Christianity, God, perfection, christians, memorable images, interior movements, Sermon on the Mount, Peter Wehner, Jesus Christ
A human manifestation of God is unique in all of human history because God is unique in his radical variations from anything created and anything that poses as a god or those falsely worshiped as a god. He is unlike any other being, for His holiness is unique and makes his separateness. God is absolute for possessing traits of perfection, for his power is beyond defeat or surpassing. His understanding is limitless; hence, no counsel or wisdom can avail against him. Additionally, his love is reckless and immeasurable. He is personal and thus worthy of worship, Thanksgiving, love and repentance, for he is above the impersonal forces and things. Transcendence is portrayed through honoring his lordship, kingship, and rule as the one seated on the throne. He is immanent in that he incarnated and is present for the saving and deliverance from sin and its consequences. Finally, as the creator, his uniqueness calls nonexistent things into existence.
[...] His understanding is limitless; hence, no counsel or wisdom can avail against him. Additionally, his love is reckless and immeasurable. He is tripersonal and thus worthy of worship, thanksgiving, love and repentance, for a is above the impersonal forces and things. Transcendence is portrayed through honoring his lordship, kingship, and rule as the one seated on the throne. He is immanent in that he incarnated and is present for the saving and deliverance from sin and its consequences purpose. Finally, as the creator, his uniqueness calls the nonexistent things into existence. [...]
[...] I agree with Christ's message in the Sermon on the Mount. Christ's teachings focus on how people should treat each other as Christians. The Sermon on the Mount teaches Christians to be gentle, patient, tolerant and kind to others. Christ teaches Christians to remain humble, forgiving and generous towards their neighbours, for it is a way of showing love. The message about forgiveness struck me because Christ encourages believers to love their enemies. According to Christ, we should pray for those who persecute us. [...]
[...] Christ advocated for the repentance of sin and for people to get out of their comfort zones, for some were used to different forms of sin that were perceived as usual in society. Christ's criticism of the leaders of the Jews makes Him a radical for standing with His teachings. Works Cited Molloy, Michael. The Christian experience: an introduction to Christianity. Bloomsbury Publishing, 2017. Wehner, Peter. "The forgotten radicalism of Jesus Christ." New York Times. Retrieved from www. nytimes. com/2020/12/24/opinion/jesus-christ-christmas-incarnation. html (2024). [...]
[...] Jesus showcased some level of radicalism when He questioned those who wished to stone a woman for she was believed to be immoral. Jesus points out people's hypocrisy, for they were not as clean as they claimed to be. I perceive Christ as radical for advocating for the poor and the less fortunate in society. Christ strongly believed in love, humility, and forgiveness. Describing Christ as a radical justifies His character. He stood for mercy, acceptance and sacrificial love and disliked how people were controlled by lust and selfishness. Society hated Christ, for He comforted them regarding their sins (Wehner). [...]
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