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29 Aug 2013

Article analysis: Intelligence testing

Case study - 2 pages - Psychology

The word intelligent has a multitude of diverse descriptions. There are some individuals who deem intelligence to be how smart one is. Then there are individuals who hold the belief that one's intelligence is a scale that rates the amount of knowledge and the worth of that knowledge that an...

29 Aug 2013

Ethnic group conflict

Case study - 2 pages - Psychology

Within Southeast Asia there is a region called Burma. Throughout this region there is much suffering because of the war waged between the Myanmar Tatmadaw regime and the Democratic Karen Buddhist Party. The individuals who make up the Democratic Karen Buddhist Party are an ethnic assembly who...

29 Aug 2013

Probation and parole officers job analysis

Case study - 1 pages - Psychology

With the recent market declining it is much harder to locate a job. This is the same for the employers but it is not because they have a lack of individuals seeking employment. It is sifting through the masses to try to find an individual that will labor at their job with the goal of positive...

29 Aug 2013

Industrial/organizational psychology

Case study - 2 pages - Psychology

Industrial/organizational psychology was accepted in the late nineteenth century. There are two key divisions that I/O psychology is composed of and both are considered to be types of psychological science. The workforce and the affiliation shared throughout an organization are symbolized within...

29 Aug 2013

Script for orienting new employees

Case study - 1 pages - Psychology

After an arrest is made, knowledge of the criminal act(s) as well individual(s) who have participated in the criminal act then becomes public knowledge. The Albany Police Department's Public Information Officer produces bi-weekly arrests and responses for the public on the company website under...

28 Aug 2013

Environmental psychology article analysis

Case study - 2 pages - Psychology

Regrettably, natural catastrophes are frequently present within the world. Numerous places around the globe are enduring or have experienced a certain form of natural disaster. Some of the most common around the world are tornadoes, hurricanes, tsunamis, flash floods, and earthquakes. . To...

28 Aug 2013

Environmental psychology

Case study - 2 pages - Psychology

There is a wide collection of diverse disciplines held within the field of psychology. An individual's environment is made up of various factors that depict the variety between individuals and in what way individuals adapt. Environmental psychology is defined as “the study of how changes in...

28 Aug 2013

Implications for the future

Case study - 2 pages - Psychology

The basis of stress management is the need to eliminate stressors, create new ideas, and implement guidance to assist individuals change or adjust behavior in regards to stress. There are numerous environmental stressors such as noise, crowds, and weather. When an individual exercise methods to...

28 Aug 2013

Issues in psychological testing worksheet

Case study - 2 pages - Psychology

Two ethical issues that can associate with psychological testing are test bias or discrimination, and a breach of confidentiality or the violation of patient rights. Within psychological testing various facets hold a position in what way the examination will generate a yield. Nevertheless, one...

28 Aug 2013

Diversity in personality theories

Case study - 2 pages - Psychology

The causes for human behaviors were questions asked by theorists for many years. A great deal of exertion was put into discovering this reasons that were strived for. The knowledge of human behaviors is not as trouble-free as many individuals would propose. Exclusive as fingerprints are...

28 Aug 2013


Case study - 3 pages - Psychology

Five theories of emotion try to give explanation to the interpretation for this occurrence; however this article will envelop the James-Lange, Lazarus, and Facial Feedback Hypothesis theories with a justification of the experimental and correlation research methods. Within a human beings...

28 Aug 2013

Motivation and the brain

Case study - 2 pages - Psychology

According to Deckers (2010) food preference is stated to be a universal motive that humans possess. As humans, nutritionists encourage us to eat from a variety of foods as a means of ensuring we are consuming all the nutrients necessary to keep us in good health. However, from infancy we...

28 Aug 2013

Late adulthood and death

Case study - 2 pages - Psychology

When an individual is heaved into this world they begin with nothing at all as pertaining to knowledge and experience. The individuals that are raising the child and anyone who comes into contact with them provide the stimuli that allow the infant to progress and learn the skills needed for the...

28 Aug 2013

Middle childhood and adolescence development

Case study - 3 pages - Psychology

Adolescence is undoubtedly the most unbalanced division of an individual's life span development. It is during this part of an individual's life that they are transitioning from youth into adulthood. This era of transition changes faintly between every individual but all adolescents go through a...

28 Aug 2013

Development during infancy and early childhood

Case study - 2 pages - Psychology

The base for the development of a human being comes in the first two years of one's life span. The maturity that begins to take place includes psychosocial, cognitive, and biosocial growth. Now all these expansions take a special position in one's development but the individual's family unit...

