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471 results

05 Jan 2010

A personal experience on attention deficit disorder (ADD)

Thesis - 8 pages - Psychology

Someone once said, “Be careful what you wish for, for it might just come true.” I thought writing a paper from the personal perspective of an adult living with attention deficit disorder (ADD) , would be a comparatively easy task. I have written about the many unrelenting challenges I...

05 Oct 2009

Psychological profile: Andrei Chikatilo

Case study - 5 pages - Psychology

Every human is capable of committing murder; however, there are only a select few who actually chose to do so. Murders are classified by their nature, whether or not they were premeditated, and the number of victims slain and the time span of the murders. Serial killers are those who generally...

05 Oct 2009

How can we define 'abnormal behavior'? Discuss and evaluate how views on abnormal behavior have changed over time

Thesis - 4 pages - Psychology

Throughout the history of man, there have always been individuals behaving against the current by acting or believing in so-called strange and outlandish ways. Some may view this as eccentricity or down right bizarre. Others may perceive this as signs of illness or distress and characterize the...

25 Sep 2009

A study on the deviance in a person

Thesis - 6 pages - Psychology

According to sociologist Travis Hirschi in his article Control Theory of Delinquency, the act of deviating from the norms in a given society is caused mainly, not by the social structure, but by the deviant himself and the strength of his connection to that society. In this paper I will try to...

23 Sep 2009

Psychological anthropology

Thesis - 5 pages - Psychology

Quoting Williams, Ahearn defines “structures of feeling” as “'meanings and values as they are actively lived and felt' by real individuals [Ahearn, p. 53].”'. The structures in this phrase are not static, but are always growing and changing in discernible patterns. Both Lutz...

14 Sep 2009

Understanding the human consciousness

Thesis - 10 pages - Psychology

Human consciousness can be apprehended only from within as a concrete experience constantly present in all of us, it is not yet possible to give an objective definition. This is not something outside us that we can identify and analyze in neutrality, it necessarily refers us to a subjective...

14 Sep 2009

Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD): Diagnosis and interventions

Thesis - 3 pages - Psychology

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is defined by the DSM-VI as an anxiety disorder that affects roughly 3 million Americans aged between 18 and 54 years of age. Diagnosis is reached by identifying certain characteristics of behavior, both compulsive and obsessive, and care needs to be taken to...

14 Sep 2009

Understanding addictions through case study approach

Thesis - 6 pages - Psychology

Carol has had a history of “at risk” behaviors including promiscuity, drug and alcohol use, petty theft and relationships with inappropriate individuals. At twenty-four years of age she often uses drugs and alcohol to suppress feelings of depression, inadequacy and isolation and she has...

04 Sep 2009

Psychology and altruism

Thesis - 4 pages - Psychology

“When well-being comes from engaging our strengths and virtues, our lives are imbued with authenticity.” One of the most important aspects of the psychology of happiness is meaning. This is when you have figured out your strengths and are using them to develop yourself as well as others...

25 Aug 2009

The treatment of social phobia using cognitive behavior therapy

Thesis - 5 pages - Psychology

Social-phobia has affected how many people live their lives. Social phobia is a serious mental disease, but it is not difficult to diagnose or treat. Many theories and therapies have been used to treat social phobia. But one of the most affective and commonly used therapies is...

25 Aug 2009

The mini mental state examination

Case study - 4 pages - Psychology

The Mini Mental State Examination has been a common tool amongst psychologist and doctors for over 25 years. Marshall F. Folstein, Susan E. Folstein, and Paul R. McHugh developed the test in 1975 (Albanese). Since then doctors and researchers alike have tested its accuracy and usefulness. It has...

14 Aug 2009

The psychological keys to success

Case study - 11 pages - Psychology

Do you feel grateful for what you have? There are good reasons that you should. Research has found that being grateful for what you have has positive effects on numerous areas of health and well-being, including, “Higher reported levels of the positive states of alertness, enthusiasm,...

13 Aug 2009

An examination of Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) from a developmental perspective

Thesis - 11 pages - Psychology

Etiology is defined as “the study of causes or origins.” The definition specifically refers to causes and origins, plural. Determining the etiology of a disorder is not simplistic or easy. Examining the etiology of a disorder, specifically from a developmental perspective, becomes...

13 Aug 2009

The gender difference in the prevalence of adolescent depression: An examination of the ABC model of depression as an explanation

Thesis - 5 pages - Psychology

“Boys have a penis. Girls have a vagina.” That pure wisdom is a quote from the movie Kindergarten Cop. The little boy summarized the differences between boys and girls quite well but unfortunately nothing in life remains just that simple. Recently the more complex differences between...

13 Aug 2009

A comprehensive examination of psycho educational multifamily group therapy

Tutorials/exercises - 18 pages - Psychology

While the field of psychology has come a long way from locking the door and throwing away the key on people who carry a mental illness diagnosis, there is still a long way to go. Regardless of the research that has been done attempting to normalize these problems as medical diseases many people...

