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Course materials in culture, religion & civilization

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3 results

12 Dec 2024

History, Culture and Society: Spain From the Ancient Age to 2023

Course material - 31 pages - Culture, religion & civilization

The document covers, in the form of revision sheets, key events in History from the Ancient Age to the year 2023. Excerpt: "Under the reign of Philip II (1556-1598), Spain was the first world power. When the king of Portugal died without descendants, Philip defeated the other candidates and was...

01 Oct 2024


Course material - 47 pages - Culture, religion & civilization

No empire other than Great Britain brought to its colonies the technological tools (railroads, modern medicine) and the political ideals (capitalism, the rule of law) that made possible the development of stable and egalitarian societies. This explains why 54 nations, most of them former British...

30 Jul 2024

British diplomacy between the 11th and the 20th century

Course material - 2 pages - Culture, religion & civilization

William the conqueror overthrew the ruling power of the time which was the anglo-saxons and the Danish. William was the duke of Normandy, England. His descendants became dukes of Western France. They weren't really English. They were called the Angevins. The family has a lot of power and...