28 Aug 2013

Eating, substance abuse, sex/gender/sexual impulse and personality disorders

Case study - 2 pages - Psychology

Schizophrenia, psychosis, and lifespan development all hold a vital part of an individual's overall psychological wellbeing. If a disorder is handled quickly it increases the odds of a proper diagnoses and a better action of treatment. Disorders such as schizophrenia, psychosis, and lifespan...

28 Aug 2013

Schizophrenia, psychosis, and lifespan development

Case study - 2 pages - Psychology

Schizophrenia, psychosis, and lifespan development all hold a vital part of an individual's overall psychological wellbeing. If a disorder is handled quickly it increases the odds of a proper diagnoses and a better action of treatment. Disorders such as schizophrenia, psychosis, and lifespan...

22 Aug 2013

Life span perspective paper

Case study - 1 pages - Psychology

Lifespan maturity is a development starting at conception that carries on pending death. The succession initiates with the materialization of a fetus from a single celled organism. As the fetus is born as a child and enters the world the environment in which the youngster exists begins to...

22 Aug 2013

Diverse nature of psychology

Case study - 2 pages - Psychology

Psychology explores the reasons why individuals carry out certain actions and by performing these investigations many subdisciplines have been created within the field. The creation of these subdisciplines has made psychology exceedingly diverse field. Having this diversity within the field of...

22 Aug 2013

Altruism and psychology

Case study - 2 pages - Psychology

My random act of kindness was paying a family member's cable bill so her service wouldn't get turned off. This case was a bit more unique because it wasn't just her favorite channels she would be missing out on. She has a twelve year old autistic son who if doesn't have internet, will get into...

22 Aug 2013

Attention worksheet

Case study - 2 pages - Psychology

Life can become vastly more complex which requires added attention these days. Going back to the time when there were no cars, cell phones, or any other device that would sidetrack someone as effortlessly as today, attention was easier focused and less divided. Now a day, things altered and...

22 Aug 2013

Cognitive brain function paper

Case study - 2 pages - Psychology

All the way through the history of psychology there have been primarily two outlooks of the localization of higher cognitive functions, phrenology and reactions to phrenology, which is the holistic approach. In present day given the latest information and studies, one of which is the Phineas Gage...

22 Aug 2013

Cognitive psychology

Case study - 1 pages - Psychology

The division of psychology that deals with an individual's internal states and cognitive functions such as, attention, problem solving abilities, motivation, and even thinking is cognitive psychology. The expansion of cognitive psychology is noticeable by a number of milestones in the department...

22 Aug 2013

Ethics awareness inventory

Case study - 3 pages - Psychology

The Ethics Awareness Inventory (EAI) is employed to appraise an individual's ethical technique. Every person has his or her own standpoint. This standpoint or outlook can be brought about form the individual's analysis of wrong and right. The majority of individual's place the foundation his or...

22 Aug 2013

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy - published: 22/08/2013

Case study - 2 pages - Psychology

In the beginning the thought of the heart and soul was different from the “mind” that we know today, and the treatments were used to clear the body of bad blood that made individuals act inappropriately. Since then therapies to help treat the illness that people were consumed with was...

21 Aug 2013

Applications of Clinical Psychology

Case study - 3 pages - Psychology

Research conducted in the past finds that mixed receptive-expressive language disorder has no conclusive evidence of the causes, however; research does find two different types: developmental and acquired (Encyclopedia of Mental Disorders, 2012). Current researchers continue to conduct studies to...

21 Aug 2013

Sources of motivation

Case study - 1 pages - Psychology

Motivation is described best as an initiation guidance, movement, or guidance, which causes a human being to demonstrate certain types of defined behavior or set and acquire goals. As some are aware it is the source of motivation that forces a human being to attend school, work, or to bring to...

21 Aug 2013

Learning and memory paper

Case study - 4 pages - Psychology

Memory and learning are bonded in relation to one another. The concept is so similar that people confuse them with each other. Although many people think it is the same, by definition, the two are quite different. Learning is the process that will modify a subsequent behavior and memory...

21 Aug 2013

Gender Identity

Case study - 2 pages - Psychology

Every person possesses a gender identity within their self's which nearly everyone match one's anatomic look. A person's gender indentify is either male or female or possibly something in between. This is a significant individual trait that adds to ones self-worth. It is the mode in which one...

21 Aug 2013

Does sexual abuse at a young age lead to becoming a sex addict?

Case study - 2 pages - Psychology

Expansion and consequent worldwide increases of at no cost trade and internationalization makes way for numerous amounts of fresh benefits given to humanity. With that in mind the aged and fresh collective inequities have made their presence known. With this happening it has permitted a shocking...