of passage for children. Video games are in almost every...

24 Jul 2015

A sociological phenomenon : racism

Essay - 1 pages - Sociology & social sciences

Racism is an issue that has been perpetuated within American society. Minorities of all races have been subjected to the effects of the phenomenon within our country. However, the most publicized occurrences are against African Americans. The actuated racism against this group of Americans is...

24 Jul 2015

One biography of Auguste Comte (January 19, 1768 - September 5, 1857)

Essay - 1 pages - Sociology & social sciences

One single individual did not start sociology. Instead, an array of founders help develop the field of study. The name, Auguste Comte, is one of the leading names associated with the founding of sociology. His contributions has caused him to be deemed the “Father of Sociology (Comte &...

24 Jul 2015

Evolution of public relations profession

Essay - 1 pages - Sociology & social sciences

Technology continuously changes the way we interact with one another. Consequently, professional duties have been altered as well. Some positions require a completely different approach compared to the same position a few decades prior. Public Relations provides a unique example of this trend....

24 Jul 2015

Racial and beauty stereotypes

Essay - 2 pages - Sociology & social sciences

Several debates will forever be etched in the history of America. One of the most defying debates surrounds beauty. It is often argued about in magazines, on television, and online. Despite the multiple debates, several stereotypes regarding beauty exist. The argument transcends multiple lines...

24 Jul 2015

Impact of Affordable Care Act on healthcare insurance benefits in Georgia school districts

Essay - 9 pages - Sociology & social sciences

European Medical Universalism has been approach that has been adopted by the European Countries in the implementation of their medical strategies and interventions. Unlike the European counterparts the United States of America have adopted an approach commonly referred to as the social model. In...

30 Mar 2011

The evolution of sign language through the ages

Essay - 5 pages - Sociology & social sciences

The history of language houses many fascinating subtopics that can paint a wildly intriguing picture of how communication has evolved and been promoted. In the field of linguistics, sign language is arguably one of the most complex and interesting forms of communication. Its history is...

22 Mar 2011

"High, Popular and "Low" cultures and everyday life

Essay - 1 pages - Sociology & social sciences

In this excerpt from Culture and Everyday Life (2005), D. Inglis intends to clarify the notions of high/low and popular cultures and their impact on everyday life and conversely, arguing that the social and cultural spheres cannot be separated. He also tries to explain the way art is defined as...

29 Sep 2010

The Gender Issue: Why this issue still poses enormous problems in the American and European societies at the dawn of 2010

Essay - 3 pages - Sociology & social sciences

For centuries, numerous demonstrations by feminist movements have accompanied women's emancipation. Their profoundly in-egalitarian status has dramatically changed. Women broke into all sectors of public life. However, we still notice today a lot of inequalities in the American society....

29 Sep 2010

Global Relationship: Are Sexual Gender Roles Changing?

Essay - 4 pages - Sociology & social sciences

As defined by the Encyclopedia, a role, in the sociological sense, is a set of connected behaviors, rights and obligations as conceptualized by the actors in a social situation. It is an expected behavior in a given individual social status and social position. Since the 18th century, the...

29 Sep 2010

Conditions of access to maternity wards in the city of Recife

Essay - 5 pages - Sociology & social sciences

In order to answer the question "how to build the experience of motherhood in popular urban community in Recife? we rely particularly on the contributions of two authors: the theory of social experience by Dubet, and sociology of the generation by Luc Boltanski. These theoretical approaches are...

29 Sep 2010

The sociology of disasters

Essay - 4 pages - Sociology & social sciences

It is customary to consider the disaster or a catastrophe as a phenomenon essentially tied to the vagaries of nature or as a byproduct of human activities. In both cases, it is approached through a perspective of emergency that rarely leaves room for interpretation on the functioning of social...

29 Sep 2010

Analysis of a moral struggle

Essay - 2 pages - Sociology & social sciences

"Public should not exercise authority over any marriage", says Nathan Warner in a recent article. Is it that simple? Should marriage really be a private matter, on which the State has no control? A few years ago, the Economist published an article dealing with polygamy practiced by Mormon...

29 Sep 2010

Cultural analysis of France

Essay - 18 pages - Sociology & social sciences

France is one of the 27 member States of the European Union. This means it enjoys the four fundamental freedoms within the European market: freedom of movement for people, money, services and goods. France is located in Western Europe, a developed area with all the necessary infrastructures for...

29 Sep 2010

Have eating habits changed in the last 20 years for the better or for the worse?

Essay - 4 pages - Sociology & social sciences

A meal is usually defined as the consumption of two or more foods in a structured setting at a set time. Snacks consist of a small amount of food or beverage eaten between meals. A common eating pattern is three meals (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) per day, with snacks between meals. The...

29 Sep 2010

America's middle-class

Essay - 2 pages - Sociology & social sciences

We have examined throughout the length of this course the fact that America's lower class does not have the ability to voice their political concerns that the wealthier classes have and thus, when focusing on the issue of welfare it is important to realize that most of the policies enacted...

29 Sep 2010

One is not born, but rather becomes a woman' (de Beauvoir). Discuss with references to determinist, constructionist and deconstructionist theories of gender.

Essay - 4 pages - Sociology & social sciences

‘One is not born, but rather becomes, a woman.' This famous assertion, excerpted from Simone de Beauvoir's Deuxième Sexe, concentrates the idea that sexual identity is an identity that one acquires, and whose acquiring is influenced by socialization, education, ideology and cultural...