13 Aug 2009

RUN (Respect, Understand, Nourish): A program to address obesity as a psychosocial barrier to learning

Case study - 9 pages - Psychology

It will come as no surprise to most people reading this that sixteen percent of adolescents living in the United States meet the criteria for obesity. If it's not a surprise then why does the problem persist? Why isn't someone doing something? It all boils down to accountability. Society...

11 Aug 2009

Forensic psychology

Thesis - 8 pages - Psychology

Every day ethical issues arise. Sometimes we notice them, often we don't. More frequently than not we follow a natural instinct rather than sitting down and charting out pros and cons because we subconsciously identify ethical concerns and respond based on that reaction. In the field of...

11 Aug 2009

An examination of intelligence

Thesis - 4 pages - Psychology

Emotional intelligence is defined as a person's self-awareness, self-confidence, self-control, commitment and integrity, and a person's ability to communicate, influence, initiate change and accept change (Partnering Intelligence Inc.). It has an enormous impact on the workplace. Empirical...

11 Aug 2009

A room with a cue: Personality judgments based on offices and bedrooms

Case study - 3 pages - Psychology

Making a good first impression is important. One can observe a great deal of information about character and personality based on a first impression. What if the first impression involved zero-acquaintance? Zero-acquaintance is when there is no direct physical contact with an individual, just a...

29 Jul 2009

The problem of other minds: Empathy in the psychological development of children

Thesis - 5 pages - Psychology

Discerning other minds is an issue rooted in the philosophical tradition with implications for ethical morality, epistemology, phenomenology, cognitive studies, psychology, and childhood development. While this list is by no means exhaustive, it suggests the extent to which an agent's attempt to...

29 Jul 2009

Rapid reasoning: Racial bias as a result of heuristic cognitive process

Thesis - 5 pages - Psychology

Simple and complex judgments or decision-making are often performed in conditions which are not ideally rational, and the cognitive thought-process of the brain in fact follows unstated heuristics besides logic. Current research in cognitive reasoning finds that it takes more energy for the...

28 Jul 2009

Depression in adolescents

Thesis - 4 pages - Psychology

The purpose of this paper is to shed light on the often overlooked prevalence of adolescent depression. Adolescence is a time in a person's life that a beautiful amount of growth and maturity occurs, physically, emotionally and socially. It is an important point of development in a person's...

28 Jul 2009

Achievement motivation as it applies to competitive sport

Thesis - 3 pages - Psychology

An important psychological need is the need to achieve: the motive to achieve success by exceeding previous levels of success set by one's self and/or others. Achievement motivation can be characterized as both the need to achieve and as the need to avoid failure. The purpose of this paper is to...

15 Jul 2009

An analysis of the problems encountered concerning the transition from childhood to adulthood

Thesis - 4 pages - Psychology

Adolescence is the period in life just before maturity; it is the transition from childhood to adulthood. This transition is quite often very difficult one as the child adjusts, and has to come to terms with the responsibilities that they face as they progress in life. This essay will look at...

10 Jul 2009

The coherent concept of psychical distance and the danger of neutrality

Thesis - 6 pages - Psychology

In 1912, Edward Bullough published “‘Psychical Distance' As a Factor in Art and as an Aesthetic Principle,” a seminal article that permanently introduced “Psychical Distance” as a fundamental term for 20th Century aesthetic theory. A certain suspicion, however, has...

06 Jul 2009

Theories of family counseling/therapy

Thesis - 5 pages - Psychology

I was introduced to John Gottman, Ph.D. by Phil Donahue during the summer of 1995. At that time, Dr. Gottman was promoting the paperback edition of his book, Why Marriages Succeed or Fail?And How You Can Make Yours Last (Gottman, 1995) on the Donahue show. Also at that time, I had taken a break...

05 Jul 2009

Reactive attachment disorder: A developmental spectrum

Thesis - 5 pages - Psychology

Within psychology, many different fields exist. Development, social, and abnormal psychology are considered distinct disciplines within the field, and those who specialize in one discipline rarely spend time in the study of another. Counseling is a substrate of abnormal psychology, focusing on...

03 Jul 2009

Addressing the philosophical foundations of ethical issues as they pertain to mentally disabled individuals

Thesis - 3 pages - Psychology

Since the beginning of technology and new advancement, doctors are now able to give expecting parents the news of the condition of their unborn child. The early stages of prenatal care and development of the unborn fetus state can now be determined with almost 95% accuracy. What hurts the...

01 Jul 2009

Fixating on the oral: Today's common obsessions

Thesis - 8 pages - Psychology

James Baldwin once said, “Not everything that is faced can be changed. But nothing can be changed until it is faced.” There have been great movements throughout time based on change. Recently, however, grand movements of change (such those seen throughout the eighteenth and nineteenth...

15 Jun 2009

Psychological aspects and related psychopathology to HIV infection

Thesis - 5 pages - Psychology

The recent introduction of therapy with protease inhibitors among persons infected with HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) has greatly improved the prognosis of the disease patterns consequent to infection. In particular, it improved the course of the disease and several other clinical aspects,...