Violence, adult, youth, prevention programs, adolescent development, counselor, abuse, sexually transmitted infection, intimate partner, teenager
Unlike violence in adult intimate partners, violence among adolescent partners who are dating is a phenomenon that is understudied. Although most teenagers do not experience violence when dating, one out of every ten teenagers have abuse as an integral part of their dating partnerships. The Youth Risk Behavior Survey in 2007 reported that 10% of teenagers countrywide reported having experienced abuse or physical violence from their dating partners in the previous year (Mulford, & Giordano, 2008). This is just an indicator of how violence is taking root in our teenagers. Violence in dating adolescents may take various forms the way it occurs in relationships among adults. According to Varia (2006), these forms include emotional violence, such as jealous behaviors and controlling behaviors; physical violence characterized by punching, slapping, hitting, etc.; and sexual violence characterized by rape in non-consensual sexual activity. Violence in dating teenagers has various effects on teenagers. These effects are usually physically, emotionally and psychologically detrimental.
[...] In most cases most of the girls accept the violence as a natural male behavior. Counselors should deal with this acceptance and other factors such as fear, royalty, and self-blame that affects the ability of the victims to stand against the violence. Counselors should seek to bolster the confidence, perception of self worth by the victims (Pipher, 2005). This way the counselors can empower the victim to stand against the violence. In addressing the perpetrators the counselors have an even more difficult task of addressing deep rooted believes or attitudes that encourage violence. [...]
[...] Females in relationships that are abusive have a higher risk of get infect by sexually transmitted infections and HIV/AIDS (Mulford & Giordano, 2008). They are also at risk of getting unwanted pregnancies since the power dynamics in such partnerships deny them the ability to negotiate for the use of condoms or other contraceptives. They are intimidated by the violence and are often forced to engage in unsafe sex. The depression resulting from intimate partner violence lead to a feeling of hopelessness and sadness, and victims have an increased inclination to take part in risk sexual activities due to reduced concern about self. [...]
[...] The section will explore trends and prevalence of violence among dating youths. It also looks at literature on the causes of this violence, its effects on the teenagers and the programs that aim at reducing the violence. It also explores the outcome of the programs. Trends and Prevalence of violence among dating youths Youth dating violence cuts across gender, race, and socioeconomic boundaries. Both girls and boys are victims; however girls and boys abuse each other in different ways. In most instance girls are like to yell, slap, pinch, kick scratch or threaten to cause harm on themselves. [...]
[...] The available literature on findings on intimate partner violence among the youths and the available preventive program present and informational resource that is valuable to counselors. The preventive strategies have positive outcome. However, I believe that with knowledge about these strategies, counselor can combine several approaches and crate on powerful strategy to address victims, perpetrators, and witnesses. References California Coalition Against Sexual Assault (CALCASA) (2002) Report: Research on Rape and Violence. Retrieved from Edgette, J. S. (2006). Adolescent therapy that really works: Helping kids who never asked for help in the first place. [...]
[...] Reviving Ophelia: Saving the selves of adolescent girls. Ingram Book Company Silverman, J. G. et Al, (2001). Dating Violence Against Adolescent Girls and Associated Substance Use, Unhealthy Weight Control, Sexual Risk Behavior, Pregnancy, and Suicidality." Journal of the American Medical Association, Vol 576-577. U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics. (2001). Special Report: Intimate Partner Violence and Age of Victim, 1993-99 Varia, S. (2006). Dating and Violence among dating youths. [...]
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