EI Emotional Intelligence, social sciences, society, professional success, theory of emotional intelligence, Daniel Goleman, educational sciences
As a future job seeker and employee, emotional intelligence is crucial for me to attain professional success.
The theory of psychology that is linked the most to this job role is the Theory of Emotional Intelligence proposed by Daniel Goleman. This theory indicates that people who have high EI will be more capable of dealing with harmful interpersonal relationships, handling emotions, and adapting to different situations (Goleman, 2020). Implementing the concepts of EI theory in this position can have a tremendous impact on work relationships by encouraging empathy, listening skills, and effective communication with employees and customers. Furthermore, by regulating emotions and resolving conflicts peacefully, employees will contribute to an effective and harmonious working environment.
[...] Similarly, the ability to grow my emotional intelligence skills through the given role gives me a chance to participate in social improvement. The more I improve my social comprehension and the ability to understand different views, the better I can achieve diversity, equity, and inclusion in my workplace and community. Furthermore, the development of self-control and conflict-solving skills, as highlighted by De Forsberg & Reichenbach (2021), will help me effectively and constructively handle hostilities, making peaceful and problem-solving negotiation possible in order to reduce the potential negative impacts on society. [...]
[...] Emotional Intelligence as a Key to Professional Success and a Healthy Society As a future job seeker and employee, emotional intelligence is crucial for me to attain professional success. This response discusses how showing social awareness, using EI skills, applying psychological theories, and implementing strategies to enhance EI will help me successfully cope with the job role and create a positive relationship in the workplace. I. Characteristics of Social Awareness In this professional role, exercising social awareness skills would be essential as it requires being aware of the influence that my thoughts, feelings, and actions have on the people around me. [...]
[...] https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&profile=ehost&scope=site&authtype=crawler&jrnl=23107901&AN=155737309&h=hAcBr3AwjEfeTcfqE4V1GFhGeQpVpKFeT0kXY2hhJHpKazYXkcvtmF5Ml8Fdq%2B2jLX7uaRSigt%2FMvFeqvyGPdA%3D%3D&crl=c Masduki, M., & Zakaria, N. (2020). Fulfilling the demand for workplace communication skills in the civil engineering industry. Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 28(4), 3069-3087. http://pertanika2.upm.edu.my/resources/files/Pertanika%20PAPERS/JSSH%20Vol.%2028%20(4)%20Dec.%202020/32%20JSSH-6472-2020.pdf Nguyen, L. A., Dellaportas, S., Vesty, G. M., Pham, V. A. T., Jandug, L., & Tsahuridu, E. (2022). The influence of Organizational Culture on Corporate Accountants' Ethical Judgment and Ethical Intention in Vietnam. Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, 35(2), 325-354. [...]
[...] Through enhancing self-awareness, social awareness, self-regulation, and conflict-resolution skills, people cannot only succeed in their careers but also create a better society with more harmonious and inclusive interactions. - References De Forsberg, S. P., & Reichenbach, R. (2021). Conflict, negotiation, and perspective-taking. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. https://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=AkRDEAAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PR5&dq=Furthermore,+the+development+of+self-control+and+conflict-solving+skills+will+help+me+effectively+and+constructively+handle+hostilities,+making+peaceful+and+problem-solving+negotiation+possible+in+order+to+reduce+the+possible+negative+impacts+on+society&ots=CmPz9tx1gZ&sig=yyRndlPx6Gi7taD8KHXt6RPTJ7w Goleman, D. (2020). Emotional intelligence. Bloomsbury Publishing. http://dspace.vnbrims.org:13000/jspui/bitstream/123456789/4733/1/Leadership%20The%20Power%20of%20Emotional%20Intellegence.pdf Jundran, S. U. (2021). Time Management: Concept, Technique, and Impact upon Performance. Journal of Educational Sciences & Research, 8(2). [...]
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