Public health, Mecklenburg County, international investment, american society, cancer, diabete, disability, healthcare, health care access, mental health, reproductive health, addiction
The first category to discuss is the county's demographic or local population. The population of Mecklenburg County is 861,189. The male citizens are 421, 933, while the female citizens are 439, 256. The media age of this county is 33.7. The population under five years is 70, 176. The population of 18 years and over is 636, 865, while the population of 65 years and over is 72, 886. From this demographic, it is shown that Mecklenburg is currently in its prime moment because 90% of its population comes from 18 years old and over. Almost one million of North Carolina's population lives in Mecklenburg. As per the figures of the county's demographics, it is proven that Mecklenburg is the most populated county in North Carolina. By studying all of the given information, it is justified that Mecklenburg attracts local investments and even international investment that can help, not only the county, but also the whole state of North Carolina.
[...] Community Health Assessment I. The four important categories in assessing the community of Mecklenburg The gathered data and facts in this paper are from the factsheet of 2005-2009 American community survey. The first category to discuss is the county's demographic or local population. The population of Mecklenburg County is 861,189. The male citizens are while the female citizens are The media age of this county is 33.7. The population under five years is Population of 18 years and over is while the population of 65 years and over is From this demographic, it is shown that Mecklenburg is currently on its prime moment because 90% of its population comes from 18 years old and over. [...]
[...] The first category is cancer. In this category, the breast cancer deaths per 100,000 population are 100 in in 2006, and 99 in 2007. The Cancer deaths per 100,000 population are 1,052 in in 2006, and 1,173 in 2007. The colon, rectal, or anus cancer deaths per 100,000 population are 88 in in 2006, and 111 in 2007. Lastly, the total cancer cases per 100,000 population are 3,261 in in 2006, and 3,721 in 2007. The second category is diabetes. [...]
[...] The percentage of births where mothers visited local health department is 2.8 in 2005, (433) 3.0 in 2006, and (387) 2.6 in 2007. The percentage of live births to mothers less than age 18 is (436) 3.2 in 2005, (452) 3.2 in 2006, and (456) 3.1 in 2007. The percentage of live births where the mother smoked during pregnancy is (755) 5.6 in 2005, (735) 5.1 in 2006, and (770) 5.2 in 2007. The abortion rate per 1,000 pregnancies is 4,269 in in 2006, and 4,193 in 2007. [...]
[...] Additionally, there are no information on the estimated substance abuse at the age of 26+ in both 2005 and 2006, but there are 38,209 individuals of this case are reported in 2007. The injuries and poisoning discharges per 10,000 population are 5,346 in in 2006, and 5,860 in 2007. References: "Mecklenburg County, North Carolina." U.S. Census Bureau Factsheet. "Mecklenburg Health Profile." CATCH-NC Portal. [...]
[...] The sixth category is health care access. In this category, the percentage of adults age 18+ who needed to see a doctor in past 12 months, but could not due to cost is (882) 13.0 in 2005, (832) 15.1 in 2006, and (680) 17.0 in 2007. There is no reported information on the percentage of estimate uninsured age 0-18 in 2005 and 2006, but there are (33,681) 13.5 percent in 2007. There are also not data saying on the percentage of estimate uninsured age 0-64 in 2005 and 2006, but there are (167,004) 20.0 percent in 2007. [...]
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